Why do Marketers Fail with SEO and How to succeed at it?

Why do Marketers Fail with SEO and How to succeed at it?
Digital Marketing |   August 14, 2020 by  Alekh Verma

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is just like gambling, if you work with thorough and useful resources, it might take you to the long road of success. One shouldn’t miss out on a fact that superior results cannot be generated overnight at any cost, so don’t ever try to make any shortcut otherwise you will fail miserably, more often.

Without knowing how SEO works, you’ll fail time and again. So, if you want to gain a competitive edge over others, you should acquire professional SEO services to understand overall market value, what your target audience is looking for, and what works the best to drive organic search and traffic to the website.

Why do Marketers fail to Attain Better Results with SEO?

The ‘success’ and ‘failure’ of SEO certainly depends on the techniques being used. The strategy that used to work a couple of years ago might not work in the future or maybe even working against you. Let’s take a closer look at some reasons why do marketers fail with SEO and how they can improve it.

Why do Marketers fail to Attain Better Results with SEO?

Even though failure is hard to digest, it could happen with anyone at any time. Being a winner in the digital marketing world could be a big challenge. Getting flaws in your marketing game? Here are some reasons why you’re failing repeatedly: –

1.    Using Outdated Strategy

The primary objective of a search engine is to satisfy their users’ needs and provide them with the best possible results on what they’re looking for. There are chances you’re still using obsolete SEO tactics but not any longer. Search algorithm tweaks can have a major impact on search results. Thus, ensure to keep your knowledge up to date with cutting-edge trends and technologies to drive superior results.

2. You were Expecting Results Overnight


2.    You were Expecting Results Overnight

SEO cannot be performed in a hurry as it is a long-term procedure. As a marketer, your expectations should be accurate and realistic while deciding goals for any campaign. Generally, SEO experts set a certain timeline for a campaign to start delivering results but that doesn’t mean you will achieve all the success within that time frame. So have some patience to see growth and benefits over time.

3.    You are Not Focusing on Earning Backlinks

Backlinks are still one of the crucial ranking factors which you cannot overlook at all. Search engines like Google always emphasize on earning high-quality backlinks rather than just building it. If you’re not performing this step in a comprehensive manner, you could be penalized by Google and that’s what holding your website back from generating better rankings.

4.    Keyword Targeting Issues

Keywords play a significant part in SEO rankings. The much narrow your keywords will become; the more traffic you will lose. At the same time, if you’re targeting too broad keywords, you might find difficulty in generating qualified leads and sales.

How to Turn Your SEO Failure into Success?

Why do Marketers fail to Attain Better Results with SEO?

Search Engine Optimization is a beautiful journey to experience so don’t take it as an event. You cannot take it out of your marketing strategy when it has several opportunities to offer. Here are some basics you can follow to achieve your goals effectively: –

1.    Be Transparent

Maintaining transparency always works in creating realistic expectations. Don’t expect results too early as SEO is a continuous process, takes some time to grow and show great results. It is good to establish an evaluation process to revive your action plan and make the requisite alterations.

2.    Look for Alternatives to Nurture

If your niche is too competitive, it is good to find better alternative solutions for driving traffic rather than competing against giants. Options like content marketing, local SEO, social media, PPC, and more could work well in such cases. So be smart with your targeting game and choose different sets of sales funnels to accomplish success.

3.    Create a Proven SEO Strategy

A proper SEO strategy can yield good results. So, establish a suitable action plan for each campaign to achieve the desired success. Remember, those tactics will only drive results for years only when they are implemented correctly and foster your credibility continuously.

Final Words…

Failure is a hard thing to accept but as soon as you cope up with it you can focus on evaluating your process and take it on a path of success again. It is always wise to learn from your mistakes and stay up to date with the latest trends to determine what’s working and what’s not. Don’t try black hat SEO techniques, it may give you some initial benefits but through these, you will not sustain for long-term.

Be smart and stay focused on the final goal to avoid failing at SEO.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


search engine optimization, SEO, seo services

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