What Topic Cluster Content Strategy Is? Why It Matters for Your SEO Approach?

Topic Clusters
Digital Marketing |   November 1, 2022 by  Alekh Verma

SEO landscape is constantly evolving, and the related aspects in the SEO are also going through a paradigm shift.

The most important in that is the content model for the businesses. And when we talk about SEO content strategies or model creation, topic clusters are one aspect that are gaining high notion in the present times.

What are Topic Clusters?

Think about having a base subject, and different verticals of content branching out from this core subject. This is what topic clusters are.

The three basic facets of topic clusters are:

  • Pillar Content – The Core Subject that describes a theme or a broad topic
  • Cluster Content – Topics that are related to the pillar content / core subject
  • Hyperlinks – Each cluster content linking back to the pillar content

Topic clusters enable SEO marketers to create a structure content flow that are correlated and linked-back to the pillar, which ultimately helps in enabling Google and other search engines to index the website and content easily, with improved ranking as the resulting factor.

Topic Cluster Content Strategies – The Core Goals

Topic clusters are used to:

  • Improve contextual reference
  • Create an internal linking pathway that covers a broad topic in a structured way
  • Improve Search Engine Result Page rankings
  • Improve conversions
  • Widen the target audience base for outreach with cohesive content SEO strategies

Why Topic Clusters Matter More than Ever for a Detailed Content Strategic Plan?

  • Develops Content Authority

With topic clusters, you are telling Google and other search engines that you are covering a topic in detail and cohesively, meaning you have the relevant information. This overall helps in creating contextual and organizational content structure, which boosts content authority factor.

  • Develops Internal Linking

There is no doubt that linking is one of the key concepts of SEO strategies. With topic clusters you are able to improve on your internal linking, which establishes relevancy signals.

  • Enhances Conversion and UX Factor

Users are now smart and Google emphasis a lot on user-intent in content promotion. Topic clusters follow a step-by-step approach that provides a detailed, easy and structured navigation to the users, which helps in improving the overall UX and boosts conversions.

  • Improves Keyword Research Process

When you are following pillar page and related cluster pages, you are not just focusing on the popular keywords but also other related keywords, including LSI. This overall provides with coherence in keyword strategy and research.

  • Increases Relevant and Rich Content Creation

With topic clusters, you have a set and detailed plan on what broad topics to cover, what correlated clusters to write about. This increases your content production speed, which helps in developing and generating informative content specific to your target audience.

What Steps to Follow for Creating Effective Topic Cluster Content Strategies?

  • Identify the Pillar Page Topic

This has to be your core service your brand is engaged in. The theme of your pillar page has to revolve around what your company do, what industry you belong to, and who your target audience is and what they want to get informed about.

  • Map Put the Customer Journey

You should define the persona of your target audience, which can be based on your buying preferences, profiles, demographics and customer behaviors. Charting out the customer journey will help you pin-point what relevant information you have to push to engage them.

  • Base Your Keyword Research on Cluster and User Intent

As we have told above, your keyword research won’t only be limited to the popular keywords, but also the search intent of your target audience. The keyword research should be comparative, refined and relative to what provides uniqueness, richness and in-depth insight to your audience.

  • Create Content that is Diversified

The main objective of topic cluster is to cover a broad topic and with detailed approach that covers key aspects related to that pillar subject.

The pillar topic has to be a broad term so that you are able to find, and create various clusters related to that. The clusters must be relevant to the pillar page and are able to link back to the pillar page relatively. Use topics related to the subject that are trending and thus help you gain high traction.

  • Follow Strategic Internal Linking Strategy

A key concept of topic clusters is to create internal linking. The better your internal linking is, the better augmented your cluster linking result factor will be. Proper linking helps to keep your target audience engaged on your website, and it helps to drive conversion.


While topic clusters are key and must-follow SEO strategies to gain traction, higher SERPs and improved user engagement, traffic and conversion, you should avoid the basic cluster mistakes that are content flooding and content silo-ing.

Topic clusters are a paramount step when you want to make your content process stand out, provide high-end value to your users and win audience with creative, informative approach.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


content strategy, SEO content strategy, seo strategies

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