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Website Mobile SEO Optimization Company in India

Are you searched instantly when you are searched using mobile?
Do you know a second delay in page response may result in almost 7% reduction in the cost?

With Google’s recent mobile friendly algorithm update, it has not remain a choice to make your site mobile friendly.

eSearch Logix is a competitive Search Engine optimization company engaged in offering e-marketing solutions to let your business adapt to the latest changes in trends and technology. We excel in providing mobile SEO optimization services focused on making your brand and business highly noticeable over mobile searches within seconds. In other words, we expand your e-reach, whether your brand or business is searched over mobile, we make sure your website delivers the fast and user-friendly experience to your targeted audience.

Website Mobile SEO Optimization

Why Mobile Seo?

Mobile SEO is the need of the hour. According to latest research by Google, more than 80% of smart phone users access Internet over handheld devices such as mobiles, tablets etc. With every new update in its algorithm, Google is focused on giving more importance to mobile friendly sites.

If you want to succeed and expand your reach in the world dominated by mobile Internet, you cannot ignore mobile search engine marketing. Mobile SEO brings plethora of benefits to your online business:

Mobile SEO

Let's Get Started With Us

Mobile SEO Optimization Company India

We at eSearch Logix offer an array of mobile SEO solutions to let your business reap all benefits of mobile Internet. We make sure you are searched instantly and are visible better than your competitors when they look for you over mobiles, tablets and other handheld devices.

Mobile SEO Analysis For Your Website
Mobile SEO Audit Report
Mobile Website Design & Development
Off-Page and On-Page Mobile SEO Solutions
Recommendations For Enhancing Mobile Usability

We are a leading Bangalore SEO company that rides on the expertise of the team, and fine-tuned methods adopted with creative strategies – The recipe that you need to grow online.

Mobile SEO Optimization Company in India

Get in touch with our representative to talk further about your project!

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