Clutch Champion 2023

7 Recurring SEO Tasks that You Don’t Want to Skip

7 Recurring SEO Tasks

When it comes to SEO there is never a dull or quiet moment. SEO is something that demands your constant attention and maintenance. So, if you’re thinking that just optimizing your website would be enough then you’re in for a surprise. 

Some operations, like switching from HTTP to HTTPS, only need to be completed once. Other duties, such as content development, are carried out on a weekly or monthly basis, and others could be done on a quarterly or annual basis. So, as we’re nearing the end of the year, we’re going to discuss the top 7 recurring tasks that you must give attention to before welcoming 2023 with a bang. 

In this article, we’re to cover- 

  • Why are ongoing SEO tasks crucial?
  • Are Recurring SEO Tasks Automated?
  • 7 Recurring SEO Tasks You Must Not Skip 

Why are Ongoing SEO Tasks Crucial?

You’re not the only one who has wondered why you can’t just start an SEO campaign, let it run its course, and watch the results roll in. After all, other marketing tactics, such as paid advertisements and fresh website designs, are very different. Once the initial work is done, you can essentially leave the projects alone to produce results, except for a few minor tasks of maintenance and sporadic updates.

However, SEO is different, and here’s why. 

Increasing your position on search engine results pages is the goal of SEO. Over time, you’ll see an increase in traffic and earnings when this occurs.

However, the results pages are always changing, which is a problem. Rankings vary as a result of the creation of new websites, the addition of website pages to already-existing websites, and the intense competition between each company in the search results. 

You have to stay on top of recurrent SEO activities if you want to rank at the top of search results since the search landscape is evolving too quickly for you to keep up. If not, you shouldn’t be shocked if your website either doesn’t appear near the top of the search results page or appears near the bottom.

Are Recurring SEO Tasks Automated? 

You have two primary choices when it comes to SEO: you can either manage the plan on your own or you can work with an SEO company to set up and maintain your campaign. If you choose the former, you will be required to handle these ongoing SEO tasks by yourself. 

Leading your company’s SEO campaign isn’t the ideal choice if you manage your own business, handle payroll, pay the bills, and more. The best course of action for a business owner who wants to see tangible results is to hire an SEO agency. The company of your choice will then handle all the maintenance necessary to make sure that your website is in good standing with Google.

That said, SEO tasks cannot be automated, but if you want the next best thing, employ an experienced SEO firm.

7 Recurring SEO Tasks You Must Not Skip 

There are numerous interrelated factors in SEO. Here are some of the ongoing duties necessary to maintain the success of your website for years to come.

  1. You Must pay attention to poorly performing keywords

The search landscape changes so frequently, as we’ve already discussed, that it’s crucial to stay up with every element of your SEO effort. Target keywords are no different. 

For instance, you might have published a blog article last year that focuses on one of your most crucial keywords. You or your SEO company completed extensive keyword research before publishing your blog and discovered that this particular keyword will help you get to the top of search results, and it did. 

However, after a few months, the search landscape reveals that consumers are no longer using this keyword, and as a result, your blog has dropped a few positions in search results. There’s no need to freak out, but you will need to conduct additional keyword research to identify a keyword to replace the poorly performing one.

One of the most crucial ongoing SEO duties is monitoring your keywords because it determines whether you rank for the search terms that bring in revenue.

2. Produce new content for Google to crawl

Content creation follows logically from keyword research and current keyword analytics. If you’ve ever heard the saying “content is king,” you should follow it. Because it ultimately determines where a website appears on search engine results pages, content is king.

Produce new content for Google to crawl
Produce new content for Google to crawl

Your website pages are unlikely to rank at all if they lack high-quality, helpful content. Therefore, it’s crucial to make sure your material complies with its specifications. However, making sure you’re consistently producing new, fresh material and posting it is just as crucial as producing useful information.

Because it demonstrates to Google that you are a company that is constantly learning, developing, and offering your site visitors new knowledge, Google loves to see new content consistently and regularly. The more material you have, the more opportunities you have to show up in search results since it provides Google even more to rank.

3. Review your material frequently while we’re on the subject.

Make sure to frequently examine your high-ranking material for clarity, quality, and relevancy if you want to keep it there. It is Google’s responsibility to give people the highest quality and most pertinent information available. You should therefore go back and carefully read through previous stuff every few months. 

