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Amazon Account Management Services

Amazon Account Setup & Management India

Get Full Amazon Channel Management For Your Brand & Increase Your Roi. Sell More, Grow More!

amazon account management

When you want to expand your online selling business, Amazon provides the most potent platform to expand your reach and grow your e-commerce business. How you have been strategizing for your retail business till now won’t serve on Amazon marketplace.
To survive against the competition in this marketplace and take your brand forward, you need strategic planning and execution, specifically for Amazon. This is where an expert and dedicated Amazon Account Management service will prove to be of worth to you.

Start Selling On Amazon With Us

Dedicated, Professional & Experienced Amazon Account Setup and Management Service

Selling on Amazon can add an extra success graph to your e-commerce business. Don’t worry if you have no idea how to list your products on Amazon and start selling. We at eSearch Logix, will help you from start to finish and beyond, setting up your Amazon account, optimising the listing, and implementing Amazon SEO for improved product visibility and discoverability on Amazon search results that will drive more traffic and bring you lots of orders. We offer full Amazon account setup and management services, including customer support, along with Amazon advertisement services, for sellers established anywhere globally. Whether you are running a local marketplace in a city in India or want to sell your products globally, being located anywhere, we will help you thoroughly.

We work as an extension to your team to optimize your presence on Amazon and help you grow to your full potential.

Our Amazon Management Service Includes:

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Benefits Of Hiring An Amazon Account Management Company In India

Can you manage your Amazon marketplace account yourself? Are you familiar with all the ins and outs of Amazon Seller Central Marketplace? Do you know how to make your product more popular, sought-after, and more visible in Amazon searches than your competitors? Do you have an idea of optimizing your product listing the right way?

These, and there are many more aspects related to the Amazon marketplace that need knowledge, proficiency, and expertise, which only someone having deep insights and experience in Amazon seller accounts will know.

Hiring an Amazon Account Manager will help you in many ways:

You Focus On Growing Your Business

With a dedicated Amazon account professional by your side, it lets you skip the learning curve, and rather dedicate your time and energy to your business’s core factors. While it seems easy on the surface, the Amazon marketplace is quite complex. When you are engaged in that, it can be hard and tiring for you, and it may lead you to focus away from growing your business, which won’t be good.

They Scale Your Business

An Amazon professional is well-versed in how to set up an account, how to optimize the products, what factors could make or break your game, and what key strategies you should implement. Their implementations, online market advice, and recommendations, all will prove worthy to scale your business.

Save Money And Time

Your marketplace will require consistent efforts toward customer service. Having someone do that, and do that professionally, will free up your time. Also, without strategic help and experienced support, you may end up investing a lot in different tasks without getting the maximum return on investment.

Custom Solutions

We know what will work best for a particular seller store on Amazon. Thereby we will implement custom strategies and the right tactics and plan your overall online presence to boost your visibility and sales. We will also ensure you get to learn about vital factors that can take your brand forward, and how your store can become the preferred store for buyers.

Improved Reputation

Customer satisfaction is one of the biggest factors why people love going back to a certain store or marketplace online. Round-the-clock availability of your dedicated account manager will mean that they will respond to customers’ inquiries, and address their challenges and problems timely and proficiently to solve their issues.

Keep Account In Good Health

From setting up to running the account, there are certain guidelines of Amazon that you need to follow comprehensively. The account manager will have a good understanding of all those terms and will ensure your account keeps working fine without any penalty or such. Even if there is any kind of suspension issue, they know how to get that lifted quickly.

Our Amazon Seller Management Service Includes:

1. Account Setup
Account Creation

The first and foremost thing to do is to create the Seller Central or vendor seller account under the right category that you fit in. We pick and create a professional or individual seller account accordingly on the Amazon Seller Central Marketplace.

Brand Registry & Protection

Your brand store needs to be compelling, attractive, and informational as well. We register your brand following all the documentation processes to provide your brand with the ideal online identity. Not just this, we go to extra lengths to keep your brand protected against fake and unauthorized sellers.

2. Brand Registry

Account setup isn’t just about creating your identity. It is also about registering your brand on Amazon. As a retailer, you may find it a lengthy and multifaceted process, but not us. With our knowledge, experience and proficiency in the field, we ensure that we handle the entire registry by applying for it, submit the documents. Not just this, we go to extra length to keep your brand protected against fake and unauthorized sellers.

