How Can an Amazing SEO Report Change the Game?

SEO report
Digital Marketing |   January 10, 2023 by  Alekh Verma

How to Create the Right SEO Report?

Working on the SEO project strategically is the first priority but what is the second one? It is the step where you need to know the way to represent your work. Sometimes it is more important than the priority. While working on a project, you need to make your efforts visual. For this, questions come, how will you make the technical terminologies and improvements presentable in front of every client? This needs you Understanding SEO Reports.

Creating SEO Reports is the game of creating a clear sheet that your clients will understand. Let’s check out the points and ideas that will help to create seo reports that will grab the attention of your client and reflect most of your efforts. An attractive SEO report will make your clients trust that they are working with a reputed SEO company.

Google Analytics Report 

How to do SEO Reporting?

Learn to create advanced report structures far from Typical SEO reports. It all starts from the three major steps and gives an amazing SEO report as an outcome. SEO reports do not come with an explanation of industries only. But also the top results from the bottom of the line, let’s start learning to create amazing SEO reports, quickly.

Search engine optimization is a long-term process and it shows the results after a designated period. Whether you are creating weekly, daily or monthly reports just need to know a few factors to mention in the report.

1. Determine your objectives

You need to set an objective similar to the one that the client is expecting from you. Marketing specialists and consulting experts know the SEO Report Template making and psychology behind outcomes. Whether it is about SEO, SMO, or PPC, first discuss a few terms with your team about current SEO goals, SEO strategic analysis, SEO audit, etc. then start matching all the metrics with the business goals.

Outline all the goals to present in front of the clients, most of the time goals in SEO might be:

  • To bring more traffic to their site
  • To increase sales
  • To improve SERP ranking
  • To improve their engagement

Even when the client wants all of the four improvements listed above, still all four are connected. Improving one goal pushes others with it automatically. Firstly, you need to know that the right traffic can bring a huge improvement in sales and lead conversion, on the other hand, the wrong potential traffic might leave a bad impact on your marketing goal.

You will need to explain everything from the bottom to the top, even how you set the SEO goals and how you designed the SEO strategy. What was the beginning condition and what changes you did and what will be the impact of the strategy on the business? Will the SEO outcomes meet client expectations?

Beginning to build the SEO report will ask you to do an SEO site audit and prepare Local SEO Report, optimizing on-page SEO, landing page optimization, new backlinks, reducing SEO errors on all pages, adding Meta descriptions, updating robots.txt files, updating title tags, adding new external links, or all other SEO tasks. Show all the previous reports and this way you will be able to explain where the website is standing out and where it has to reach more.

2. Establish the KPIs you need in your SEO report

KPI is fundamental when we are talking about the perfect SEO report. This part discusses a quick overview of the important parts you have to keep in mind.

The first point to remember, always use digits to represent the results, numbers and stats are very impressive to show definite results. Numbers are easy to trust and track during the period.

It’s important, to be honest, and show the bad numbers also, so that when you will show the progress in the next report that will be quite impressive and will be good for the future. This way you will not have any pressure on you. Always be transparent in the SEO report sharing.

Let’s have a look over all the important KPIs, here:

SEO Traffic

We can call it page traffic or website traffic, but traffic measurement also asks you to track the location. Where is it coming from? What is the frequency of the traffic? What type of traffic is coming?

Because many questions come together with the website traffic stats, this way you can discuss the way to get more traffic by optimizing certain factors. Increasing organic traffic is one of the most common SEO Reporting goals. Always include both types of traffic whether it is coming from the organic search or the paid search.

You can compare the ROI, investment, and revenue from the data over organic search traffic and paid search traffic. This is very helpful to highlight the impact of your efforts on the website. Also, check the click-through rate (CTR) on the ads and the website. Website analysis and a clear report of the different types of traffic help your client to understand the value of search engine optimization.

Do not forget to include the direct traffic report in the SEO report, this is the answer to the forever question of who is bringing that traffic to your website.

Google Analytics is a great tool to analyze such types of traffic Google Analytics is an implied form of the Google Search Console. Google Analytics gives a complete report of the website page traffic including location, timing, age and gender of the users, etc.

Website engagement

When we have an idea that where the traffic is coming from, then it comes to the SEO Reporting Tools. The standards of engagement, a page introduces for the audience. This depends on the user experience of the page. A good SEO engagement shows many types of your efforts.