When reviewing the content of your website, be sure to look out for the following:

  • Time-sensitive data

Using time-sensitive data to make an article relevant is simple. If you wish to include a statistic, you’ll probably date it to demonstrate to readers that it’s current. However, if a few months go by, the date is out of current even though the information may not be. To prevent your content from seeming stale to new readers, be sure to take care of any time-sensitive information. 

  • Issues with quality

You should also examine the caliber of your content. The articles written by an intern would have been a terrific opportunity for new content, but when they received little traffic, you might conclude that they weren’t of the best caliber. Since Google is already aware of the page, the best course of action in this situation would be to enhance the material that is currently there. Try breaking up content with multimedia and fresh, new keywords.

  • Old-fashioned keywords

Although we’ve already discussed outdated keywords, it is nevertheless vital to bring them up again. Look for under-performing keywords or those that you could change with fresh keywords that perform better and have essentially the same meaning when you’re reading old text. 

  • Update your title tags and meta descriptions with new keywords.

Don’t forget to update your title tags and meta descriptions with new target keywords. Update those two places as well when you make modifications to the target keywords in your article.

  • Verify again for a strong call to action

One of the easiest strategies to move visitors along the sales funnel is to include a call to action on your website’s pages. You want visitors to take the next logical step in converting after reading one of your website’s pages, which would be clicking a call-to-action button. These buttons may take users to a website where they can convert, find out more, or enter their contact information. 

  • Add Links to New Pages in Your Old Content

Internal linking structure is one of the best ways to make sure your website pages are indexed by Google. Doing so ensures that your entire website is interlaced and all the pages are interlinked for the audience to discover. At the end of the day, you want your website to be indexed quicker by Google and have the audience spend more time on your page. 

4. Run Page Speed Tests Frequently

Google ranks websites according to page speed. In light of this, it’s crucial to include “check page speed” on your continuous SEO to-do list. You may accomplish this by using tools like Pingdom, which will provide you with useful details about your website, including its performance. You can then take the necessary actions to make your website run more quickly for site visitors.

Run Page Speed Tests Frequently

What if you believe your website loads quickly enough? You cannot be certain of the exact speed at which your website loads without testing. “Fast enough” could not be quick enough given how rapidly information demand changes. 

Did you know that consumers may start to leave your website if it takes longer than two seconds to load? Although it may be difficult to believe, it is real. In this day of rapid gratification, loading times for websites are no different. Thus, you need to ensure that your website is up to the page speed standards. 

5. Constantly check for broken links

Broken links are not only unattractive to site visitors who read your content but also to Google. You must regularly check for broken links if you want to maintain your pages’ trustworthiness.

A broken link results when a picture is removed from your server or if a page on your website is redirected and you forget to execute the necessary follow-up procedures. This happens more frequently than you probably know. However, checking for broken links is not at all challenging. To find broken links on any of your pages, try using a Chrome extension like SEO Minion.

6. Track and evaluate performance consistently.

You might as well not have a website at all if you’re not monitoring and evaluating the performance of your website and its pages. If you don’t keep an eye on how it’s doing, you’ll miss important cues that something is wrong.

Without analytics, for instance, you won’t be aware of when and if one of your pages experiences a significant drop in traffic. Without analytics, you could not notice a significant decline in one of your pages until it is already too late and you have lost sales and revenue. Broken links, a lack of content, or a more serious problem could all be to blame for a drop in site visitors. Whatever the problem, analytics can assist you in fixing it quickly to prevent revenue loss.

7. Check that the functionality of your website design is sound.

Do your service pages launch with a nice video that plays? A link to a landing page with lots of bells and whistles? These thrilling and enjoyable components are essential to a fascinating and aesthetically beautiful website, but you must often check to make sure they’re working properly. 

The “bells and whistles” of your website occasionally cease working as they should. To keep these components of your website in good condition for site visitors, you should regularly examine them.


SEO is one of those things that you need to nurture constantly for it to function properly and deliver the desired results. You can always hire companies such as eSearch Logix to handle it for you. We have a team of expert SEO professionals who will take SEO off your hands and give you spectacular results. 

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