3. Product Listing Setup
Product Category

Depending on your range of products, we will pick the suitable categories you can sell under. There are certain rules about categories, which we will take you through. As for professional sellers, all categories are open, while for individual sellers, some are restricted, and some are only for third-party sellers. We process through category selection and approval from Amazon, complying with its guidelines.

Product Listing

The product listing is at the core of your selling platform. To make the most of your sales capability, we ensure that we take a methodical approach to listing your products:

  • Listing according to the category
  • Adding all related information, including SKU, product ID, search terms, and other attributes
  • Giving a proper product title, and detailed description
  • Adding high-definition images taken from multiple angles
Multi-Variant Listing

If you are selling multiple products in a parent-child relationship (differing only on based of attributes such as size, colour, or other characteristics), then you don’t need different product listings for them but can group them on the same detail page. We will list the products matching an existing variation listing or will create a new variation listing altogether.


Want to create product listing variations? If you multiple products in a parent-child relation (differing only on based of attributes such as size, color, or other characteristics), then you don’t need different product listing for them but can group them together on the same detail page. While the regulations and policies regarding this can vary and be complex, you don’t have to worry at all, as will take you through the entire process and create multi-variant listings”

  • Matching to an existing variation listing
  • Creating a new variation listing
Product Page Optimization

Your sales depend on how much visibility your products are gaining and how convertible-efficient your product listing is. We implement SEO-friendly practices and measures using the best of the tools and methodology. We ensure to follow all the guidelines of Amazon to optimize your product listing, including product title, features and product description. We create user-centric content, include keywords strategically throughout the content, and include all the vital information that highlights the uniqueness and advantages of your products for the users.

Product Image Optimization

Product images are one of the most vital aspects of your product listing. We showcase your products using high-definition images, with multiple-angle photos that clearly define what the product is about, and what buyers can expect. Images are combined with keyword-optimized alt-text that helps in the product discoverability.

Content & Multimedia Addition

Amazon A+ Content, formerly known as Enhanced Brand Content (EBC), is an effective tool that helps to create unique, informative, compelling content in various forms (text, images, and videos). Without it, you are limited in text length and cannot add graphics and videos. Our experienced and skilled content writing process ensures influential product copy that improves user engagement and product saleability.

Strategic Work on Pricing

Pricing is a big factor that affects buyers’ decisions. Pricing your products right is a vital component of your entire sale process. We analyze your products, conduct competitor analysis, and assess how much valuable your product is for your customers. All this helps to price the product ideally so that will be value for money to your customers, as well as profit-making for you.

Keyword Research & Optimization

Based on buyer’s search intent on Google and Amazon related to your product, we categorize and list out all the probable keywords that need to be used in the product description, image alt-text, and more, along with marketing campaigns, so that your products have a higher visibility in search results on Amazon. Keyword research strategy has to be specific to what your potential buyers are searching for, and what phrases and terms are most suitable and highly beneficial for product listing optimization.

Competitor Research

Amazon is a big marketplace and there would be many more selling same products as you. Competing against them and growing your brand presence with improved sales on Amazon requires strategic approach. We audit your competitors, take a leaf out of their book as to how they are doing well, and apply strategies that will help you outrank them.

Amazon Search Engine Optimization

We apply core and key SEO tactics specific to Amazon, understanding your potential customer’s buyer journey & behaviour, using the right set of keywords, using them where necessary, creating keyword-optimized content that is user-friendly and detailed, along with more effective optimization strategies to improve the product detail page. This also includes using backend keywords (hidden keywords that are alternatives, synonyms or related terms of primary keywords). These keywords are used in the content but are hidden from the user and are seen only by Amazon search algorithms that improve the product’s visibility and ranking potential when someone searches on Amazon search for related products.

Ongoing Optimization

To keep your brand and product ranked higher in Amazon search results requires a consistent approach. With our experience and expertise in eCommerce SEO, we know what it takes to get your products ahead of your competitors in Amazon search results. That includes regularly auditing your account for any issues, keeping up with product listing optimization, timely keyword research and updates, content updates, brand credulity enhancement with an effective brand reputation process (improving positive customer reviews and ratings), and more.


The basic concept of e-commerce is: customers place an order and businesses pack and ship the merchandise to the customer’s address.

