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Monthly SEO Services
Monthly SEO Services

80% of online searches rely on organic search results more than paid ads. It underlines the fact that 70% of marketers believe search engine optimization (SEO) is a better option to drive traffic and sales than paid ads.

Why we are putting emphasis on these facts? Because, if you want to generate more traffic and revenue for your business, SEO is the best bet.

SEO is An On-going Process

Yes, SEO isn’t something that you invest only one time and it will yield result forever. It doesn’t require spending unlike paid ads, and it brings better results; however, all it wants is continuous efforts.

Stressing on the ongoing SEO process, we are actually speaking of monthly SEO campaigns that help to keep your SEO strategy consistent and bring continuous growth.

Monthly SEO Services – Multiple Plans To Match Your Needs

We, at eSearchLogix, know how success isn’t built in a single day. It takes days and months to refine and implement methods. Our Monthly SEO packages are developed to take you forward strongly and consistently.

From a small brick-and-mortar store to a big enterprise, we serve all. And therefore we have multiple monthly SEO plans that cater to different SEO requirements.

We are your long-term growth partners – Check our monthly SEO packages now!

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What is Monthly SEO Service?

Monthly SEO services include SEO strategies that are implemented on a month-to-month basis to improve results in a steady way. Search Engine Optimization is a manual effort and it includes adapting to the latest and evolving trends to increase a website’s ranking and traffic on a gradual basis.

It can also be termed as ongoing SEO and usually includes on-page and off-page optimizations, along with timely monitoring of technical SEO factors. Monthly SEO services cover all the fundamentals of optimization including:

  • Keyword research and targeting
  • Content optimization and marketing
  • Link building
  • Local SEO
  • Image and media SEO
  • Google Analytics
  • Ranking and traffic monitoring
  • SEO audit
  • SEO reporting

Is SEO only a monthly technique? Are there alternatives to monthly SEO?

Yes, there are alternatives to monthly SEO. Apart from monthly SEO, many site or business owners sometimes go with on-time or project-basis SEO services. It includes defining and implementing SEO strategies for a specific time duration. It is more like outlining the activities and then carrying them out at once.


When there are other options available for obtaining the type of SEO plans, why monthly SEO should be the preferred one?

Well, we will detail you clearly on this.

Organic optimization, or as we know it, SEO takes time and effort. The optimization process including on-page and specifically off-page is something that delivers results when you are continuously working on that.

Why do these optimization methods need to be implemented regularly?

  • There are over 200+ ranking factors considered by Google, which continuously get updated; in fact, around hundreds of times each year. To stay concurrent to these changes and updates, and to make your SEO efforts aligned to these changes you need ongoing SEO.
  • SEO helps to gain high brand authority, popularity, and visibility. It means staying in front of the target audience all the time, so they always think of you.
  • Google and other search engines value those who are regularly engaged with their users, sharing valuable information with them. If you stay back in this, they won’t be able to rank you high for a long period.
  • Your competitors are continuously investing in SEO. When you stop acting, they will race ahead of you, with improved online visibility and ranking. Therefore, your ongoing efforts are extremely needed to keep you ahead in the race.
  • Monitoring SEO metrics is a key strategy. It helps to look at and measure keyword performance, and identify poorly performing pages, broken links, and all such factors that negatively affect the SEO health of the site. With ongoing SEO, you are updated on these and create strategies to fix these elements.

Benefits of Monthly SEO Services for any Business Type and Size

Compare these:-

A paid or sponsored ad may put your brand name on the top of Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs). However, it does cost a bit and it will only yield result up to the time you are paying. And there is no 100% guarantee here.

SEO or organic optimization won’t serve you instant positioning on 1st result page,and it won’t increase traffic manifolds from the first day. However, when done qualitatively, and continuously, in a few months you will start seeing significant results in both ranking and website inbound traffic. It is something that will take you to a position that is robust and long-lasting.

As a marketer, which one will you go for? If you are serious about your business growth and want long-term results, the obvious choice is the 2nd one, which is monthly SEO.

This underlines the importance of monthly SEO for your brand’s growth and revenue generation.

Why Invest in Monthly SEO Plans?

