Reasons Why You Should Focus on Keywords with Zero Search Volume

zero volume keywords
Digital Marketing |   November 21, 2022 by  Alekh Verma

Should you pursue keywords with no search volume? Being the owner of an online business, you are aware of the importance of keywords in increasing website traffic. You might, however, have been misled into thinking that only highly trafficked keywords are worthwhile of your time and effort. However, it’s also true that terms with no search activity might be highly important as well.

In this article, we’re going to explore how targeting zero search volume keywords can benefit your business, and also how to locate and utilize these keywords for maximum benefit.

What Exactly are Keywords with Zero Search Volume?

Zero search volume keywords are those for which there is little or no information available regarding past searches. These keywords tend to be significantly more precise and longer than more basic ones with high search volume. While tools like Google AdWords and Moz can offer broad information on how competitive a given phrase is, they are unable to offer any statistics on how frequently this keyword is searched.

When optimizing their content and websites, SEOs and marketing experts should consider these zero search volume keywords. Optimizing for these inquiries can still be beneficial even though there may be less competition because it enables you to target a certain audience that is interested in what you have to offer.

The Distinction Between Zero Search Volume and Long Tail Keywords

Long tail and zero search volume keywords are hot topics in the world of SEO. But exactly what does that mean?

Long tail search terms, which often have four words or more, are equivalent to keywords with no search volume. Users can create these questions in a variety of ways. The total search volume for all questions is therefore extremely substantial, even though the search volume for each question is almost slim.

Long tail and zero search volume are variations of similar keywords. However, they can generate a lot of traffic when combined because they are precise and pertinent to what consumers are looking for. Thus, it is crucial to incorporate both long-tail and low search volume keywords in your SEO approach.

How Do Keywords with Zero Search Volume Affect a Site?

It all has to do with optimization if you’ve ever wondered why certain websites rise to the top of search engine results pages (SERPs), while others languish at the bottom. The act of ensuring that your website is as accessible and pertinent to potential clients using search engines like Google is known as search engine optimization or SEO. Understanding and meeting the needs of the consumer is another essential element of efficient SEO.

To put it another way, if you can determine what a user is looking for when they input a particular phrase into a search engine, you’ll be more likely to be able to satisfy their needs, which will help you rank highly in the SERP. It’s not always simple to determine the searcher’s objective, of course. But fortunately, certain resources and tips can be useful.

You can gain insights into what people are searching for by using algorithms like Google’s BERT and MUM, which are built to understand correlations between various terms and queries. Additionally, conducting your research on well-known keywords and phrases will help you have a better understanding of what people are looking for and how to deliver the most pertinent results.

Reasons to Target Low Volume Keywords

The following are some of the main justifications for selecting zero volume keywords:

  • Less Competitive

Many SEO experts concentrate on high-volume keywords that receive a lot of searches from potential customers. Targeting less competitive or even nonexistent volume keywords has merit as well. These keywords will, by definition, have less competition, which increases the likelihood that you’ll rank for them.

  • They are extremely precise.

Zero volume keywords are particularly powerful because your audience frequently finds them to be extremely relevant. Most of the time, when people search for these terms, they are seeking highly precise information. Your website stands a strong possibility of appearing high in the search results because there isn’t a lot of content available that addresses these particular demands.

  • They help produce traffic.

First, using zero-volume keywords provides you with the chance to attract brand-new clients. Keep in mind that 15% of Google searches are original. This implies that there is a sizable pool of potential clients out there who may be interested in your goods or services but haven’t had the opportunity to locate you.

Second, you have a better chance of generating organic hits and leads from long-tail inquiries when you target zero-volume keywords. This is because customers who arrive at your page via a long-tail inquiry are typically further along in the purchasing process and are thus more likely to convert.

So, if your present SEO strategy isn’t yielding the desired results, it may be time to attempt zero-volume keywords. You’ll be surprised by the amount of success you can achieve with it.

Guidelines for Finding Low Volume Keywords and Using Them to Drive Traffic

1. Conduct a Keyword Research.

Choosing the right keywords requires first understanding what people are searching for. You must conduct keyword research to discover the search phrases consumers use to reach your website, products, or services. Think about locating precise, long-tail keywords. You may easily dominate these less common and less competitive keywords with the right content.