However, Amazon allows businesses the convenience of choosing whether they want to fulfill the products themselves or have Amazon take this responsibility. This is where Amazon’s FBA and FBM come into the picture.

Fulfillment By Amazon (FBA)

This service allows businesses to let Amazon handle the order fulfillment procedure. They send their products to Amazon warehouses/fulfillment centers for storage. When an order is placed for that product, Amazon facility staff picks, packs, and ships that order to the customer. This is ideal for small businesses that don’t have enough space for managing inventory, or who want assistance with their order fulfillment. This also helps businesses scale their customer service as FBA allows for timely and safe order shipment.

Fulfilled By Merchant (FBM)

Also known as Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN), FBM is the selling method where sellers list their products on Amazon and then handle all related aspects of storing, packing and shipping the products, and customer support for order fulfillment by themselves, or through a third party. FBM is ideal for products with lower margins, as here you don’t have to pay the charges as applicable in FBA.

FBA is specifically suitable for you if you can:

  • Manage fast turnover
  • Items are lightweight, small, and expensive
  • You don’t have the efficiency to or aren’t comfortable in managing the inventory, order packing, and delivery, while still providing great customer support
  • Want to avail Prime eligibility
  • Can handle additional fees charged by Amazon

FBM is suitable for you if you

  • Don’t have to manage fast turnover
  • You supply heavy, big but cheap items
  • You have the warehouse, storage capacity, and manpower to handle inventory and delivery
  • As a seller with an individual plan, agree with Amazon’s set shipping rates (professional plan sellers can decide on their shipping charges)

Note to remember – Sellers having FBA registration has a higher chance of earning the ‘Buy Box’ button.

Note – These two aren’t the only options you have. Amazon also provides you the flexibility of choosing one more specialized seller category – Seller Flex Management.

Seller Flex Management

This program, as the name suggests, provides flexibility to FBA sellers in how they go about storing and shipping their products. Ideally, this program allows sellers to manage their own inventory much better while being able to sell their products under prime eligibility. They can store the products at their own facility and ship themselves. This provides benefits of saving on shipping costs and deliver products within a day or two to locations where Amazon’s warehouse facility is not available.

They are also able to decide when they want to receive orders, how much order notification tey want to restrict to each day, and the time of those notifications.

However, Seller Flex Comes with Certain Conditions:

You can’t apply for seller flex. It is an invite only program, and based on the set criteria of Amazon they send the invitation to sellers via mail who fulfill below conditions:

  • Monthly units should be approximately 100
  • Monthly sales have to be more than 0.6 million per month
  • The seller rating has to be equal to or more than 90%

We work to ensure that you have such criteria fulfilled and you get improved chances of qualifying for invite.

Configuring FBM OR FBA or Seller Flex Management (Whichever is Preferred by You)

Want to register for Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) or Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) or want to leverage Seller Flex Management? Or you can even register for both FBA and FBM (which many sellers don’t know – under certain Amazon guidelines).

Our experts will take you through both these options, detailing the related features, functionalities, pros, and cons. After a thorough discussion and working on your preference, we select and proceed with the suitable registration method. We make use of complete features of the related seller category to bring the best output for you.


Pricing is a big factor that affects buyers’ decisions. Are your products priced higher, or have you priced low to buy more customers but incurring loss in profit? Pricing your products right is the vital component of your entire sale process. We analyze your products, evaluate what your customers are doing in this respect, and assess how much valuable your product is for your customers. All this factors in and become an integral part of us pricing the product that will be value for money to your customers, as well as profit-earning for you.

Inventory Monitoring & Management

While you are busy with the core functions of your business, with us you don’t have to worry about losing track of your inventory. We will keep you updated about everything related to your inventory, including which products are out of stock, which are low, and which need to be stocked up high based on increasing demands to match the supply.

Order Management

We process order management as a whole, right from routing the order status updates to managing late shipment rates, changes in orders, product returns, and refunds. Managing case logs is our expertise wherein we act as the primary point of contact between you and your customers, creating, managing, submitting, responding, and following up with Amazon-generated cases.