Look at the key reasons below:

  • Monthly SEO helps you gain several advantages:
  • Boost ranking on multiple keywords, and increase website traffic
  • Improve brand popularity and inbound traffic from other sources as well
  • Outrun the competitors in the long run
  • Improve brand credibility
  • Long-term organic growth, as this is the biggest source of website traffic
  • Much cheaper than paid advertising with higher growth possibility for a long duration
  • Maximum increase in Return On Investment (ROI)

Monthly SEO means month-to-month SEO strategies and services. The monthly packages do vary from one SEO agency to another. However, the core monthly SEO includes the following services:

  • Website SEO Audit

The first and foremost step is to check the overall SEO health of the website. This helps to identify SEO issues,and errors and create an optimization campaign based on that. A full SEO audit isn’t something that needs to be done monthly, but at regular intervals, say after 5-6 weeks, it helps to ascertain if everything is going fine or not.

  • Competitor Analysis

This step helps to look at the optimization strategies adopted by the competitors, keywords they are using and ranking for, the audience they are targeting and how, and much more. This enables drafting an ideal SEO plan.

  • Keyword Research and Optimization

The keywords, which are most suitable and helpful for the site’s growth in visibility and ranking, according to searchers’ queries are identified. These are then used to optimize the site content as well as for other content and marketing materials.

  • Technical SEO

Website structure, XML sitemap, page load speed, robots.txt files, schema markups, mobile-friendliness, and much more; all these are technical aspects that need to be taken care of specific to search engine guidelines.

  • On-Page Optimization

This step includes optimizing the site’s content with quality, keyword-included content, title tags, alt tags, meta and heading tags, and other visual elements of the site to ensure it delivers value to the users and search engines as well.

  • Local SEO

More and more local businesses are nowadays moving to the online space. For such small businesses or enterprises looking to target a certain geographic area, local SEO is extremely crucial. It involves claiming Google My Business (GMB) profile, ranking on Google Maps and Google 3-pack, local submissions, and more.

  • Content Development and Marketing

For the addition of new pages, fresh content has to be developed. Along with that, content marketing, using verticals like blogs, articles, press releases, social posts, and more is covered by using relevant and new keywords for publishing and promoting across different online sources.

  • Link Building

Off-page SEO is majorly centered on backlink generation. High-quality, rich, fresh, and informative content is crafted and posted on high-authority websites to earn backlinks that improve brands’ authority and credibility and boosts SERP ranking.

  • Ranking and Performance Monitoring

For monthly SEO or ongoing SEO, keeping track of performance on all accounts is important to look at metrics that are performing well and identify opportunities to leverage in the next month’s cycle.

  • SEO Performance Reporting

While clients are always updated on key optimization aspects and if something important comes up, anytime during the process; monthly reports help to give them a detailed analysis of each optimization factor. It ensures that both parties can discuss and work to draft future strategies together as per the goals.


For monthly or ongoing SEO, the monthly report becomes a crucial doc to gain insight into optimization performance and keep track of metrics.

The business or site owners aren’t SEO experts or may not be technically that well-versed. For them,the result is the key factor and all they want is to have a report detailing each thing in a clear and easy-to-read form.

This is where creating or using a monthly SEO reporting template becomes vital for SEO professionals.

Benefits of Using an SEO Report Template

  • It helps to identify and input the key metrics one time only, which can be used later on for each month’s reports.
  • It enables creating reports fast and quickly, saving crucial time for SEO professionals.
  • It ensures the reports display data in an informative, easy-to-read, concise yet detailed form.
  • It also adds a professional touch and the clients too like this ease of communication and data sharing.
  • It includes sections in a categorized way specific to – completed tasks, pending, improvement, challenges, strategies, and as such.

SEO Tools to help in Creating SEO Reports

There are several tools that can be leveraged to create SEO reports easily with a pre-defined or customized template. These include both free and paid tools:

Free Tools:

  • Google Analytics
  • Google Search Console
  • Google Lighthouse
  • Bing Webmaster Tools
  • Looker Studio (Earlier Google Data Studio)

Paid Tools:

  • Ahrefs
  • Semrush
  • Screaming Frog 
  • Conductor

Apart from these, there are some other tools that can be used for such purposes, but that depends on project costing, preference, and other elements.

Explore Our SEO Packages

Or Talk to one of our Experts to discuss your SEO Requirement

Moderate Competitive






Large Websites/Ecomm.



Advanced SEO/All Size



Need Assistance With Your Online Business Growth?

Monthly SEO Checklist

Website Performance Monitoring

Evaluation of the website’s performance in terms of ranking, traffic, conversions, user engagement, speed, and as such other factors as well.

Competitor’s Seo Analysis

Evaluation of their on-page and off-page strategy, keywords ranked, traffic, new keyword opportunities, backlink profile, UX, and more.

