Understanding OpenAI’s New Chatbot ChatGPT and How It May Affect You in The Future

Digital Marketing |   January 9, 2023 by  Alekh Verma

ChatGPT is a new OpenAI long-form question-answering technology that conversationally gives answers to complex questions asked by the user. This tool is set out to revolutionize technological advancement as it’s been trained to comprehend what humans mean when they ask a question to the ChatGPT.

This tool has awed a lot of users with its ability to give human-quality answers, and a lot of people believe that it’s going to completely change the way humans and computers interact with each other and how information is retrieved.

In this article, we’re going to attempt to understand what is ChatGPT and how it affects the human population in the future. We’ll be covering the following topics-

  • What is ChatGPT?
  • Who Built ChatGPT?
  • Large Language Models
  • How was ChatGPT Trained?
  • Is it for everyone?
  • What are the limitations of ChatGPT?
  • Is the Tool free to use?
  • Will ChatGPT Replace Google Search?
  • How Can ChatGPT Be Used?
  • ChatGPT and Digital Marketing
  • Can ChatGPT Replace Human Creativity?

What is ChatGPT?

OpenAI’s ChatGPT is an AI-powered chatbot that can create conversations on any subject. This cutting-edge technology has a wide range of applications and offers fascinating insights into the potential of machine communication. It can also help human users and websites communicate, compose blog posts or social media updates, develop more complex customer support bots, and do a lot more.

OpenAI developed ChatGPT, a huge language model chatbot, based on GPT-3.5. It has a remarkable capacity for conversational interaction and occasionally displays astonishingly human-like responses. Large language models perform the task of predicting the next word in a string of words. ChatGPT further uses Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) as an additional training layer to obey instructions and provide responses that are acceptable to humans.

A step further, the ChatGPT chatbot can even comprehend the context and learn how to answer questions more accurately over time. Due to its learning capabilities, it has practically infinite conversational subject matter, which makes it a powerful AI tool.

Who Built ChatGPT? 

ChatGPT was developed by OpenAI, an artificial intelligence company headquartered in San Francisco. The OpenAI LP is a for-profit subsidiary of the nonprofit organization OpenAI Inc. It also creates images for the text prompts for the well-known DALLE, a deep-learning model from OpenAI.

The former president of Y Combinator, Sam Altman is the CEO of OpenAI, and Microsoft has invested $1biilion in the company as an investor and partner. Both these people have worked together to create the Azure AI Platform.

Large Language Models

ChatGPT is a sizable, large language model (LLM) which are trained on enormous amounts of data to accurately predict which word will appear next in a phrase.

It is also given that as there’s more data available, the language models can perform more tasks. Stanford University claims:

  • With over 175 billion parameters, GPT-3 was trained on 570 terabytes of text. On the contrary, its predecessor GPT-2 was 100 times smaller and contained only 1.5 billion parameters.
  • The GPT-3 is now capable of carrying out tasks for which it was not particularly taught, including translating lines from English to French, with little to no training data. The behavior of the model is significantly impacted by the increase in scale.
  • This trend was largely absent in GPT-2. Furthermore, GPT-3 outperforms models that were specially trained to manage certain issues, despite failing at some tasks.

LLMs predict the next word in a string of words in a sentence as well as the sentences that will come after it, much like autocomplete but on a mind-boggling scale. This allows the tool to write long paragraphs and entire pages of material. But one problem with LLMs is that they frequently are unable to fully understand what consumers want.

ChatGPT also advances the state of the art in this area with the help of the aforementioned Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback (RLHF) training.

How Was ChatGPT Trained?

GPT-3.5 was trained on vast amounts of code-related data and knowledge from the internet, including sources like Reddit arguments, to help ChatGPT understand dialogue and develop a human manner of replying. Reinforcement Learning with Human Feedback was also utilized to train ChatGPT to teach the AI what questions people usually ask. The LLM is being trained innovatively since it is being taught more than just predicting the next word.

This innovative technique is described in a study article titled “Training Language Models to Follow Instructions with Human Feedback:

  • We seek to increase the positive effects of large language models by educating them to obey the commands of a particular group of humans.
  • The next word prediction objective, which language models by default prioritize, is merely a proxy for the actual task we want these models to do.
  • Our findings imply that our techniques may enhance the use, precision, and security of language models.
  • Growing language models may not necessarily make them better at deciphering user intent.
  • For instance, large language models may yield outcomes that are false or detrimental to the user.
  • In other words, these models don’t account for their users.

