How to Better Your Poor Conversion Rates with Website Content Review

conversion rates
Digital Marketing |   January 19, 2022 by  Alekh Verma

The average conversion rate for websites is around 2 percent.

Which clearly means that from 100 people visiting your website, only 2 people might convert to your customers, successfully.

For a good lot of websites, this rate is even lower. For them, it goes down to 0.2-0.1 percent. Which means, their website caters to 1000 visitors, in order to achieve one or two successful conversions.

Your website is an entity over the internet that helps you showcase your product or service to your potential buyers. But content is the part that helps in building relationships with your potential buyers, ensure credibility and convinces to take necessary action.

So, at times when you do not find your website performing well enough, there are chances that the problem might be with your content.

Let’s find out how you can improve your conversion rate with content review and what to do when content is not the issue?

How To Perform Website Content Review?

Website Content Review is the way to improve your website’s performance, making necessary changes to the web content.

Here is how you can do it.

  1. Set Defined Purposes for Every Page

Every page of your website should have a defined goal.

As your website’s primary goal is to convert prospects into customers, your web pages should pave the way for the same, streamlining the entire process.

And, this is why your webpages need to have defined purposes which can guide a website visitor through your website and make them take your desired action.

For instance, the home page of your website is meant to provide an all-encompassing information to your audience in order to make sure that they have a brief idea about what you do and how you do it.

Speaking of your product pages, they are meant to inform your audience about your product and convince them to buy from you.

Your blogs are meant to enlighten your audience with helpful information, telling them why they should invest and keep their faith on your brand.

Go through your entire website and check if any of your webpages is not doing their job perfectly. If they are not, then it is time for a revamp. And, there is not much to improve, then a few tweaks will do.

You can also create a spreadsheet in order to make sure that you have not missed out on anything.

  1. Go Through the Analytics

Going through the analytics of your website is quite important. It helps you understand and get a good grip of quite a lot of things and improve them if necessary.

For this all you need is a free program which can help you derive necessary information quickly, easily and accurately.

To be honest, analytics tool leverage quite a lot of data, and none of it is unnecessary. But here all you require to check is which pages are successful in gaining most attention of your website visitors, how long your audience is staying on your page and where they are moving to.

To get a good eye on it all, Google Analytics does a pretty fine job.

So, now as you have already defined purposes for each page and managed them accordingly, keeping a tab on the website analytics would help you check if things are going just the way you want them to go. Yes, with a website analytics tool like Google Analytics, you can easily find out where your website visitors are going and how well is your strategy guiding them through your website.

Find out if they are reading your blog posts, see if they are taking the necessary actions where you want them to. If things are going well, that’s great.

If not, then you should focus on giving your website content a good update.

  1. Find Out Your USPs

From any analytics tools that you use, you can find out which part of your website is doing better than the rest and which part is lagging behind.

So, when you get to know which part of your analytics tool is performing the best, that is what your USP is. Yes, that is what attracts your audience the most.

This is what you can use to gain more traction. Work on it, create more content regarding the same and spread it through several mediums.

Say suppose, you have a few evergreen blogs on SEO. And, through your analytics tool you found out that those blogs are gaining good attention of your audience.

Then this is a good chance for you to establish your presence as a resource for similar kind of knowledge.

Also, you can place a few engaging CTAs in those blogs. You never know those CTAs might help you get some valuable information about your prospects. And, that information will pave the way to a successful conversion.

  1. Make Sure All Information Is Up to Date

Nobody wants to go through something that is outdated.

So, there is no point in keeping anything that is outdated on your website.

Your website visitors would just bounce away if they find your website content dull and providing no value to solving their query.

Hence, you need to stay updated with your website content as well as with your blogs all the time. Keep posting blogs that leverage quality information and help your audience gain more knowledge about what they are looking for.

Scrutinise your web content very minutely and you will definitely find out loopholes and scopes for betterment. And, if your web content has not been updated for quite a while, then it is high time that you start working on the same.

Try to keep your content informative, yet engaging. Tweak words and jargons as per requirement. Keep on performing some light editing. Look for typos and other sort of errors and when you find any of them, rectify them right at that moment.

Keep a close eye for anything that you think is not accurate, off-brand or misleading.

  1. Study Competitor Websites

Competitor analysis is also a crucial part of content review. In fact, you look closely you will surely find something on your competitor websites that are worth learning from.

There will be certain things in your competitor websites that are better than what you have to offer from your website which is why their business is still running. Hence, look for those points with a keen eye.

Compare the attributes of both the websites. See where you are doing better and where you are lagging behind your competitor. Keep working on the areas so that you can hold your lead for those areas where you have an upper hand. And look for areas of improvement for your own website where your competitor is doing better.

This is how you can benefit your business with competitor analysis.

