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Build Quality Backlinks And Improve Your ROI

How well you rank on Google’s organic search results depends on how well you are able to perform well on Google’s ranking factors.
As a matter of fact, links are one of the top two ranking factors used by Google’s ranking algorithm. As a general rule, webpages having more quality backlinks do have a higher probability of ranking higher in Search Engine Result Pages (SERPs).
So, you know to rank well in Google’s SERP you need links – And quality links back to your site. We help you to acquire quality backlinks to your website using Link Building Outreach strategy which is one of the best and safe Link building strategy to help your website Rank Higher on Google and improve your ROI.

Link Outreach and Acquisition Services
Link Outreach And Acquisition Services That Focuses On Quality & Results

As your trusted link generation partners, we get you high DA/DR, and high-traffic backlinks that drive your organic ranking greatly. We don’t follow content farming, no shady private blog networks (PBNs); just high authority backlinks from relevant sources earned with effectual link outreach and acquisition strategies. The link acquisition experts at eSearch Logix know what it takes to create a profound & proven path to earn links that are high value and help you outrank your competitors in search results.

  • Impressive High Authority Backlinks from High Domain Authority (DA) Sites
  • Strategic Planning, Campaign Creation & Execution
  • Creative, Quality-Focused Outreach Strategy That Builds Relations
  • High-Quality, Value-Driven Content Creation & Guest Post Implementation

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Best Quality Links Earned Meticulously – Get a Quote Now!
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What Is Backlink Outreach?

A critical factor of SEO & digital marketing, link outreach means reaching out to websites with the objective of securing quality backlinks. It focuses on fostering relationships within the industry and business niches by making connections with relevant websites, blogs, and other online mediums, in turn gaining brand mentions and backlinks that enhance the brand’s search visibility & authority.

It includes:
  • Strategically identifying websites and online platforms that align with the brand niche, content & audience.
  • Crafting personalized emails & messages that demonstrate a genuine interest in collaboration, and address the recipient’s interests.
  • Offering valuable, insightful & compelling content that they would love to post on their medium and share with their readers.
  • Building relationships for further collaborations in the future.
Backlink Outreach Services
Link Acquisition

What Is Link Acquisition?

A critical factor of SEO & digital marketing, link outreach means reaching out to websites with the objective of securing quality backlinks. It focuses on fostering relationships within the industry and business niches by making connections with relevant websites, blogs, and other online mediums, in turn gaining brand mentions and backlinks that enhance the brand’s search visibility & authority.

It includes:
  • Strategically identifying websites and online platforms that align with the brand niche, content & audience.
  • Crafting personalized emails & messages that demonstrate a genuine interest in collaboration, and address the recipient’s interests.
  • Offering valuable, insightful & compelling content that they would love to post on their medium and share with their readers.
  • Building relationships for further collaborations in the future.
Let's Get Started With Us

It’s time to strengthen your link-building process and strategy – Work with experts who are proven to deliver unmatched link-building solutions!

What Makes a Good Quality Link?

There isn’t a laid-down formula for how Google evaluates links, but there are several concepts that categorize what a good link is:


It should provide real value to the users, and should not seem to be a paid promotion. The link must be unique, and not ‘one of many’ that delve into the same thing over and over.


It should be contextually relevant and should be lengthy enough that contain enough information to drive credibility.


Anchor text is the clickable snippet of the text linking back to a webpage. Your anchor text should be chosen carefully, meaning it should be relevant to the linked page, clearly denoting the users what they can expect to find from that source.


Even though Google has denied following a website ranking metric system, it does measure the authority of the site by seeing the links as ‘votes’. The stronger this ‘vote’ metric is, the better that site’s authority is.

Our Backlink Outreach Process

Outreach, or as we can say reaching out to website owners, webmasters, and bloggers to earn backlinks isn’t an easy process. It isn’t something that you pitch your idea to a website (and we are talking about high-quality reputable names), and they will instantly pay heed to your request. This is the reason why so much emphasis is put upon link building, as it is one of the key ranking factors whilst also a tough one.

However, with years of expertise and experience we have gained, we have attained the skill to create an outreach plan, following up with link acquisition that generates results, every time.

And everything is done manually!!

Backlink Outreach Process

Find Link Prospects

The first and foremost step is to find out who to reach out to build relationships for garnering links. And these can be from any online medium that you think of – websites, news mediums, blogs, social media sites, and other platforms.

