An Expert Guide to Structured Data for Organizing & Optimizing Your Website

Structured Data
Digital Marketing |   April 14, 2023 by  Alekh Verma

Meta- Looking to improve your site’s CTR and visibility in SERP? This guide will help you with the complications of Structured Data and how it is beneficial for SEO.

In recent years SEO has come a long way. The dependency on SEO is more than ever. Now online businesses need to focus on SEO to outperform the competition.

When you search a query, it now shows an impressive and better search result that would help satisfy your request at a glance rather than the boring list of plain blue links it used to. All credit goes to Structured Data.

Although SEO has options for better practices, the pros structured data brings down the table are most suited for online businesses.

Rich snippets, which are a component of structured data, give search engines a better understanding of the primary subject matter of a given web page.

If your business isn’t advancing over this crucial component of SEO, this needs to change. Now.

The concept of structured data could be overwhelming; here’s an expert guide to win your SERP results.


What is Structured Data?

Search engines can better comprehend your website by using structured data to describe it. To describe your website to search engines, you’ll need a vocabulary that conveys material in a language they can comprehend. The most popular search engines turn your content into code that they can rapidly parse using a vocabulary called

It is kept in schemas like databases and adheres to particular, well-defined models. These schemas may be accessed and used by both people and computer programs, and they often have a tabular structure with clearly defined columns and rows for each feature.

Importance of Structured Data in SEO

Data influences businesses. It gives you the knowledge required to make judgments. It additionally provides search engines the information about the niche for your website. Structured Data are the core of On-page SEO; here is how.

1. Get Rich Results

Rich results are search results that have been graphically upgraded and have information derived from pertinent structured data.

2. Join Google’s Knowledge Graph

A knowledge base of entities and the connections between them can be found in Google’s Knowledge Graph. Structured data may create and have an impact on entities like you, your brand, and your products.

3. Encourage Semantic Search

Instead of focusing on typical keyword matching, semantic search examines the meaning of search requests. This is how Google can provide accurate results for such a broad query:

4. It Increases Relevance.

Structured data’s goal is to make it easier for search engines like Google to comprehend the website’s information.

In general, structured data helps websites better explain their information to search engines since it is easier for them to interpret than plain text.

5. It Boosts CTR

Structured Data can raise the overall CTR of the webpage by using structured data to present rich snippets within the SERP.

Every time a web crawler scans a page, it searches for any structured data to create a visually appealing snippet of that page in search results.

6. Encourage your E-A-T

E-A-T stands for Expertise, Authority, and Trustworthiness. The “three things Google looks for in a web page” are these three things. Structured data makes it simpler to evaluate your E-A-T by giving Google information about your website, its content, and its authors.

Also Read: Understanding E-A-T: Boost Your Website’s Authority and Trustworthiness

Schema Markup and Structured Data

The official website for Structured Data is A standardized computing language called schema markup, commonly known as, organizes and makes search engines understand the information on a webpage.

It comprises terminology that enables search engines like Google to comprehend the real subject matter of the website and present its information more enticingly and effectively in the search results.

The largest search engine—Google!—created in 2011 to establish and support a standard format for structured data that any website owner may use.

Google and Structured Data for SEO

According to the broad definition, there are as many different kinds of structured data as there are methods for storing, managing, and rapidly recognizing information. Nevertheless, structured data only has one meaning in the context of your SEO plan: Using markup.

Supported Formats

Although there are several markup types supported by, JSON-LD, Microdata, and RDFa are the most popular ones. A concise summary of the main three formats for structured data in SEO is below:


The markup is added to the page’s head via JSON-LD using a Javascript object. Because you may add it to your site without damaging anything, we strongly advise utilizing this compact, straightforward style. Moreover, Google favors this format.

An included JavaScript notation in a <script> tag in the <head> and <body> elements of an HTML page.


“@context”: ““,

“@id”: ““,

“name”: “John Lennon”,

“born”: “1940-10-09”,

“spouse”: “




Before JSON-LDs, this was the SEO format that was in use. Because the structured data in this format is included in the website’s primary HTML, it has a somewhat higher chance of causing a page to crash when improperly implemented.

<div itemscope> <p>My <em>name</em> is <span itemprop=”name”>E<strong>liz</strong>abeth</span>.</p> </div> <section> <div itemscope> <aside> <p>My name is <span itemprop=”name”><a href=”/?user=daniel”>Daniel</a></span>.</p> </aside> </div> </section>



RDFa publishes data linked in HTML5 pages using the HTML5 syntax. An HTML5 extension that adds HTML tag characteristics that match the user-visible material you wish to describe for search engines, supporting linked data. RDFa is always in the use in both parts of HTML. Though it also works, this solution isn’t our preferred pick because Google doesn’t recommend it.


