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Amazon is undoubtedly the leader when it comes to ecommerce and m-commerce. With an estimated 2.5 billion monthly visitors, Amazon is the go-to place for online sellers. And it comes as no surprise that almost half of consumers start their product search on Amazon, more than Google, which is preferred by one-fourth of consumers as their first destination for product search. And this is why more than 40% of online sales happen on Amazon.
All this leads to one factor – If you want to skyrocket your online sales, you have to utilize Amazon Marketplace as a seller.

Amazon SEO From Industry Experts to Grow Your Reach & Sales

With the kind of command that Amazon has in online sales, there is no doubt that competition is also high among sellers. Everyone wants to see their product & store appear on top in search results when someone searches for similar products in the Amazon search box.
The product listings that are better optimized will appear on top in the search results – And you can reach that position with Amazon Search Engine Optimization (SEO).
eSearch Logix is a leading digital marketing agency, offering dedicated expertise in Amazon SEO to help your product listings appear at the top in the Amazon search results.

  • Full-scale Amazon SEO services including Amazon SEO & PPC
  • Complete support for account set-up, audit, listing optimization & more
  • Strategic implementation to improve your store’s visibility and conversion rate
Amazon SEO Services

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Consult Amazon Seo Professionals Now To Increase Your Sales!


Amazon SEO is the process of optimizing product listings to improve the product’s visibility and ranking in product search results on Amazon. The listing is optimized using search-intent keywords, clear and defined product descriptions, and more strategies to help products rank higher for similar product searches, increase traffic to the listings, improve brand visibility, and increase conversion rate and product sales.

Who Should Utilize Amazon SEO Services?

If you have a seller account on Amazon and selling a certain product, you will find hundreds or thousands more selling the same products. So, how will your product rank higher for relevant product searches on Amazon? This depends on how well your listing is optimized.

Therefore, no matter what product you sell on Amazon, optimizing your listing with the help of experts becomes critical to growing your listing’s online visibility and sales. Whether you are a stay-at-home running a small online sales business on Amazon, or an established brand looking to improve your reach and sales growth on the most popular ecommerce channel, Amazon SEO services will help all to increase their sales potential.

Link Acquisition Successful Image

Factors That Affect Amazon Search Results

Link Acquisition Successful Image

Amazon organizes and displays products in search results, in ranking order based on seller performance. This is determined based on several measurements including product info, images, reviews, account health, pricing, and more factors.

Amazon’s algorithm system ranks the search results factors in several aspects that include relevancy to the search query, availability, positive customer reviews, pricing, and shipping speed. At present Amazon A10 is the current search algorithm that the ecommerce giant uses to find and rank product listings.

Amazon SEO services help to improve each of these elements to enhance the reputation and ranking of the product.

Benefits Of Amazon SEO For Sellers

Increase In Visibility and Ranking

The first and foremost objective of Amazon SEO is to optimize the listings and brand information, which helps to increase the product’s ranking in search results, meaning more visibility and better sale potential.

Improves Product Credibility

The reputation of the seller and the worthiness of the product is a big factor that affects ranking in Amazon search results. Amazon SEO practices help to improve the brand’s credibility, which increases sales and boosts ranking in search results.

Advantage Over Competitors

When your product listings are better optimized, your potential for ranking higher over your competitors increases, thus you gain better sales growth than them, which further boosts your visibility in the Amazon marketplace.

Boosts Brand Loyalty And Awareness

The better your rankings are, the more you are able to reach target customers. This improved visibility and product credibility improves your brand’s awareness and helps in gaining trust from customers, increasing repeat purchases.

Improves Customer's Shopping Experience

Amazon SEO helps to optimize products and brands with the right keywords, along with informative and precise product description information. This helps customers to find exactly what they are looking for and assess a product’s info to decide whether it is the right selection for them or not.

