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AI in education: benefits, use cases and future opportunities

AI in Education: Benefits and Use Cases

Data and artificial intelligence are the two things that drive our daily lives. Whether we are aware of it or not, AI is now a necessary part of every sector. With new applications and use cases, technology is influencing every industry, from AI in sports, mobile apps, and construction to AI in education. A whole new idea of learning has entered the industrial vertical when it comes to education and learning as a result of the fusion of AI with the current digital learning system. 

Because of AI development services, the market for digital education, also known as the eLearning industry, is expected to approach 123 billion USD by the end of 2023, growing by 13.67percent. 

The classic conventional ways of learning have been completely transformed by artificial intelligence in education, from mobile digital courses to online references and virtual classrooms. Now that more edTech companies are utilizing AI technology, it is important to discuss the advantages of AI in the education sector.

Let’s first analyze a few current data before moving on to application examples of AI in the education industry.

AI has a bigger impact on education than people realize. With an increasing focus on higher education quality, more than 50% of schools and colleges use AI for administrative support. 

By enhancing student engagement with personalized courses, interactive lectures, gamified classrooms for skill acquisition, etc., AI trends fuel growth swiftly in EdTech, which is why the AI education industry is anticipated to surpass 20 billion USD by 2027

This demonstrates how corporations are jointly investing billions of dollars in a broad range of AI applications, from computer vision and machine learning in education to robots, virtual support, and natural language. Let’s explore eleven ways AI is changing the education sector while keeping these technological advantages in education in mind. 

10 Ways AI is Used and Benefits the Education Sector

The use of AI in education offers countless advantages, including assisting instructors by handling time-consuming duties, grading reports, updating reports, improving virtual AI schools and AI classrooms, and much more. 

Applications of AI and its Benefits for the education sector

Let’s discuss the further detail the 10 most common uses of AI in education that are revolutionizing teaching and learning.

1. Individualized Instruction

Different students respond differently to new information. While some people learn quickly, others take longer. The idea of personalized learning for each student was absent from the traditional educational system. Artificial intelligence can help in this situation. 

AI in education makes ensuring that each person’s instructional software is customized. Additionally, the system supports how the learner interprets various teachings with supporting technologies like machine learning in education and adjusts to that process to lessen the strain. 

Through features like AI-embedded games, specialized programs, and more, this AI and education hybrid focuses on each individual’s needs to help them learn successfully. 

Read More: Everything About Auto-Gpt: Know About Its Features And How To Use It 

2. Automation of Tasks 

The majority of duties with added value are now handled by technology thanks to AI in schools and online classes. AI software solutions are also capable of verifying assignments, grading exams, scheduling research pacers, managing reports, preparing presentations, and taking notes in addition to customizing the teaching process.

This is perhaps why companies use integrated AI technology to accomplish their daily objectives. AI improves learning environments by automating routine tasks, increasing knowledge and efficiency. 

3. Creating Clever Content 

Teachers and research professionals may generate creative content for convenient preaching and learn with the use of artificial intelligence and machine learning. Here are a few instances of intelligent content produced by AI.

Artificial intelligence (AI) smart content production increases the real-life experience of graphical web-based learning environments when traditional education techniques cannot supply visual aspects outside of lab trials. With the aid of technology, students may visualize information in 2D and 3D and can do so in a variety of ways. 

  • Creation Of Digital Lessons 

AI in education can provide low-storage study materials and other digital courses that can yield bit-size learning. In this manner, the whole study material may be used by both specialists and students without taking up much system space.

  • Frequently Updated Material 

To keep the lessons current, AI also enables users to often produce and update knowledge. Additionally, users are alerted whenever new data is added, which aids in work preparation. You won’t need to worry about distant learning because these resources will be available from any device. 

4. Accessible Design

The knowledge may now be made available to a worldwide audience thanks to AI in the education sector. According to a recent poll, more than 60% of education-related firms rely on the creation of AIML-based educational apps that are backed by contemporary features and capabilities. The convenience of teaching and learning in different languages is made possible by features like multilingual assistance. 

