12 SEO Statistics That You Should Know Before Proceeding Into 2022

Digital Marketing |   February 17, 2022 by  Alekh Verma

Organic Search is perhaps the best way to get your business found by your target audience in this age of internet.

And, because of the same, SEO or Search Engine Optimization plays a quite important role in helping businesses and brands reach their potential buyers.

Although with the upsurge with modern ways of making their names prominent, brands are yet to move past SEO due to its great potential of driving organic traffic to their websites.

However, SEO takes time to come up with results, as most other ethical marketing tactics do.

So, it’s time for you to be a bit more patient and go through the 12 key SEO stats mentioned below.

12 Key SEO Statistics

The stats mentioned below will really prove to be very useful for you in the upcoming year. Make sure you get the most out of them.

Let’s get started.

1. More than 200 ranking factors are used by Google’s search algorithm

Nobody knows about how Google actually ranks website in their SERPs, except Google itself.

But SEO experts have always been keeping a keen eye on these rankings in order to make sure they can get the most out of it.

Backlinko has been doing this job of keeping track of the ranking factors and according to them there are over 200 ranking factors that Google considers.

2. By 2022, over 55% of households are likely to have a smart speaker

You might not be considering voice search eligible enough to optimise, but reality is a bit different.

It is high time that you start optimising your content for voice search besides your long form content as 55% of all households are likely to have smart speakers by 2022.

Conversational phrases go better with voice searches, so it is better to start focusing on phrases that can get you the best out of it.

3. 360 billion (and counting) searches have been conducted on Google in 2021

Google has become an integral part of every household and that is why the number of searches getting triggered are increasing every second.

Moreover, today, the tendency of people relying on online shopping over physical stores more than ever.

So, if you can make good use of SEO to rank well enough in the SERPs, then that can help you gain a lot of advantage over your competitors and 2+ trillion other searches.

4. The first 5 organic searches on first page of Google searches receive 67.60% of all clicks

People are burning their midnight oil continuously to get the top-most ranks in the search engine result pages.

And, the reason is quite clear.

Although, a good lot of marketers out there do not consider participating in the race of ranking, however, that is really a bad decision if you are lacking traffic.

Yes, over 2/3rd of all searches getting triggered, fall for the top five search results that appear on the first page of a relevant search.

5. Google considers link building and high-quality content as the most important ranking factors

Google’s Sr. Search Quality Strategist, Andrey Lipattsev, said told marketers about this stat back in 2016. And, no wonder it is still true.

High-quality content can really help you gain a lot of traction in the Google searches. Hence, it being one of the most important ranking factors is not unusual.

On the other hand, as link building makes a great deal of impact on the authoritativeness of a website, Google does prefer.

This is because such links help Google understand that the content present in the concerned website is trustworthy.

6. Average word count of the content present in Google’s top ranks is 2,416 words

Marketers often wonder about the most accurate length of a content that can convince Google about their quality and credibility.

The answer is quite clear now.

So, to get a good enough rank in the relevant searches, be consistent about creating content that has a length of around 2000-2500 words.

And, this is why long-form content is considered as so important by digital marketers, globally.

7. Out of all the searches getting triggered on Google, 15% are entirely new

SEO is not just about competing with your niche business owners in order to gain more traffic.

But it is also important in getting the attention of the new searches getting triggered every second.

According to Google’s BERT, “neural network-based technique for natural language processing (NLP) pre-training.”

It means, that today it is more important to focus on what a searcher is intending to find rather than what they are typing in the search box.

So, invest your efforts, accordingly.

8. Average length of the voice search result pages is 2,312 words

Be it textual search or search using voice, long form content always rules.

And, this statistic result makes it quite clear that even Google considers preferring long-form articles for coming up with the best results for voice searches as well.

So, if you are focusing more on creating snacky content to keep your audience engaged, you are probably missing out on a bigger opportunity.

9. Around 36% of all SEO experts consider title tag as the most important element for SEO

It is a malpractice that a few SEO experts consider title tags as the last resort as they tend to spend too much time being busy in crafting the body content.

And this survey result makes it even clear that the term ‘malpractice’ is quite appropriate here.

Not just headlines/ title tags are important for Google to understand what your content is all about, but it also gives you a chance to garner more audience on social media sites as well as in gaining more backlinks.

10. Long-tail keywords generate 3-5% higher CTR than generic searches

Long-tail keywords get ignored by a good lot of SEO experts out there, however, that is not how it should be treated.

Such keywords help you get closer to a search intent and helps your content immensely in securing a high rank in the SERPs.

And that too 3-5% more than regular keywords.

11. 62% of all millennials consider visual search over any other search techniques

Not just millennials, but most of the Gen Z too considers visual search over anything else.

Yes, you can consider it as “images have become the new version of keywords”.

So, if you haven’t already started focusing on visual search and optimising your images accordingly, then it is high time to focus on the same.

12. Videos get 50 times more organic rankings than textual content

A survey by Forrester research tells us that videos are more likely to gain more traction in the SERPs over textual results.

And, it is not any tough to understand the reason.

Video content is definitely more engaging, and as not too many marketers focus on videos, they can really help you get a great share of the entire traffic.

So, why not give it a try?

What’s Your Take?

SEO experts should always be on their toes in order to make sure that they are not missing out on something in this ever-changing marketing world.

And, if you too are one of those marketing enthusiasts, then these stats will definitely help you in starting 2022 with a strong foot hold.

Although, if you are still lagging a bit behind, then go through these stats to make the most out of them.

Yet, if you feel like getting some more help, feel free to get in touch with us at eSearch Logix to give your business a new success!

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


SEO Company, seo services, SEO trends 2022, top SEO company India

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