To access the outputs of these two systems, the ChatGPT hired contractors (referred to as labelers) ChatGPT-3 and the new InstructGPT.

The researchers’ conclusions are as follows as a result of the ratings:

  • When compared to GPT-3 outputs, InstructGPT outputs are vastly preferred by labelers.
  • GPT-3 is outperformed by InstructGPT models in terms of accuracy.
  • InstructGPT displays no bias but slightly less toxicity when compared to GPT-3.

According to the research article’s conclusion, InstructGPT’s results were successful. However, there always is room for improvement.

Overall, our results demonstrate that while huge language models can be considerably enhanced by utilizing human preferences to fine-tune them, much work still has to be done to improve their security and dependability. ChatGPT was specifically trained to decipher the human intention behind a question and provide helpful, frank, and harmless responses. This sets ChatGPT apart from a standard chatbot. That directive permits ChatGPT to challenge specific queries and disregard any unclear parts of the query. Another ChatGPT study reveals how they trained the AI to predict user preferences.

The researchers found that the metrics employed to assess the outputs of AI for natural language processing produced machines that performed well on the metrics but didn’t correspond to what people would have expected. The following explanation of the problem was supplied by the researchers:

“Many machine learning applications concentrate on optimizing simple metrics, which are only loose approximations of the designer’s goals. This could lead to problems, like YouTube recommendations that promote clickbait.

They had the bright notion to create an AI that could reply with responses catered to human preferences. They used datasets of human comparisons of various answers to train the AI to enhance its prediction of the types of responses that people would find acceptable.

According to the study, the training involved testing the system with news summaries and summarizing Reddit postings. A research report titled Learning to Summarize from Human Feedback was released in February 2022.

Here are the researchers’ findings:

In this paper, it has been discovered how summary quality can be improved by teaching the machine to optimize for human preferences. We collect a substantial, high-quality dataset of human comparisons of various summaries, train a model to predict the human-preferred summary, and then use reinforcement learning to optimize a summarizing policy using that model as a reward function.

Is It for Everyone? 

Users of all types were considered when ChatGPT was developed, from individuals who require a more individualized experience when interacting with chatbots to corporations seeking a simple and quick approach to offer automated customer care.

With its wide range of characteristics, ChatGPT can comprehend human interactions and produce intelligent responses. Some of these features include automatic response production, natural language understanding, and conversation analysis. This means that everyone may profit from employing this potent technology, from little businesses to large ones. ChatGPT is the ideal tool for anyone wishing to improve their communication abilities, whether you use it for customer service chats or more private uses like language learning.

What are the limitations of ChatGPT?

  • Disallowances for Toxic Reaction

ChatGPT is made to prevent users from reacting negatively or destructively. It won’t answer some queries as a result.

  • The level of directionality affects the caliber of the responses.

A significant ChatGPT constraint is the degree to which the output quality depends on the input quality. In other words, following directions (prompts) from professionals result in better responses.

  • Answers Are Not Always Reliable

The responses may induce individuals to believe that the output is accurate because they are designed to offer responses that feel natural to humans, which is another disadvantage. Many users have noticed that ChatGPT occasionally provides misleading information, sometimes blatantly inaccurate information.

The moderators at the coding Q&A website Stack Overflow noted that sometimes responses that seem acceptable to people have unintended consequences. User responses from ChatGPT appeared to be the appropriate answers, but many of them, flooded Stack Overflow. After the volunteer moderator team became overwhelmed with the thousands of answers, the administrators prohibited any users who submitted ChatGPT-generated answers.

The flood of ChatGPT answers led to the creation of a post with the headline “Temporary policy: ChatGPT is banned:”.

  • This regulation is a temporary attempt by the makers to cut down on the number of answers and the other content that’s generated by ChatGPT.
  • The fundamental problem is that while ChatGPT usually produces incorrect responses, they frequently “look like” they “might” be correct.