AI is essential while delivering a sermon to a group of blind or deaf people. Real-time subtitles are offered for virtual lectures via AI-powered translator systems like Presentation Translator. 

5. Upskilling and Educating

Upskilling and educating the current business employees may enhance morale and inspire a company-wide commitment to development and innovation. This is not simply applicable to students.

Additionally, by examining how individuals acquire skills, deep learning and machine learning for education influence the L&D (Learning and Development) sector. The learning process is automated as soon as the system adjusts to how people learn and study.

You won’t need to worry about distant learning because these resources will be available from any device. 

6. Frequently Updated Material 

To keep the lessons current, AI also enables users to often produce and update knowledge. Additionally, users are alerted whenever new data is added, which aids in work preparation. 

 7. Individualized Feedback Based on Data 

When it comes to creating learning experiences, whether in a classroom or the workplace, feedback is an essential component. Giving continual feedback is a key component of good teaching, which sets it apart from just imparting knowledge. Feedback from a reliable source is crucial, therefore AI in education analyzes and generates work reports using common data. 

A data-based feedback system aids in understanding where abilities are missing, reduces bias from learning, and improves student happiness. This feedback is customized based on each student’s and employee’s system-recorded performance. 

8. Conversational AI Support is Available 24/7 

An increasingly common illustration of how AI in education uses data consumption to inform itself and offer aid appropriately is chatbots. Both business leaders and teachers gain from this in terms of user involvement in personalized learning. 

By carefully studying the pattern of material consumption and adjusting to the demands of the user, conversational AI systems also provide intelligent teaching. Industry studies predict that by 2026, the worldwide eLearning market would expand at a compound yearly growth rate of 9.1%. 

People choose corporate training programs and distance learning programs so they don’t have to miss out on their jobs, families, or classes. Here, AI chatbots may answer questions about registration, provide quick responses, provide users access to necessary study materials, and offer support.

Read More: Discover the Next Generation of Conversational AI: ChatGPT 4

9. Decentralized and Safe Educational Platforms

The education sector is implementing AI quickly but is frequently hampered by problems like data security, flexible data access, antiquated certification procedures, etc. Despite all these difficulties, decentralized AI-based solutions might usher in a good technological revolution in the field of education. 

10. Exams Use AI 

To assist identify suspicious conduct and notify the supervisor, AI software systems can be actively employed in exams and interviews. The AI systems monitor each person using webcams, microphones, and web browsers. They also analyze keystrokes, alerting the system to any movement. 

One of the best options for online exams is the application of AI technology in education. 

One may benefit from AI-based software and applications in more ways than one might think. Because of this, EdTech companies and businesses are drawn to AI technology solutions that successfully alleviate a variety of consumers’ problems. Therefore, if you work in the field of professional education, it is now imperative that you include AI technologies in your operations. 

The Future of Learning in the Age of AI: Top Five Predictions 

The fact is that, if used effectively, AI can significantly improve pupils’ capacity for critical thought and develop their soft skills. In addition, psychologists Edward Deci and Richard Ryan argue in their self-determination theory that humans are intrinsically motivated by autonomy, relatedness, and competence—that is, they will continue to learn regardless of any shortcuts offered to them. This is good news for skeptics who are concerned that children will stop learning fundamental skills, avoid practicing, and forget general facts if they can rely on an AI to answer for them. Wikipedia’s founding is a prime example. Even though we could now instantly look up dates and formulas online, we didn’t stop learning science or history. Instead, we only acquired another tool to aid in fact-checking and learning.

Given that one of AI’s initial consumer use cases is education and that millions of students, instructors, and administrators will be exposed to AI through programs like ChatGPT, we must pay attention to the applications of AI and their potential effects on our daily lives. The future of learning, knowledge, and education is the subject of the five predictions we discuss here.

1. The one-to-one Approach Becomes Popular 

Previously, only the wealthy could access one-on-one help for things like tutoring, coaching, mentorship, and even counseling. AI will assist in decolonizing these services for a larger audience. 

