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SEO For Movers

SEO Experts to Move Your Way to The Top Of Search Rankings

SEO For Moving Company

Moving is definitely stressful work, especially if this is the first time for a person. Everyone wants to hire a professional and experienced mover to make their move hassle-free. And their search starts with a Google query to find moving companies in their neighborhood.

No matter how experienced, expert, and quality service provider you are, if you aren’t showing up at the top in the search result rankings, you are losing out on potential customers. We can help you tackle this challenge by positioning your website at the top of the search results when your potential customers are searching for movers near them.

Get Your Moving Fleet Get Super Busy – Schedule a Consultation Call With Us Today!

eSearch Logix – Helping You Get More Qualified Leads And Moving Jobs

Our digital marketing services are customized specifically to your precise requirements to turn your online portfolio of services into a lead-creating platform. We uncover the potential of your web presence with tailored mover SEO services and gain higher rankings on search engine result pages (SERPs), more inbound traffic, and increased job bookings.

  • Create Brand Awareness
  • Grow Your Business Reputation
  • Increase Qualified Leads & Moving Service Bookings
  • Gain Higher ROI

Let's Get Started With Us

Contact Now For A Free Seo Consultation For Movers!

Why Do You Need Moving Company SEO for Your Site?

  • Do you get enough queries through your site to keep you busy all day?
  • Do you get enough job bookings to keep your movers engaged?
  • Is your site showing at the top in SERPs when someone in your vicinity searches for ‘moving services’, or ‘moving company’, or such related keywords?
  • Are your competitors having their fleet busy all the time, while you struggle to get potential leads?

If your answer is ‘No’ to the above questions then you surely have a struggling web presence that needs to be optimized to get you on track and outrank the competitors – Which is what your business objective is, Right?


You not only need mover SEO assistance, but you need customized strategies from an expert SEO company that is planned and implemented for your moving company and not a general SEO approach that won’t help you much.

We have worked with moving companies around the globe for the last 10 years, and our well-executed online marketing strategies have given their business a fresh lease of life. We have helped movers gain substantial ranking positions, and exponential growth rates in calls, job bookings, and sales.

The next one could be YOU.

  • Rank on Google 1st Page

See your website land on the first page of Google for keywords and search queries that your potential customers are using to search for movers.

  • Enhance Brand Awareness

Build your brand authority and online presence with a dedicated campaign that gives you long-lasting results.

  • Accelerated Business Growth

Grow your business with improved user experience, more job queries, increased qualified leads, and sale conversions.

Site Audit

Our analysis of your site gives us a complete insight into your website in terms of its design, structure, UX, SEO performance, and more. We check for URL structure, crawl errors, content duplicacy, slow page speed, broken links, XML sitemaps, 301 redirects, and more to identify and rectify those.

Keyword Research & Optimization

Ranking for those keywords no one is searching for isn’t going to give you leads and sales. And not ranking for those keywords that are driving traffic to your competitors’ sites won’t help either. This is why keyword research and optimization become the core of your entire SEO strategy.

Right keyword selection is what your potential customers are actually searching for, and what will drive maximum traffic to your site.

  • “moving companies”
  • “local movers”
  • “movers near me”
  • “moving companies in XYZ city”
  • “residential moving services”
  • “commercial moving services”
  • “packing the moving companies”

These are some of the most common moving keywords people use to search for movers; however, the list goes on.

Our methodical approach and tactical use of the best keyword research tools help us to refine our keyword list for optimization that provides a maximum advantage.