We employ multiple methods for this, including manual search, reaching out to existing connections, finding top sites your competitors are gaining backlinks from, finding top articles and blogs in your niche and reaching out to those bloggers, searching for social media channels, and more methods. Once we have our list, we forward to collecting and collating their contact information.

Select Outreach Tactics

There is not one but many mediums to get in touch with target websites and bloggers:
Email/PR – We start by creating an email template that is compelling as well as unique, following up with an email copy that gets clicked.
Social Media – We leverage the social channels to build connections there, which we carry to foster further relations.
Professional Networks – With years of service in the industry, we have already developed a strong network within the industry.
Influencers – A proven outreach methodology in the present times, it helps us to leverage the popularity and strong influence of prominent figures to connect with and gain quality links..

Create A Pipeline

You can think of this pipeline as the dashboard, from where all the backlink efforts will flow. This includes listing out all the contacts, identifying the outreach tactic to use, keeping track of follow-ups, and doing much more.

Create Outreach Copies

No one likes to read or listen to anyone too much if they aren’t being clear and straightforward. So, we use the What-Why-How formula. It details ‘What we are seeking’, ‘Why they should show interest in our pitch’, and ‘How we are going to proceed with’. This way, we personalize each and every one of our outreach templates, specific to whatever medium we are using to connect with the prospects.

End And Follow Up With Consistent Efforts

We know how busy those site owners, webmasters, marketers, and bloggers would be. So, we don’t leave a bad impression with our pitch and efforts. We take time and always follow a personalized strategy to take them from stage 1 to stage 2 (regular communication), and stage 3 (getting them interested for collaboration)..

Establish Long-term Relationships

One thing that makes us stand out from the rest is that we don’t go about focusing on backlinks. The better we are able to establish and nurture relations with top names; the quality link generation will automatically flow. Our emphasis is on turning the prospects into long-term partners.

Our Strategies For Link Acquisition

While the link outreach strategy is to find prospects, approach them, and get them ready for collaboration, it can only be successful when you are able to successfully acquire a backlink.

Every link acquisition process has content at the core. However, it isn’t just a single method of getting your blog posted on a website and earning the backlinks. There is so much more that goes into creating a strategy and implementing that for link acquisition.

Strategies For Link Acquisition

Linkable Assets Creation

There are several assets that we focus on creating to be able to serve as linkable items. More variety of linkable elements means we can source quality backlinks from a wide assortment of mediums and channels:
  • Blog Posts
  • EBooks
  • In-Depth Guides
  • Infographic & Other Visual Content
  • Research Data
  • Case Studies
  • Newsletters
  • And more

Guest Blogging

The standard in link acquisition, the competition is truly tough when following the guest blogging approach. However, we know how to get it right. Our native writers conduct in-depth analysis and research into a business/theme/subject, write valuable, insightful and expert, and unique content on that, which our link-building experts push forward to post on a high authority site and earn backlinks.

We always follow Google’s E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) principle in our content writing process, so as to place you as a credible source of information that others would want to get a post from, in turn earning you a backlink.

Skyscraper Technique

Everybody wants to post content on their site that is better than anyone else, which means better ranking, more readerships, and more credibility. This is what is skyscraper – the content that towers over the existing one.

We keep scouting the online platforms for existing content related to our niche with substantial backlinks. After that, we create more detailed, valuable, updated content adding value like visual elements, updated stats, and more. Then we promote that content to target channels, offering them better value than the original one, to gain backlinks.

Link Insertion

This technique involves finding link adding opportunities within existing content on a website relevant to your niche. We identify relevant content, analyze link opportunities, and craft a personalized approach offering them insight and value into how our adding link can add value to their content and provide something more deep and resourceful for their readers.

This includes finding articles, blogs, and posts where there is no link to any source or limited links or has a section where you can add your link without disrupting the flow of the information.

Broken Link Replacement

This includes finding outdated or broken links on posts and providing them with up-to-date information link replacement. This is similar to the link insertion method, however, you can look for link-earning opportunities where there is a broken link directing to your source, or any other source as well.


A new concept in the field, it has gained huge traction amongst experts in the field. Help A Reporter Out (HARO). This platform is a community of journalists, and reporters representing a wide array of big-name publications like Forbes, BuzzFeed, Business Insider, etc. Imagine your brand being quoted in these publications by journalists. How valuable these links will be for your branding? This is what HARO does for you.