<!DOCTYPE html><html lang=”en”>  <head>    <title>Example Document</title>  </head>  <body vocab=””>    <p typeof=”Blog”>      Welcome to my <a property=”url” href=””>blog</a>.    </p>  </body></html>


Ways Businesses Can Use Structured Data

  1. As an SEO Tool

Webmasters can edit the HTML of their website to add “microdata,” a group of HTML elements that search engines can use to describe a webpage. Microdata tags make it easier for search engines to comprehend a website, which increases the likelihood that it will show up in search results.

  1. Machine Learning

Programmers develop and enhance supervised learning-based machine learning algorithms using structured data. Well-labeled training data is used to train machines in supervised learning because organized training data tends to apply to the machine’s rules more readily than unstructured data.

  1. Data Management

Business intelligence software may employ SQL databases or Excel files to track essential data such as client contact information, login credentials, and financial transactions. Many programs are used to store structured data, including MySQL, PostgreSQL, and online analytical processing.

  1. ETL

It involves removing data from its sources, cleaning it up, and then converting and putting it into a vast data repository, like a data warehouse.

  1. AMP (Accelerated Mobile Pages)

Accelerated Mobile Page, or AMP for short, is a super-fast version of your page that can replace the original page in mobile results. These sites may show up in AMP carousels, a highly sought-after spot for bloggers and publishers.

  1. Social cards

A default picture, title, and description are generated for the page when you connect to it on a social media site like Twitter, Facebook, Pinterest, or another one. These descriptions and illustrations aren’t always accurate. Social cards, a type of structured data that interacts with social networks, let you manage what appears on social networking websites.

How to Implement Structured Data to the Website

Although Google may be intelligent, it cannot comprehend anything on its own. Using the proper structured data markup can ensure that Google can understand your material and help you perhaps enhance exposure, even if it may seem like a lot of extra work. Here’s how you use Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper to build structured data.

  1. Open Structured Data Markup Helper

Launch the Structured Data Markup Helper tool from Google.

  1. Make Your Data Type Selection and Type the URL

Ensure that the Website tab is active. Choose the data type to which you want to apply HTML markup. At the bottom, enter the HTML code or the URL of the web page, then click Start Tagging.

  1. Add Data Tags to Page Items that are highlighted

Your website should appear on the left side of the tool when it loads, and data items should appear on the right. To add data tags like name, author, and publication date, highlight various elements on your website page. You’ll see the details come up under My Data Tags on the right side as you choose and apply data tags.

  1. Generate the HTML

Click Generate HTML in the top right corner once you have completed categorizing and assigning data pieces.

  1. Include the Schema Markup on your Webpage

You ought to notice your structured data markup on the right side of the following screen. By default, the tool generates the script as JSON-LD markup, but you may switch it to Microdata by selecting Microdata from the JSON-LD drop-down option in the top menu. For an HTML version of the script, click Download. Click Articles in the right corner above the markup to learn more about including structured data in your article.

Copy and paste the updated HTML markup into your CMS or web page’s source code to “publish” it. Last but not least, click Finish in the upper right corner to view Google’s suggested Next Actions, one of which will direct you to this one. With Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool, test your markup.

  1. Open Google’s Structured Data Testing Tool

HTML code or any URL for a web page you’d want to test can be entered here. I’m examining the code that Google’s Structured Data Markup Helper Tool previously generated in the example below. To begin, click Run Test.


  1. Diagnose and Fix Any Detected Issues

The program will display your HTML markup on the left and an analysis of your markup on the right. See any warnings or errors in red. Before “publishing” the tested HTML markup, you may correct any HTML mistakes directly in the tool panel if necessary.


Workflow of a Structured Data Markup

Regardless of the Schema type or implementation strategy you select, the general procedure will be the same and seem as follows:

Step #1

Choose the schema type and locate the pages on your website where it may be used.

Step #2

Generate your markup. Use the tools to generate the code or create it by hand.

Step #3

Verify your markup. Always use Google Rich Results Test or the Schema Markup Validator to check the code before adding it to the pages of your website. This will ensure that your structured data is accurately interpreted by all search engines.

Step #4

Install markup on your site in this validation stage. The markup can now be included on your website without risk.

Words to Wrap Up

Without structured data markup, Google’s crawlers rely on data extracted from your website, and the outcomes of this crawl may be incorrect, unreliable, and inconsistent. On the other hand, the crawl is more dependable when your page has robust structured data markup.

Regardless of whether you want to use structured data markup on your e-commerce website for SEO or free and paid listings, doing so is crucial. Today’s SEO strategies place a high value on structured data since it may make you stand out from the competition by providing relevant responses to users’ search queries.

Discuss this with your digital marketing agency to know whether they emphasize this strategy and what technologies they use.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


Structured Data, Structured Data Markup, Structured Data Optimization

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