The following are some methods for finding long-tail keywords:

  • Use the “people also ask” area of the SERP to find related queries. This tool might assist you in coming up with ideas for topics that are linked to your main inquiry. You can find some helpful long-tail keywords there because it shows up in the search results on desktop and mobile devices.
  • Using Google’s suggest tool is another fantastic method for coming up with long-tail keywords. Start typing a key phrase associated with your company to see what Google provides. These suggestions are solid suggestions for keywords because they are based on actual search queries entered by real users.
  • To monitor how the popularity of particular terms changes over time, you may also utilize Google Trends. This can help you gain some understanding of the keywords that are valuable to target right now and those that may be valuable in the future.
  • Lastly, don’t overlook competitive research. Look at the keywords that your rivals are using and see if there are any holes in their content strategy that you can cover with your own. You may identify the ideal blend of high-traffic and low-competition phrases to focus your SEO efforts on by conducting all of this keyword research.

2. Understand the relevance.

You look for stuff that is pertinent to your search when conducting an online search. Usually, the top of the search engine results page (SERP) will display the most relevant results. There is no information to help you decide whether a keyword is appropriate when you are aiming for zero search volume keywords, though. In this situation, you must rely on your knowledge of the target keyword phrase and experience.

Look for the keyword in forum threads or postings on social media. It’s likely that if people find the topic important, it’s already being discussed. In the end, you can more accurately assess the target keyword phrase’s significance to your organization by taking the time to understand it and how it is used.

3. Use related search terms.

The appropriate keywords must be used if you’re serious about ranking in Google. This entails locating keywords that are low in competition, have significant search traffic, and are also pertinent to your industry. Starting with a seed term and then using Google’s Keyword Planner tool and similar tools to locate related keywords is the best method for discovering these keywords. To find out which keywords other websites in your sector are targeting, you can also have a peek at them.

After compiling a list of probable keywords, you must conduct more investigation to determine the level of competition for each keyword. This can be accomplished by entering the keyword in Google and examining the number of results that appear.

It will be quite challenging to rank for that term if there are millions of results. However, that term might be much simpler to rank for if there are only a few thousand results.

4. Attract the appropriate audience.

The purpose of searchers’ queries is among the most crucial considerations when it comes to SEO. After all, your efforts will be in vain if you are not attempting to attract the appropriate audience. Therefore, it’s crucial to consider all the possible methods that people could search for your website when developing your SEO strategy.

You can ensure that you are catching the intent of every visitor who lands on your site by using a range of phrases in your approach. As a result, your SEO efforts will be able to increase traffic and conversions.

5. Focus on purchasing keywords.

Knowing the search terms that people use is crucial if you want to sell a good or service. Keywords with a purchasing connotation include “best,” “first,” and “versus.” Despite having a smaller search volume, these keywords are significantly more precise, which makes them potentially more useful for boosting sales.

You can reach potential clients who have not yet begun their investigation but are likely to be interested in your product or service by focusing on purchase keywords. Check the search results on your favorite search engine to see what everyone is looking for. Then, to increase sales, design your marketing campaigns around these key terms.

6. Utilize “Problem Solving” Keywords

Any SEO campaign must start with keywords because they enable you to target potential clients who are looking for terms associated with your company’s objectives. Make sure the phrase is related to your niche and that it is a frequently searched term if you want to rank for that keyword.

You can also think about the issues that your product or service resolves and look for keywords that are associated with those issues. You may increase your chances of ranking well on search engine results pages, which will subsequently help you draw in more customers, by focusing on relevant and well-liked terms.


There will always be some keywords in any business that are more popular than others. And it can be tempting to attempt and target those high-volume keywords when you’re first getting started to increase traffic to your website. However, you won’t be able to turn those people into paying clients if you don’t have any authority in that field and your content isn’t of the highest caliber.

Targeting zero search volume keywords that are relevant to your sector is ideal. By doing this, you can increase brand recognition among consumers looking for something different and begin to gain their trust.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


digital marketing, Keyword Research, keyword research tools, Keyword Strategy, SEO Company, seo services

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