We sign up on the HARO website, connect with journalists, respond to their requests for niche articles relevant to your business, create compelling insights on the topic they are looking for, and pitch the idea with profound expertise to get you published on HARO. We get you to become a credible source for journalists, reporters, and bloggers, in turn earning you high authority backlinks from big media outlets.

Resource Page Inclusion

Top websites and platforms across any niche tend to include and publish resources for their visitors to gain knowledge about certain subjects and topics. Securing a spot on these resource pages can land a valuable backlink and improve SEO results for your website.

We research high authority websites for their resource listings, look at the quality of the info, and if deemed fit review them if they contain resources and links to what you offer. Then we pitch the idea to them of how including your content on their resource page would be valuable for them. If we don’t have any existing content to pitch with, we will create that specifically to address the issue of their readers.

Press Release / Newsletter

You are constantly adding new services and products to your catalog, engaging in events, taking part in industry-related conferences & happenings, and doing much more. Well, all that needs to be promoted – and the best way is to release news articles for publications, which will earn you a backlink with brand mentions.

Not only this, but we also create killer stories around your brand and people related to it. This gives them the news publications a good story to cover, and your brand a worthy backlink that will help your SEO game.

More Approaches To Link Acquisition

Image Link - We scout for resources that are using your images and ask them to give you the credit with a link back if they aren’t doing that.
Brand Mentions – Somewhere and somehow bloggers and other webmasters and sources may have used your brand name for any reference purpose; well we ask them to make these unlinked mentions clickable.
Influencer Partnerships – We are always building our network of influencers, and we always provide them with story and feed to cover your brand name in their posts and releases, which proves to be worthy backlinks.

How To Avail Our Link Outreach And Link Acquisition Services?

Earning quality links consistently takes time and effort, and it’s an intensive procedure. For someone who is wholly invested in their core business process, undertaking link building can be quite perplexing and too much of a task to ask for, considering the competitive domain link building is. Even generating one quality link can take days, so you can gauge how much work has to be put in.

This is where we step in, as your trusted and reliable, dedicated link outreach and acquisition service providers who know what it takes to build high authority links. As per your convenience and budget, we provide our link outreach & acquisition service in two models.

We Do All the Grinding for You

We Do All the Grinding for You  We Outreach & Create – You Post
Finding prospects, creating outreach templates, creating content, establishing relations, acquiring links, we do it all.

We handle all the communication and negotiation with the sites and bloggers for posting and link building.

We find and publish your posts on sites having DA between 30 and 70.

We will handle the negotiation and payment part for paid guest posting on websites ourselves.

The pricing plan for this service covers everything, including the payment we will make for paid guest posting.

It is a monthly recurring service model. The number of links acquired for you per month depends on the plan you choose.

We Outreach & Create – You Post

We take care of finding prospects, creating outreach templates & guest posts & more content for link generation for you.

We will provide you with a list of the high authority sites, outreach templates, and content, based on which you can communicate with them for posting & link acquisition.

We will provide you with multiple sites & online mediums having DA between 30 and 70.

We will do the back work, while negotiation and payment will be taken care of by you for posting on paid guest post sites.

The pricing plan for this service includes only the work we take care of, excluding what is charged by the sites for paid guest posting.

It is also a month-based service. We offer different service plans for this model, depending on the number of activities we will cover per month.

Note: For pricing plans, you can refer to the pricing section on the site, or you can consult us directly for a customized plan to meet your requirements.
Benefits Of Our Link Outreach And Link Acquisition Services

Expertise – We don’t have marketers doing link-building on the side. We have dedicated link outreach and acquisition experts, who craft strategies, conduct research, connect with prospects, and do much more, to bring to you that desired value of backlinks.

Up-to-Date in Our Strategy – Whether it is about leveraging the power of connecting with media houses, or finding creative ways to earn links from images or social media channels, we keep ourselves up-to-date in the trends and strategies.

Emphasis on the Most Critical Part: Content – No quality link acquisition can be achieved if you are relying on non-value content. This is where we stand apart from the rest. We not only focus on multiple content verticals, but our creation reflects expertise, insights, uniqueness, and impact.

Time-Saving & Affordable – Garnering high authority links is a tedious task. Our expertise helps you to save time, and lets you focus on your core business while we handle the vigorous aspects. Our proactive approach and high success rate in acquiring quality links will provide you with improved ROI.

Get in touch with us right now to discuss this in detail!

Fully Managed Link Outreach And Link Acquisition Services – Pick Quality Over Quantity

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