Improves Chance Of Gaining Best Seller Ranking

With Amazon SEO, you will gain better brand credibility, improved visibility in search results, and more sales. This helps to increase your revenue and enhances your chances of becoming a best-seller as categorized by Amazon. Customers are more likely to buy from best-sellers.

How We Implement Amazon SEO?


Keyword Research

  • We use a variety of tools to find the most suitable, intent-based keywords.
  • We put ourselves in the shoes of a buyer and think of keywords and phrases to search for the related product.
  • We use competitor results to assess and compile the list of keywords to target.
  • We utilize the auto-complete feature on the Amazon search box to look for and find the relevant keyword suggestions.
  • Our focus is more on short-tail keywords. However, we don’t exclude long-tail keywords from our process, as these are low competition, and may help to bring better conversions.

Product Title Optimization

  • The product title is the most important aspect of your listing, to catch the attention of the user as well as enable the Amazon algorithm to understand and rank your product listing.
  • We create product titles precise to what is on the product packaging.
  • We optimize the product title within 60 to 80 characters, use clear letters, capitalize the first letter of each word, and start the title with the brand name.
  • We use the keyword specifically in the product title.
  • We refrain from using subjective words like ‘top’, ‘best’, etc. which the Amazon algorithm doesn’t like.

Product Description Optimization

  • We create descriptive information about the product, clearly outlining its features and usage, and all other important aspects that users should know.
  • We focus on creating attention-grabbing descriptions, whereby we keep the information clear, concise and straight-forward.
  • We use specific information in the description that isn’t listed anywhere else in the listing.
  • We include all the key factors like brand name, product size or type, material type, quantity, packaging, colors, and more.
  • We follow and optimize product descriptions using A+ content (earlier known as Enhanced Brand Content) that helps to convey brand features by creating a unique brand story. This is done by utilizing text placement in an effective way, using multiple enhanced images, to improve ranking, ranking, and conversion rate.

Product Key Features Optimization

  • Aside from product description, key features mentioned in bullet points also hold high relevancy to improve the product listings’ visibility and reach.
  • The product features should be listed in 5 bullet points, with a heading and a short description of each unique feature.
  • We keep these features in a consistent order for all of your product listings.
  • All the bullet points are covered under a total of 1,000 characters, which improves readability. And we refrain from using pricing information or promotional elements, which is against the guidelines.
  • We highlight all the key features of your product defining its benefits, how it stands apart from others, and what the users will gain from it.

Product Images Optimization

  • Product image optimization is one of the vital aspects of Amazon SEO. We ensure to keep around 6 images per listing (the ideal count) and try to include one video as well.
  • We ensure to use the ideal form of images – with a white background and the product filling at least 85% of the image space, along with using the right pixels for enhanced image quality.
  • We ensure that the image is a photo capture and not a drawing, and matches the product in color, accuracy, and size.
  • We use multiple images taken at different angles that clearly state what the product is and what it does.
  • Other image optimization techniques include – no highlights or shadows, and the product is well-lit and focused.

Product Search Terms Optimization – Backend Keywords

  • Using backend keywords is a vital strategy for Amazon SEO, and it needs to be well-optimized so that your product visibility improves when Amazon indexes products relevant to a search.
  • We use generic words, along with synonyms, alternative names, and abbreviations.
  • We keep the length within the prescribed limit.
  • We enter and add the search phrases and keywords in a logical order.
  • We skip using unnecessary aspects like colons, hyphens and stop words like ‘by’, ‘of’, ‘and’, ‘a’, ‘an’, ‘with’, etc.

Product Pricing Optimization

  • Product pricing is not just a big purchase factor for customers; it also becomes a big aspect for Amazon to decide which product listing to show higher in ranking and recommendations.
  • We conduct full research on pricing, implement market analysis, assess competitors, and evaluate all the other factors to decide on the product pricing that is reasonable as well as competitive, whilst also profitable to you.
  • We consider shipping costs and all the associated costs of the product to determine the final price.
  • We also conduct A/B testing on different price points to determine whether changing prices affect the sales, and based on that decide which price point is ideal.
  • We also include and implement factors that improve sales potential, including using free shipping offers and more.