OpenAI, the company that created ChatGPT, warned about this when they first announced the new technology. Incorrect ChatGPT responses that seem correct have been encountered by Stack Overflow moderators in the past.

  • OpenAI Describes ChatGPT’s Limitations

The OpenAI announcement contained the following caution:

Occasionally, ChatGPT offers solutions that are correct yet incorrect, or irrational. This issue is can be quite difficult to solve:

  1. RL training currently lacks a source of truth.
  2. The model rejects queries that it can correctly answer by being more cautious, and
  3. Supervised training deceives the model since the best response depends more on what the model knows than what the demonstrator knows.

Is the Tool Free to Use?  

During the “research preview” period, the ChatGPT is free for everyone to use. So, now all the users have the opportunity to test out the chatbot and provide feedback as a response so that the AI can work on improving the inquiries and learn from its errors. And according to the official statement the ChatGPT’s makers, they are really happy to receive all or any inputs regarding errors:

  • Although the tool has been instructed not to accept unsuitable requests, there are still some instances when the tool will accept negative instructions or behave in a bad manner.
  • Although for the time being, we expect some false negatives and positives, we are using the Moderation API to warn users or block particular types of hazardous content.
  • We welcome user feedback to assist us in our ongoing efforts to enhance this system.

Will Language Models Replace Google Search?

Google already has an AI chatbot called LaMDA. LaMDA, according to a Google engineer, was sentient since its chatbot performance was so comparable to a human conversation. Given that these enormous language models can answer so many questions, is it implausible that a company like OpenAI, Google, or Microsoft will eventually replace traditional search with an AI chatbot?

There have already been a lot of instances where people on Twitter have predicted that ChatGPT would eventually overtake Google. However, it’s a terrifying prospect for people who earn their living as search marketing experts that a question-and-answer chatbot would eventually replace Google.

It has sparked discussions in online forums for search marketing, including the well-known Facebook SEOSignals Lab, where someone questioned whether or not the majority of search queries would move away from search engines and toward chatbots.

I have to admit that after utilizing ChatGPT, the concern of chatbots replacing search engines is not unfounded. Although technology has a way to go, it is possible to envision a search future that blends chatbots with hybrid search. However, it appears that the way ChatGPT is now set up will eventually require users to pay credits to access it.

How Does ChatGPT Work?

Text in the form of short stories, poetry, music, and even code can be created with ChatGPT. Because ChatGPT is adept at following directions, it is changed from a source of information into a tool that may be utilized to do a task.

Therefore, it may be utilized to create essays on just about any topic. You can use ChatGPT as a tool to make book-length or even article-length outlines.

ChatGPT and online advertising

ChatGPT can also be used as a cutting-edge new digital marketing tool that is sweeping sectors and fields. Modern natural language processing technology may be used to connect with customers in real time, allowing brands and businesses to have a strong and individualized presence on their websites, social network accounts, or mobile apps. ChatGPT will transform how digital marketing is done across all industries with features like automated response triggers and customized visual designs. Digital marketing can now take advantage of the most recent technical developments to grow relationships with clients of diverse backgrounds and tastes. It is no longer constrained by strict templates and constrained communication tactics.

Can it take the place of human creativity?

Unquestionably, ChatGPT technology has the potential to improve communication, lessen manual labor, and provide solutions to challenging issues. Many people are concerned that this technology may eliminate the need for creative human thought. This is entirely false because the purpose of the ChatGPT technology is only to enhance human skills. Machine-run dialogues are more efficient than ever, allowing people to devote more time and resources to their creative endeavors.

Better data on consumer interactions and behavior, backed by AI-generated conversation summaries, might be useful to professionals as well. By giving people the support, they need to come up with ground-breaking ideas and thoughts, ChatGPT’s expanding potential promises an enormous rise in creativity, not a loss.


Creative persons are not threatened by ChatGPT; on the contrary, it supports the advancement of their work. ChatGPT can deliver ideas with human assistance while the latter adds context and lead the system in the right direction. We can only produce tales and material that convey even more captivating narratives when artificial intelligence and the human brain work together. Therefore, it is evident that ChatGPT is not a means of rivalry for those who are creative but rather an essential tool for advancing content.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


Chatbot ChatGPT, ChatGPT, Guide to ChatGPT, Understanding ChatGPT

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