In reality, there is already a solution to Bloom’s 2 Sigma dilemma, which showed that pupils receiving one-on-one instruction performed two standard deviations better than kids in a regular classroom. AI can serve as a live instructor for anyone, with humans assisting the AI with detailed information, emotional support, and behavioral guidance.

2. Individualized Education Becomes a Reality

With AI, it will be feasible to customize everything from curriculum to learning modes and demands (e.g., visual versus text versus audio). It will also be possible to simply incorporate a child’s or adult’s favorite character or hobbygenre. Additionally, one will be able to learn more specifically depending on their skill level and knowledge gaps thanks to software that can monitor their progress, and repeat or reformat personalized information for them based on their knowledge and gaps. This ought to increase involvement. For instance, Cameounveiled children’s products including Spider-Man, Blippi, and other well-known intellectual property. Even a mother asked “Spider-Man” to help her child with potty training, and it appears to have been successful! Additionally, AI will be better able to handle a variety of learners, including those who are more advanced, those who are falling behind in a particular topic or subject, those who are reluctant to speak up in class, and those with unique learning requirements.

Read More: Understanding OpenAI’s New ChatbotChatGPT and How It May Affect You in The Future

3. A New Generation of Tools Based On AI Will Emerge For both Educators And Students

Historically, when it comes to productivity software, instructors and students are the natural trendsetters. In reality, firms like Canva and Qualtrics (which were subsequently bought by SAP) had students and instructors among their early customers. We can readily imagine students and instructors joining a new generation of early adopters of software that makes use of chat-based conversational interfaces as AI continues to become more “human-like” through enhanced intelligence, much as they did with early productivity applications.

Teachers now spend a lot of time planning lessons, grading assignments, and getting ready for their classes.

By developing drafts of lesson plans and curricula, among other things, AI may lessen the strain on teachers after learning from millions of prior educational resources. The output may then be adjusted and customized for each teacher’s specific classroom. Teachers now have more time to devote to previously “bonus” tasks like providing individualized attention to each student. 

4. New Assessment Tools Will Be Created, and Assessments and Credentialing Will Need To Change

Public educators are debating whether and how to “police” homework, college applications, and other documents for signs of AI-assisted labor since the publication of ChatGPT. Schools throughout the world have for the time being prohibited ChatGPT and other analogous AI-writing websites, including those in New York, Seattle, and other significant public school districts. 

Even the practice of using college application essays moving forward has been questioned. 

5. As the “Truth” Becomes Twisted, Fact-Checking Will Become Essential 

In the era of AI, “truth” is another major area of concern. Although accessible data is used to train algorithms, all of this information is still now vulnerable to human opinion and behavior. This implies that cultural prejudices of all kinds—including those based on race, gender, and others—get ingrained in the algorithms and will subsequently be magnified. For instance, the sentence completion AI in Gmail believes that an investor must be a man. The Google Smart Compose team has attempted to fix the issue multiple times but to no avail. 

Concluding Words

The use of artificial intelligence (AI) in education is crucial because it has the power to completely change how students learn. AI has the potential to tailor learning experiences, aid in the development of more productive lesson plans for teachers, and even grade student work. AI is becoming more accessible and inexpensive because of the quick development of technology, which makes it simpler for colleges and institutions to adopt. 

Due to its benefits, AI has the potential to favorably impact education. Offering students tailored learning routes, identifying knowledge gaps, and delivering real-time feedback, may support and improve the teaching process. It’s crucial to remember that AI shouldn’t take the role of human engagement and tailored care. 

It is impossible to understand a sentence’s meaning only by looking at its letters or words. Learning is a difficult process that calls for communication with others, empathy, and critical thinking abilities. These abilities cannot be replaced by AI, but they may assist and improve them.

AI is a useful technology that may help enhance the learning process, to sum up. It may assist teachers in developing more useful lesson plans, offering individualized learning opportunities, and even grading student work. However, to guarantee that kids obtain a well-rounded education, it should be utilized in conjunction with interpersonal communication and individualized care. We should keep investigating the possibilities of AI in education while being aware of its limits. 

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