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Best Programming Languages to Learn as a Beginner

Best Programming Languages to Learn

Programming is one of the most difficult and intriguing endeavors out there. People nowadays are eager to learn the intricacies of programming and apply it in novel ways to create something extraordinary. Programming as a career option has grown in popularity, as learning one or more programming languages allows you to develop the necessary skills to work for an IT firm or create software on your own that will take the world by storm.

Let’s briefly review what a programming language is before we move forward and discuss the best programming languages for you to learn as a beginner.

Programming Language

A programming language is made up of a set of symbols that act as a conduit for converting human thinking into commands that computers can comprehend. The tools we use to create instructions for computers to obey are called programming languages. Binary, or sequences of 1s and 0s, is how computers “think.” Using programming languages, we can convert 1s and 0s into text that humans can read and write.

Let’s break it down in layman terms- programming is the act of giving a computer a set of instructions to follow. You can imagine yourself as the computer and a recipe’s author as a programmer if you’ve ever cooked following a recipe before. You read and then adhere to the instructions that the recipe creator provides. Here the recipe author (programmer) is giving a set of instruction (code) to You (computer) to follow so that you can create a great dish (Program) out of nothing. Now remember, the more complex the instructions are, the more complex the result would be.

On the basis of their use in the market, community support, simplicity of learning, popularity, and future prospects, we’ve attempted to compile a list of some of the most popular and relevant programming languages for beginners in this article.

Best Programming Language(s) to Learn as a Beginner

1. Python

A lot of novice programmers naturally gravitate towards Python as their first language. It is one of the most widely used programming languages today due to its readability and the reason that it’s extremely simple to learn for beginners. It is a programming language that is open-source and free, with many community-developed modules. It comes with simple web service integrations, user-friendly data structures, and desktop programs with a graphical user interface. It is a well-liked programming language for applications involving deep learning and machine learning.

Compared to other programming languages, Python’s syntax is highly straightforward and easy to understand. It is a high-level, general-purpose scripting language, which makes it easy to pick things up reasonably fast and begin developing basic tasks without worrying about the finer points.

Additionally, it is also renowned for its extensive library ecosystem, which enables you to expand the language to accomplish practically anything, such as server-side web development, data analysis, machine learning, and a ton more.

  • Who uses it?

Inkscape, Blender, and Autodesk (2D and 3D animation packages) are created using Python. It has also been used to create popular video games including Vegas Trike, Civilization IV, Toontown, and more. Python is also utilized by well-known websites like Pinterest, Quora, YouTube, and Instagram as well as scientific and computational programs like FreeCAD and Abacus.

  • Why is it easy to learn?

Rarely is a programming language designed from the ground up with readability in mind. You’ll find out as you study Python that not only is everything designed to be straightforward, but using complex code is frowned upon in the Python programming community. The simplest way to explain it is via Python Software Foundation Fellow Alex Martelli who said: “In Python culture, calling something clever is not considered a compliment.”

2. Java

Owing to its Write Once, Run Anywhere (WORA) characteristics, this general-purpose programming language, which is owned by Oracle Corporation, has become a standard for applications that can be utilized independent of platform. As a result, Java is known for being portable across platforms from mainframe data centers to smartphones.

More than three billion devices are currently using a Java-built application which makes it one of the most commonly used programming languages in the world. It’s most frequently found in the back-end of software programs, including both mobile applications and large-scale enterprise programs.

Although, the learning in Java is a bit steeper than Python’s, it is still considered a great solution for beginning programmers.

  • Who uses it?

Big data, as well as online and application development use Java extensively. A number of well-known websites like Amazon, Twitted, and Google also use Java in their back-end programming. It is also a popular choice when it comes to creating applications.

Some of the popular Java frameworks include Struts, Spring, and Hibernate. It’s a known fact that there are thousands of ways to learn Java, and there are millions of Java developers globally. Additionally, there is a sizable online community of Java programmers that help one another solve issues.

  • Why is it easy to learn?

As Java’s grammar (syntax) resembles that of English, learning Java is quite simple as compared to other programming languages. Additionally, there is a sizable support network available to offer advice and respond to your queries while you learn Java.