Other Tactics We Focus On And Utilize For Amazon SEO

We Do Not Use Black Hat SEO Tactics

We ensure that all the information is accurate, and we ensure that there is no dishonest information or paid review on the listing that can prove negative to your listing, even leading to getting the account suspended.

We Use A Variety Of Amazon SEO Tools

Right from performing keyword research and analysis, to gaining insights on improving product listing, pricing optimization, and more, we use a variety of Amazon SEO tools to help refine our process and make better use of data.


Amazon Seo Services

Account Setup

If you already have an Amazon account, we can start right away with your accounts’ audit and SEO; if not, then don’t worry. We will help set up your account right from scratch, letting you know all the guidelines and more, and set up your Amazon Brand Registry, and everything else on your behalf.

Account Audit

We carry out a comprehensive audit of your product listings and assess and uncover any underlying issue that is affecting your search result potential. Then, we create a detailed plan of action to implement to improve your listings’ visibility and sales growth.

Competitor Research

We carry out a detailed analysis of your competitors that are performing well on Amazon search results as well as sales and find out opportunities to work upon. We find gaps to fill and assess all the key factors including their product listing optimization, pricing, offers, brand reviews, and more.

Keyword Optimization

We utilize manual methods as well as tools to find the right keywords that are more beneficial for your product listings. We include those strategically throughout your listings to ensure better performance in search as well as sales potential.

Customer Review Strategies

For any product sale, social proof that comes from genuine customer reviews has a big impact. We take a proactive approach to improve your brand reputation and encourage positive reviews and feedback from your customers.

On-going Listing Optimization

SEO is an ongoing process and the same holds true for Amazon SEO as well. We keep on looking at new keyword ideas and suggestions, garner more and more positive customer reviews, keep the pricing updated, keep an eye on competitors, and update listings as and when required.

FBA, FMB & Buy Box Management

Whether you want to opt for the Fulfillment by Merchant (FBM) or Fulfillment by Amazon (FBA) option, we help with complete Amazon account management and improve your listings’ visibility accordingly. Our continuous strategic efforts are also directed towards helping you earn the ‘Buy Box’ feature that will broadly improve your sales and brand growth on Amazon.

Amazon Seo & Account Consulting

Whatever questions you have in mind when setting up your store on Amazon Marketplace regarding account setup, management, optimization, and more, our experienced and dedicated consultants will answer your entire queries and suggest the most suitable plan of action with complete support.

How Is Amazon SEO Different From Google SEO?

If you are thinking that you can apply the same SEO approaches on Amazon that you apply for improving a website’s ranking on Google, then you should beware. Amazon SEO is different from what Google SEO is.

While both are prevalent search engines, require consistent effort, and share the same objective (ranking higher in results), there are some key differences between the two:

Amazon SEO

Google SEO

While many are more familiar with Google SEO tactics, those cannot be applied altogether on Amazon. It won’t help you gain the desired results.

We, at eSearch Logix, have a decade-old experience and expertise in digital marketing as a whole and treat each platform as a distinctive identity. That is why we adopt and apply specific SEO approach and strategies for the Amazon platform that helps drive product listings’ visibility, search ranking improvement, and conversion rate.


Do you want to gain instant results for your product sales on Amazon? You can do that effectively using Amazon sponsored ads. We optimize the right keywords, create a compelling ad copy, and bid for the ad strategically, to help you make an impactful presence in front of buyers looking for similar products as yours. We manage and work toward improving the performance of your sponsored ads with increased visibility on product detail pages and search results.

Ready to see your sales shoot up on Amazon? Get in touch to learn about how we can help with a creative Amazon SEO approach!

Get in touch with our representative to talk further about your project!

Get in touch with us right now to discuss this in detail!

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