Backlink Profile Check

It includes the evaluation of new backlinks created, issues affecting ranking, broken links, pages having quality backlinks, and much more.

Identification Of Trendy Keywords

It includes advanced keyword research using multiple methods and tools to look for the latest and trending keywords that could be utilized for improving site performance overall.

Site Optimization With Keywords

Keywords are not a one-time selection. They keep getting updated. And therefore, the pages’ content needs to be updated and new pages need to be created and optimized with new keywords and phrases.

Content Improvement

Creating new content specific to new product and service addition, local area addition, and keywords, along with re-optimizing and improving existing content is important to keep that updated, informative, trendy, and user-centric.

Search Engine Submissions

Search engine submission is an ongoing process that helps to make the site become listed on different search engines which improve indexing and crawling

Monitoring Of Page Metrics

Is the particular page performing well on performance? Is it loading fast? Is it attracting traffic and ranking high? All these assessments are necessary for each site page.

Website Diagnosis Test

Running a website diagnosis test regularly helps to identify and rectify if there is any problem with the website related to technical and other aspects.

Why Hire an SEO Company For Monthly SEO Services?

Thereby, hiring SEO experts will help in uplifting your brand, improve your SERP ranking and drive desired traffic, and make your SEO process stronger month-by-month.

When it comes to choosing an SEO company for your campaigns, you need to know that there are hordes of options you will find, but not all are equal and quality.

You need to play smart, be logical, and dig in with some research. Look at these characteristics to pick an SEO company that meets your requirements:

• Look at their past and present performance.
• Assess what type of businesses they have served and if they match your industry and business type.
• Look at their retention rate.
• Evaluate what experience they carry in the digital marketing segment.
• Check how credible the agency is, scouting through their past and present clients’ feedback.
• Don’t go for cheap prices. Quality takes effort and time. And it does come at a price but will be worth of result you get in the end.

Monthly SEO pricing depends on a lot of factors: type of business, SEO services availed, add-ons, SEO agency, month duration, and much more. This is an ongoing strategy that does take time, and in most cases, the cost is calculated on a monthly basis but the plan is availed as a package, like for 6-month period at once. Usually, it ranges from $1000 to $6000.

Looking for Monthly SEO Services? Search Engine Optimization is definitely one of the best strategies to grow your business’s online presence, improve ranking and increase inbound website traffic. If you are serious about taking your brand forward, then monthly SEO is the best investment to help you gain continuous traffic and revenue. Do you know how much you will gain with our monthly SEO services?
We have 5 tiers of SEO plans, calculated monthly:


Low Competitive – $199/month


Moderate Competitive – $349/month


Competitive –


Large Websites –


Advanced Features –

As we are a complete White-Hat SEO agency, we carry out optimization activities manually, using tools wherever required to improve the optimization process. Our organic methods are implemented with tactical methods, and help grow websites steadily for long-term results.

Therefore, we provide our SEO plans with a term period of 6 months.

From small businesses, start-ups, ecommerce stores, and local businesses to large businesses, and multi-nation enterprises, our SEO packages include plans fit to meet the optimization needs of all.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ's)

Monthly SEO means Search Engine Optimization techniques and activities that are carried out on a month-to-month basis to improve a site’s ranking and traffic. It includes implementing SEO practices along with monitoring and reporting each month, with updating strategies each month as per performance results.
You might think that if search engine optimization is an ongoing method, then you can do it yourself. However, will it be more comfortable in doing what you do for your business, or keep yourself engaged with SEO? Consistent SEO done monthly by experts will help you gain improved benefits over time, with a return on investment much higher than what you will spend on SEO services.
Monthly SEO packages mean SEO plans calculated on a monthly basis, depending on the keywords, and activities selected. You should look for monthly packages that best fit your business goals, budget,and particular requirements.
SEO is a long-term and evolving process, which needs to be consistently implemented. It needs to be monitored and tweaked regularly to gain desired results. Thereby, for long-term success and to keep your business ahead of the competitors you need to do SEO every month.
SEO is an optimization technique that doesn’t require expenditure like paid ads. It is a manual effort. There are free SEO tools also which can be utilized for your optimization activities. However, when search engine optimization is done by experts with years of expertise and experience, then it will help you achieve the best results. You don’t pay for any SEO tool or to search engines, but for availing expert services from SEO professionals.
Monthly SEO services’ costing depends on a wide range of factors- your business type and size, keywords targeted, SEO agency chosen, business goals, locations covered, and many more such aspects.

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