3. PHP (Hypertext Preprocessor)

If you’re interested in web development, it’s helpful to be familiar with this additional well-known server-side scripting language. Developed in 1990, PHP is the go-to language for many developers. It is an open-source language that is used to create dynamic web pages instantly, providing a more tailored surfing experience. PHP is a language that is equally famous amongst beginners as well as expert developers as it’s extremely flexible, user-friendly (which is a plus for beginners), and has a ton of frameworks.

PHP is mostly used by programmers to create server-side scripts. However, programmers with advanced PHP coding abilities can also utilize this language to create command-line scripts and desktop apps. It is also a mainstay in the toolset of WordPress developers and serves as the backbone of the WordPress content management system. Looking into the core files of WordPress, which is free and open-source, is a good approach to gain some insight into the PHP technology that underpins websites.

For new developers, learning PHP is thought to be rather simple. Access to numerous online groups for PHP specialists makes it simple to find support and solutions.

  • Who uses it?

Back-end engineers and full-stack engineers both frequently use PHP because it is primarily used to manage interaction with a website’s server-side. PHP is also used to create more than 80% of websites on the Internet, including well-known ones like Yahoo and Facebook.

  • Why is it easy to learn?

The syntax of PHP is renowned for being clear and accommodating. There will always be resources and material available to you while you learn PHP.

4. Ruby

Consider Ruby if you want to begin your programming journey with a language that’s relatively easy to learn. Ruby was created in the 1990s with the goal of having a more sociable syntax while maintaining object-oriented flexibility that supported procedural and functional programming notation. Due to these qualities, Ruby has a sizable development community and is becoming more and more popular among new developers.

RoR or Ruby on Rails is a web application framework built in the Ruby Programming language, and is lauded amongst beginners as well as expert programmers for being simple to write and having a comparatively quick learning curve. Convention over configuration is a key tenet of Ruby on Rails.

Even though learning Ruby on Rails will be more difficult than studying the fundamentals of Ruby, you’ll eventually be able to contribute to the creation of outstanding online apps. However, before delving into the Rails framework that sits on top of Ruby, we advise studying the fundamentals of the language first.

  • Who uses it?

Similar to Python, Ruby is a general-purpose language that is particularly well-liked among web developers because it is frequently used to create web applications. However, Ruby can also be used for data processing, automation, command-line tools, web scraping, and more.

The open-source web application framework Ruby on Rails, which has been widely embraced by startups and established tech giants like Square, Shopify, Airbnb, and Hulu, is a major factor in Ruby’s success and makes it an important professional skill.

  • Why is it easy to learn?

You\’ll quickly realize why Ruby is referred to as the “language of careful balance” once you begin learning it. There is also no shortage of online Ruby documentation, community forums, and sample code because so many developers use and adore it.

5. JavaScript

Created in 1995, JavaScript was previously famous as LiveScript, and at the time of its inception was promoted as a “younger brother” of Java, which at that time was a widely popular language. Over time, JavaScript developed into a fully autonomous language. Although there are significant similarities between the two languages, JavaScript and Java are not interchangeable today.

JavaScript now is considered one of the key components of the World Wide Web as 97.8% of all websites employ it as a client-side programming language. In order to make websites and applications dynamic and interactive, it is largely employed on the front end. Additionally, it is compatible with server-side frameworks like Node.js. Initially utilized only to create online browsers, JavaScript is now also employed in server-side website deployments and non-web browser applications.

In the development community, JavaScript has a reputation for being complicated, however that only applies to the advanced features. JavaScript is simple, adaptable, and simple to learn for beginners. Additionally, you may execute your code in your browser without having to compile it or install any additional software in order to test how it works.

  • Who Uses it?

Front-end engineers and full-stack engineers should be proficient in JavaScript, the third language in the web page design trinity, in addition to HTML and CSS. Back-End Engineers can also gain from understanding JavaScript because it works on the server-side with platforms like Node.js.

According to Stack Overflow, JavaScript is the most widely used programming language, being used by 68 percent of professional developers. With those figures, it is safe to argue that JavaScript should be one of the first languages that anyone who wants to study web programming learns.

  • Why is it easy to learn?

Despite being more complex than HTML and CSS, JavaScript is among the most accessible real programming languages. Since it is an interpreted language, languages like HTML can easily be incorporated with it. JavaScript is also simple to learn since it allows you to build intricate code fragments and test them as you go in a web browser. Additionally, you’ll get a head start on learning JavaScript if you are already familiar with HTML and CSS.