Technical SEO
  • We clean up & restructure your site’s code so that it becomes search-friendly.
  • We conduct thorough site and page structuring for easy crawling and indexing
  • Improve page load speed
  • Make the website mobile-friendly
  • Ensure the navigation is smooth for the users to access information quick and easily
  • And optimize other technical aspects of the site.
On-Page SEO

On-page or on-site SEO is a comprehensive implementation of optimization and update of the user-end aspects of your site, which includes:

  • Page URL structuring
  • Page titles, meta tags, image alt tags optimization
  • Website content update with relevant information and keyword optimization
  • Addition and optimization of visual content
  • Internal and external links optimization
Local SEO

It is highly likely that you target a local area or a combination of different localities or cities. And this is where local SEO for your moving services becomes critically significant. Our local SEO for moving contractors involves a wide-spectrum approach:

  • Google My Business (GMB) Listing

The most important local SEO factor, we claim and create a fully optimized GMB listing of your business with:

  • Complete and accurate business information, including address, contact details, and operation hours
  • Compelling business description
  • Category-specific service features
  • Relevant and high-quality images
  • Local Citations

We create business profiles and list your business on local directories to obtain citations, making your presence on all the major and niche-relevant online local platforms.

  • NAP Consistency

From your site pages to your GMB profile and local citations, we ensure to add and update accurate and consistent Name, Address, and Phone Number (NAP) information of your business.

  • Brand Reputation with Positive Customer Reviews

Cultivating positive reviews from your past and present customers can significantly boost your online reputation and your ranking potential.

  • Social Media Optimization

From updating Facebook place listing to making and optimizing your presence on other social profiles we enhance your brand presence, and make you visible more in front of your potential customers with increased following and user engagement.

  • Moving Service Location Pages

When you are serving multiple locations, we improve your location signals factor by creating specific city pages, optimized with relevant keywords and other important information.

Content Optimization

Content is what connects you with the users and tells Google and other search engines about your services and value proposition. We have a strategic approach to create quality content for your site as well as for your user engagement and marketing campaigns:

  • Relevant, quality, insightful, and user-centric website content that helps solve their queries and problems and find the desired solution.
  • Blogs that include useful content for users, like industry trends, key information, tips, advice, how-to instructions and guides on all things related to moving.
  • Multimedia content in the form of images, infographics, videos, and more that provides rich context.
  • Guest posts to earn backlinks that are in-depth, research-backed, and unique.
Link Building

Link building is one of the most vital strategies of SEO practice. We create quality, trendy, and valuable guest blogs for posting on high-authority websites to earn backlinks that help boost SERPs rankings. Our link building approach includes finding worthy link-building opportunities by differentiating high-value and low-value links.

Conversion Optimization

What if your target customers land on your site and then find nothing valuable or feel it unworthy and move back? Well, converting your site visitors into qualified leads and job-booking customers is where you will get business.

We study and evaluate your users’ behavior, update and optimize your landing pages, enhance the user interface and experience aspect of your site, enable a quick and smooth process for them to take the next step to improve the conversion rate.

Analytics & Reporting

We install and monitor Google Search Console and Google Analytics for keeping track of keywords you are ranking for, ranking improvement over time, as well as get metrics of how many visits your site had, and where they are coming from. This helps to get a clear picture of which SEO strategies and campaigns are working best and which need improvement.

A dedicated manager for moving SEO campaigns will be your point-of-contact keeping you updated on each aspect. You will get timely and regular, easy-to-understand SEO reports consisting of all the key quantifiable data and metrics related to your campaign.

  • Long Term Strategy

SEO is a continuous process to produce strong and long-lasting results. And we work to build a robust foundation of your site’s web presence to deliver the best and long-term results.

  • No Conflict of Competitors

When we are handling your moving services SEO, you can rest assured that we won’t take any project in the same niche serving similar areas as you.

  • White-Hat SEO

We duly oblige by and follow Google and other search engine guidelines and practice only ethical SEO practices.

  • Decade of Experience

For over a decade, we have not only evolved with each and every facet of what a proven and successful SEO is, but our experience of working with businesses all across the globe places us well to know how to win the market position for you.

  • Skilled and Certified Team

Our 50+ team of SEO professionals includes online marketing specialists handling different domains with expertise and detailed know-how, backed by data-fueled research.

  • Honest and Transparent Approach

We will say only what is actionable and achievable, and we will put in every effort to deliver you the results we know and promise we will.

Stay Ahead of Your Competitors – Get Your Moving Business Move More and More Customers

Helping Businesses Since 2014

Get in touch with us right now to discuss this in detail!

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