This what a content review can help you with when your website is not performing well or at least, is not being able to keep up with your expectations.

What Else Can You Try Other Than Content Review?

Now, let’s find out what else can you work on to see desired results and push conversion further ahead.

  • Offer Money-back Guarantee

Customers avoid to take any risks. And that is why they try their best to perform enough research that can help them make the best decisions.

They take enough time to make sure that whatever money they are paying for a particular product or service, is worth it, and they are not putting their hard-earned money at stake.

This monetary doubt can be easily tackled by offering your prospects with a money back guarantee. It helps them to take a step towards trying out how effective a particular product or service is. If things go right, then they are likely to settle down. If not, then they always have a door open to welcome their money back home.

Now, you might be worrying about losing all your sales due to this offer. But, let us assure you that any such thing is not going to happen.

  • Churn Out Better CTAs

No matter which website you step into, you will always find CTAs over there. But, hardly there will any of those CTAs which will be convincing enough to push you to make the call.

Yes, “Sign Up”, “Start Free Trial”, etc., these generic CTAs are of no good other than a regular formality.

You have to do something with those small phrases that can really create the impact. All you have to do is spending a few minutes brainstorming with your content team and you will come up with something innovative.

A small tip from our side: You can try adding “Yes” in the beginning of your CTA. This really makes a positive impact in pushing your prospects to perform the necessary action.

Psychologically speaking, this is extremely effective in convincing your customers as it starts with a positive note and casts a positive light on the entire CTA.

Such as, if you are offering a free trial, your CTA sound like: “Yes, I want a free trial”.

It can do wonders and works certainly better than those dull and generic CTA copies that you will come across in most websites.

  • Remove Any Distractions

If you have something on your website that might distract your website visitor from their path to conversion, then you need to remove it ASAP.

Nothing can be worse than something like that. It is like your website is doing its own harm and keeping you away from a successful conversion.

Do not stuff your landing page with unnecessary texts or any other elements. It should pave the path for a prospect to convert into a customer. Hence, you need to make sure that it is clear, concise and the website visitor can easily navigate to where you want them to go.

So, keep away from stuffing anything on your landing pages that is not necessary.

Try to keep these elements (and only these if possible):

  • Headings and subheadings
  • Features
  • Benefits
  • Reviews and testimonials
  • Minimal body content and visuals of your product/service

You can also add an option for live chat and a few convincing product videos. But these are not so necessary if their distraction quotient is higher than the necessity quotient.

If you still have no idea about which areas of your website can be distracting, you can just check heatmap using heatmap tools like Hotjar and remove everything that is your audience is engaging with which has no use in conversion.

  • Add Video Testimonials

You would never want to be the first person to use a particular product or service, would you? No, right?

Exactly. So, to help your audience deal with the same dilemma, you need to convince them well enough. And, reviews and testimonials from past clients can do really very well to handle the same.

You can also add logos of your previous clients on your homepage which is very effective in creating a great first impression.

And, nothing can be more credible than a video testimonial as in such testimonials your visitors will be able to see or themselves about how your product or service has helped someone else. It will also help them derive how beneficial your product or service can be for them.

And, this is what growth marketeer Angie Schottmuller said in an interview with ConversionXL, “If quality social proof buffers notable uncertainty, get ready for some remarkable conversion impact–in some cases up to 400% improvement.”

  • Add A Countdown Timer

Do you remember the time when you were writing your answers in your examination and suddenly you see that you do not have much time left? You felt anxious. And, every human feels the same whenever they see time running out.

With a countdown timer in place, you will be able to capitalise on that feeling of your website visitors quite easily.

Adding such a timer is subject to increasing the urgency of making a decision, and often times it is on behalf of the vendor. This is not just a layman talk, but it is what Neuroscience Marketing says about this trick.

In fact, a study by ConversionXL also says that brands have experienced 332% hike in their sales after they started leveraging a limited-time offer that had a countdown timer attached to it.

Yes, a countdown timer can immediately increase your conversion rate and is practically very effective.

Wrapping it up

Nobody likes the vibe of a poor conversion rate and that is why they try out every possible opportunity to make things work. Putting in efforts is a good thing, but when done effectively, it can boost your conversion rate faster than ever.

So, summing up all of it, to improve your conversion rate, you need to keep up with these:

  1. Set Defined Purposes for Every Page
  2. Go Through the Analytics
  3. Find Out Your USPs
  4. Make Sure All Information Is Up to Date
  5. Study Competitor Websites
  6. Offer Money-back Guarantee
  7. Churn Out Better CTAs
  8. Remove Any Distractions
  9. Add Video Testimonials
  10. Add A Countdown Timer

If you can implement these properly, you will surely recover your poor conversion rates and see better results in no time!

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


Content Writing Strategy, improve conversion rates, website content writing, Website Conversion rates

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