Amazon Advertising & Promotions (Amazon PPC)

With a team of expert and certified organic result marketers and PPC professionals, we are well-placed to handle your advertising campaign requirements. However, advertisement approaches applied for Amazon PPC are different to Google PPC. We take care of this aspect as our dedicated Amazon PPC professionals brainstorm ideas, conceptualize unique marketing strategies, use different channels for promotion, create buzzwords, and do much more to create compelling Amazon-sponsored ads to uplift your products’ popularity and reach.

Amazon Buy Box

Amazon assigns only one seller the ‘Buy Button’, displayed alongside the product detail page, defined based on past sales and popularity. The buyers can add the product directly to their cart from there. Sellers having the ‘Buy Box’ have higher sale potential. Earning the ‘Buy Box’ is a very tricky process when you are up against multiple sellers selling the same product type. We work towards creating a strong seller profile that helps improve selling factors like rating, reduced defect rate, customer response time, product fulfillment, and much more, to give you the best chance of winning the ‘Buy Box’, and increasing your sales.


Remember this – Sellers having FBA registration stands higher chance of earning the Buy Button box than FBM. Earning the ‘Buy Box’ is a very tricky process when you are up against multiple sellers selling the same product type. Out of all these, only one stands a chance to win that box which places them in a unique position that enhances their selling capability, leaving the other sellers underneath the box. We work towards creating a solid seller profile that helps you improve your selling factors like rating, reduced defect rate, customer response time, product fulfillment and much more, to give you the best chance of winning the ‘Buy Box’.

Customer Queries and Response Handling

Your dedicated Amazon account manager will keep track of and handle all customer inquiries, feedback, and questions, addressing them strategically and appropriately. This helps keep the customers satisfied and also gains new buyers with word-of-mouth promotion.

Positive Reviews / Ratings from Customers

Your product and brand reputation is highly valuable for your sales growth. We proceed with a strategic plan and ensure that your products remain top of the class, you are always prompt in fulfilment, and you have a seamless, timely customer service and engagement process in place that makes your brand appreciable, thereby earning recognition.

Negative Reviews/Feedback Removal

There can be times when you get a negative review from a dissatisfied customer, which can dent your credibility on the Amazon Seller Central Marketplace. However, you don’t have to worry, as our Amazon account management experts will respond to them quickly, understand and address their concerns, and remove those feedback so as to keep your seller reputation high.


Your sale volume capacity, your product listing rating, your ‘Buy Box’ win chance, and much more; all these depends a lot on how your customers rate you and are satisfied with your products and services. We do not compel anyone, but with a think-through strategy, ensure that your products remain top of the class, you are always prompt in fulfilment, and have a seamless, timely customer service and customer engagement in place that makes your brand appreciable, thereby earning recognition. We help gather positive reviews and ratings that aids your brand to come out on top.

Metrics Monitoring & Analytics

We keep track of all the Amazon-specific metrics that include visitors on your product pages, high-performing products, conversions, cart analytics, lost sales opportunities, and other metrics. We implement tool-based, data-driven analytics to look for growth opportunities.

Day-to-Day Account Management

Our day-to-day Amazon seller central management activities include managing case logs, exchanges and returns, duplicates, product additions and updates, product suspensions, and more, all while keeping your account in compliance with the guidelines and regulations. We keep track of changes brought by Amazon and implement upgrades to your account accordingly with respect to Amazon marketplace updates.

Boost Account Status

We implement multiple, well-laid strategies, create a product roadmap, enhance brand popularity, and work toward improving ranking against competitors. We also apply creative and profound tactics to win Amazon Choice, Best Seller, and other such tags.

Amazon Suspended Account Recovery

Have you got your Amazon account suspended due to a fault of yours or someone else’s? This can happen due to a number of reasons, including not complying with Amazon guidelines, using fake products, fake reviews, and many more spammy tactics as well. Our Amazon account management professionals are well-versed in what keeps an Amazon seller account in healthy status. We will conduct a thorough audit, find the reason for suspicion, consult with the Amazon team and implement the best practices to help get your account recovered (however, this is not 100% guaranteed as it depends on the severity of the suspension).

We will keep you updated on the performance and all the related metrics with a clear, concise, and easy-to-grasp report provided regularly. This helps to keep you in the loop and work on recommendations to improve your brand’s saleability.

Why Us?

Dedicated Account Manager

Your marketplace will be handled by a dedicated in-house account manager, assisted by experienced professionals. They delve into ideas, concepts, and trends and brainstorm new tactics and creative inputs to improve the business’s reputation and saleability.