Because this type of metric is related to your site speed, user experience, or content quality. When you are willing to decrease the bounce rate, increase the exit time and average session duration. Greater engagement shows that your visitors are exploring your website in-depth, and they are interested in company products or services.

These types of website traffic are considered the converting leads for market goals. Engagement can also be determined by the reports presented by Google Analytics.

Conversion rate

Conversion is the main point where the client focuses and what it is paying for. This is the most important KPI that majorly shows what value you have brought to your client’s business. The entries received on the website, and more. These are the signs of conversions.

A higher conversion rate is the ultimate fruit of the SEO efforts and the successful marketing strategy. So, more than the links you have made or the traffic you generated is a part in front of the conversion rate. You can also verify using Google analytics which page is doing it best.  So that you can focus on that page and also make other pages in the same way from the perspective of content and keywords.

Keyword performance

A major part of SEO introduces its ground for great ranking and performance measurement. Most performing keyword listing helps to focus better and put the efforts in the right way. You can check out the keyword rankings performance on Google Search Console. 

SEO backlinks

Building backlinks is an amazing methodology to push the webpage toward the top in the SERP. While listing the backlinks, make sure to mention the domain authority, link authority, etc. Make sure to mention relevant inbound links, to show credible sources with the right anchor text. The absence of backlinks can make it hard for you to rank the website and broken links might harm your website ranking negatively.

Add the complete report of keyword performance and the nature of the backlinks to your SEO report from Google Search Console.

Also read: Learn Link Building & Establishing Authority For SEO

Page speed and performance

When users do a Google search for any random entity, any of the sources appearing in the search result will have the first impression of the website’s loading speed. If the page takes too much time to load, then the user is likely to drop that website and never come back to it.

This is the reason page speed is an important part of the site’s performance and plays a significant role in engaging the audience with the page. You can keep track of website page loading speed on page speed insights by Google, Lighthouse by Google, or Google Analytics.

How To Make SEO Reporting Impactful?

Here are a few points to keep in mind while creating the report to come up with a readable and effective SEO report:

  • Organize ranking, linking, and analytics data logically.
  • Put each KPI in the report position-wise, in terms of the strategy.
  • It will be better if you group the KPI according to the top of the funnel, middle of the funnel, and bottom of the funnel.
  • Mention headers and clear sections to make the report professional.
  • Make data look easy at a glance.

Build and share your SEO report

You can build your SEO report manually by learning to Configure SEO Reporting, with your expertise and accuracy this way you know what you have mentioned in the report. You get the chance to study the project while creating the report, and when the client asks you can explain the entire scenario clearly.

However, creating your reports manually takes a bit more time, but it is quite effective.

Steps to create your SEO reports manually.

  • Go into each one of your SEO tools, SEO analyzer, and SEO audit tools, like Google Analytics, Google Search Console, Pagespeed insights, and LightHouse, to gather all the data you’re tracking.
  • Fetch all the SEO metrics by entering them into a campaign account.
  • Adjust the time frame to get the report of consecutive periods.
  • Export all the data on a spreadsheet, and try to do everything on the cloud so that you would not lose your data and if someone makes any chance you will get to know.
  • Make it readable by creating some graphs, playing with the values, columns, layout, and alignment, use colors, and fonts.
  • Use graphics to make it look more attractive and readable.
  • Export your report as a PDF

You can get expert advice from SEO specialists practicing advanced SEO. You now have a complete idea to create efficient, simple, and send SEO traffic report to client that they will love!


The final takeaway, a report is just numbers and graphs. You need to add context by writing a summary and adding graphics.

  • If things went well. Say what contributed to that.
  • If things have not gone so well. Explain why.

A few paragraphs like this in the SEO report, root a long and trustful journey with your clients.

About the author

Alekh Verma

A Search Engine Optimization specialist known for his bold and insightful approach to every web industry trend, Alekh Verma is a proud Founder and CEO of a successful Digital Marketing, Mobile App, and Web Development firm, eSearch Logix Technologies. His practical and inventive ideology has helped to shape the success story of his firm, which has now grown into a thriving, leading digital marketing company based in NCR, India. He brings a global perspective to the industry and has helped multitudes of businesses across the globe from all sectors create an impactful presence in the virtual world.


Google Analytics, SEO Analysis, SEO Analytics Report, seo experts, SEO Reports

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