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6 Mobile App Onboarding Best Practices for 2022

6 Best Practices for Mobile App Onboarding

The popularity of smartphones, TVs, and tablets has made mobile apps the focus of consumer attention. Your business requires a useful app to go along with its brand, which is not enough. It’s remarkable that so few businesses are connecting with their target audience despite businesses racing to a mobile interface. According to a study, 62% of users will stop using an app after 11 usages, and 23% of apps are only used once.

Users are clearly not ready to wait for upgrades given the congested nature of the mobile industry. If you want to deliver an excellent omni-channel experience, they must be delighted right away. In order to achieve long-term client success, you should employ an onboarding procedure if you’re preparing to launch an app. We’ll discuss a few various forms of mobile app onboarding in this article, then go over some best practices to bear in mind when including this function in your app.

Types of mobile app onboarding

Let’s look at some alternative approaches to onboarding before delving into best practices.

  • Continual Onboarding

One of the simplest methods for integrating new users is through this. As they work their way through a step-by-step tutorial of your app, it gives users new information. The best thing about this method is how it directly motivates consumers to act. Additionally, the user receives current information that aids in their understanding of the fundamental features of your app.

  • Operation-Based Onboarding

This routine teaches users how to utilize your app to carry out typical tasks. This approach delves deeper into how each feature is utilized to achieve a goal rather than giving an overview of each tool. To test actions before moving on to the next phase, these procedures sometimes involve a demo.

  • Onboarding Focused on Benefits

This strategy emphasizes the advantages of the app and the value it may offer consumers. By using this technique, you may improve conversion rates and encourage users to download your app. You may communicate what the app does with this form of onboarding without having to explain how to use it.

After discussing the various types of app onboarding, let’s talk about how you might use them for your company.

Best Practices for Onboarding Mobile Apps

1.  Concentrate on the value proposition.

It’s simple to believe that showcasing the top aspects of your software will increase conversions. While there are other ways to promote your software, highlighting its value proposition is more crucial.

Instead of concentrating on features, describe the benefits users will experience from using your software. Customers have wants, thus your app should be the resource that enables them to fulfil those needs. They are more concerned with the results of use than they are with the operation of your apps. Additionally, you can highlight your app’s best features as much as you like after describing the value proposition of your software.

2.  Just ask for the information you need.

You should only request information throughout the signup process that is pertinent to the app. For instance, requesting users for their annual wage may seem redundant if your software is for language study. This may eventually cause people to stop using your app as a point of friction.

3.  Compactify the onboarding screens.

If your onboarding procedure is lengthy and onerous, you risk losing a lot of potential consumers. If there are numerous pages of instructions, users will become overwhelmed and switch to a rival app.

The best course of action is to employ the progressive onboarding method if the functionality of your software necessitates a more thorough explanation. By breaking it down into a series of steps, the procedure will seem simpler and less demanding. For instance, you can express vital messages using graphics and pictures from apps. By doing this, you help novice users avoid explanations that are overly text-heavy and intimidating.

4.  Keep signups brief and uncomplicated.

A difficult signup procedure is another significant reason for the turnover. Remember that consumers use your app while they are on the go, and nobody wants to fill out a lengthy five-page form while crammed on the metro. Therefore, you should keep your signup procedure short and straightforward if you don’t want to turn away potential clients.

One thing you could do is provide them with the option of logging in with a different account. Users have the option to log in with their Facebook or Gmail credentials rather than creating a brand-new account specifically for your app. This helps them save time and effort and significantly reduces friction during the signup process.

5.  Include a permission request.

One of the most important components of an app’s code of conduct is asking for permission. This is something to bear in mind, especially when using a customer’s data. After all, 30% of apps are deleted by consumers because they fear a security or privacy breach.

For instance, you should request permission before using the camera or microphone if your app needs access to such features. This will result in a popup similar to the one seen below. The majority of people often react favorably to this strategy. These alerts increase user confidence in your software and their comfort level with its features. Most people will readily accept your terms and conditions.

6.  Promote the app’s preview of content.

Another possibility is that the signup procedure itself is what prevents the user from using your app. Give consumers access to some of the app’s functionality as a result before requesting their registration.

For instance, if you run an app for e-commerce, you can let customers browse the product catalogue before registering. Ask them to log in or create a new account after that when they want to begin a transaction.

The new users of your software ought to have a wonderful experience thanks to these recommended practices. Thus, bear them in mind when selecting an Android or iOS app development business to create your app.

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