6. Swift

Swift was among the top 10 programming languages in the TIOBE index list of popular programming languages a few years ago. Launched in 2014, Swift is a more recent programming language that Apple developed to create apps for iOS and macOS. It is an open-source, simple-to-learn programming language that supports nearly all Objective-features.

Swift has a reasonably simple, human-readable syntax and is a somewhat forgiving language when it comes to errors. Its high scalability makes it simple to transition your projects from simple trials to full-fledged app endeavors. We recommend you learn Swift if you think that developing apps is something you’d be interested in doing professionally because you’ll eventually need to work on iOS and macOS.

  • Who uses it?

Swift is easier to learn as compared to other programming languages, and can be used with IBM Bluemix and IBM Swift Sandbox. It is also used by some very popular iOS applications like Mozilla Firefox, WordPress, SoundCloud, and even the game Flappy Bird. So, if you’re a Front-End or Full-Stack Engineer interested in creating apps for the Apple ecosystem, Swift is a requirement.

  • Why is it easy to learn?

Apple made a significant effort to make Swift user-friendly as much as possible, just like it does with all of its goods and services. Swift is popular among Apple-focused developers because it is simple to read and write. Additionally, you may use the free Swift Playgrounds software to create and test your own Swift programs as you learn the language.

7. Go

Go, commonly referred to as Golang, was developed to satisfy the requirements of programmers working on significant projects. Google created the programming language Go in 2007 for APIs and online applications. Go has lately risen to prominence as one of the programming languages with the quickest growth due to its simplicity, adaptability to multicore and networked systems, and capacity for handling large codebases.

Due to its straightforward, contemporary structure and well-known syntax, it has become more and more popular among numerous large IT organizations. Go is viewed by some as merging the more approachable features of various programming languages into one.

  • Who used it?

Google, Uber, Twitch, Dropbox, and many other businesses use Go as their programming language. Go is becoming more and more popular among data scientists due to its performance and agility. Developers of cloud-based apps, AI and machine learning, web servers, data tools, and command-line tools have taken an interest in Go.

  • Why is it easy to learn?

As compared to other programming languages like C and C++, it has a simpler syntax and some additional capability to facilitate more scalable projects and more effective creation.

How to go about learning to code?

It’s time to discover how to get started with coding now that you know which programming languages are the best for beginners. You’ll need to learn how to position yourself so that you can begin right away.

  • Acquire knowledge of the fundamentals of programming

Having a fundamental understanding of programming is the first step. For any project, programmers must be aware of the appropriate programming language to utilize. By using data types, variables, functions, if statements, arrays, list, conditional loops, classes and objects, trees, maps, and exception handling, users can improve their understanding of essential coding concepts.

  • Finding Resources

Online coding courses and interactive websites are two useful places to look for resources. Some websites provide live coding sessions that assist in creating the development environment and utilizing practical programming knowledge. Users will enjoy using interactive websites with online text editors and compilers. Another form of comprehensive resource is a video tutorial.

  • Start a little project on your own

Building a personal project is excellent practice for programming. Beginners have the option of producing a straightforward video game, a to-do list website, and more. By doing this, people can examine what they’ve learnt and put it to use on the project. The finest instructor is experience, and this is where many people develop confidence in their skills.

  • Find an internship

Beginners who are comfortable with their programming skills should include an internship in their list of career objectives. A lot of coding bootcamps provide internships that advance a beginner’s career. It makes sense to prioritize skill improvement at this point. Whether it’s a paid or unpaid internship, getting practical experience in the area is what matters.


Choosing your first programming language can be frightening. The good news is that it’s simpler to apply your knowledge to other programming languages that are comparable once you gain a feel for one. The precise syntax of the language you’re writing in isn’t what matters most, regardless of the language you select (though, yes, that is important). Instead, it comes down to learning the foundational ideas of computer science, developing your problem-solving abilities along the way, and finally being accustomed to thinking computationally.

We really hope that our ranking of the top programming languages has assisted you in choosing the one that best suits your interests and technical proficiency. Make sure to invest time and money into studying your chosen language completely so you can write some ground-breaking code that will change the world.

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