Data-Driven Insights

As an experienced digital marketing service provider, we have knowledge of how different channels work. Our strategies are not about following standard techniques. We source, refine, and extract information that will work best specifically for your goals for that platform. We drive key inputs, summarise each implementation, assess performance, and provide result-oriented recommendations.

Account Health Management

With our experience and expertise in the field, we know what best practices to implement to keep your account health in the best shape. We factor in each minute and major aspect and act quickly on any critical issue with an escalation path.

Performance Recommendations

We don’t keep to the standard bare minimum. But we always keep an eye open to look for opportunities through campaigns and deals that can improve your brand and products’ visibility and performance.

Full-Fledged Amazon Consultancy

To sell and grow on Amazon, you need high capability and more control over your brand’s performance. We take care of your entire Amazon marketplace journey, with an expert and insightful approach.

Maximized Optimization For Amazon Search

There are hordes of sellers selling products similar to you on Amazon. This stiff competition requires executing effectual and best Amazon SEO. As your expert, extended support, we look for opportunities, optimize your presence and work on delivering high-end customer experience.

Frequently Asked Questions (Linked Building)

Amazon provides its sellers with a dedicated management platform on the Amazon marketplace to manage their business and grow their sales. Amazon Account Management Services means handling Amazon seller account by an experienced amazon account professional with complete support from account set-up to product optimization, branding and selling support.
To know about this, you should visit ‘Seller Central’ section on Amazon site. Before registering and setting up your seller account, consider what type of business model you have, what fulfillment method is best for you, what product category to choose. An Amazon account manager will help you through all these, handling all this on your behalf, along with choosing the right tools to help you sell on Amazon, and optimizing your listings the right way.

Amazon is the largest eCommerce platform in the world, and selling on Amazon marketplace opens up a wide range of opportunities to your eCommerce business’ growth and sale. So, it is definitely worth to sell on Amazon, whether you are selling locally, nationally or internationally.

The competition is tough on Amazon and initially it may take time for your business to get a footing. However, starting with a right strategic approach, and having a professional account manager handling your marketplace, along with ensuring consistency and quality in inventory, shipping and customer service you will gain growth and increased sales.

Amazon Business Advisory can be termed as Amazon account paid management service that provides consulting assistance to sellers with business intelligence inputs, strategic insights, and techniques to enhance their sales and revenue.

An amazon account manager is a professional who is responsible for handling all tasks related to selling on the Amazon marketplace. Their tasks include:

- New seller account registration
- Account set-up within the precise category, business model, and seller specifics
- Amazon product listing optimization
- Organic search optimization of the seller’s account
- Branding registry and protection
- Working on Enhanced Brand Content (EBC) to promote the brand
- Data-driven insights into key inputs to stay ahead of the competitors and grow business

There are two models of selling on Amazon:

Fulfilled By Merchant (FBM) – Also known as Merchant Fulfilled Network (MFN), it is where the seller lists their products on the Amazon marketplace but manages all the aspects including storage, shipping, customer support by themselves. They can have all this managed by a third-party also but under their own responsibility.

Fulfilled By Amazon (FBA) – This is a fulfillment support from Amazon to the sellers. In this sale model, Amazon handles the entire responsibility of logistics including packaging, product shipping, returns, and customer support.

You should choose either of these two depending on your business model, your efficiency to handle product selling stages, and budget.

With years of experience and expertise in Amazon Account Management Services, we know what strategies, steps, and tools to use to create a strong presence as a seller and grow sales. Right from Amazon seller account creation within the precise guidelines, optimizing the entire listing and promotion of the seller’s products, we use proactive, user-focused strategies.
We implement competitor analysis, make use of user intent and the most suitable keywords, optimize each product category comprehensively, create rich, target-keyword-based product information, and apply innovative tactics specific to the buyers you are targeting.

An Amazon seller account can get suspended owing to a violation of Amazon’s terms and policies, unfair tactics, or die to some unwarranted conditions carried out during selling activities. A suspended Amazon seller account means that the product listings of that account are no longer visible to the shoppers. Sellers are also not able to access their account dashboard during that time.
However, a suspended account can be reinstated by following the due process laid out by Amazon. It includes appealing to Amazon. And this process can take between 2 to 5 weeks.

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