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Do You Know These Psychology Secrets of Creating a Successful Web Design?

Psychology Secrets of Creating a Successful Web Design

Just answer this question

Why human gets attracted to beauty?

Because it is their inherent nature, is it?

So if you know someone’s nature you can influence their mind and divert them to your desired route?

Yes, this is called psychology, and the one who knows it better, he can do marvelous things. And in web design too, psychology can do big things.

People generally assume design as only aesthetic and artistic work, but, there is much more behind design what people see and feel. Using psychology in web design can give you a bigger competitive advantage and help you enhance your website’s user experience and engagement.

In today’s world, psychology is playing a highly influential role in every industry. In fact, the whole marketing and advertising concept is based on it.

If you are a web designer you put your feet in customer’ shoes to get the idea about their pain points and requirements. Despite this understanding, your website struggles to hold users for long time and loses their engagement.

This is because of you put your feet in customer’s does, instead of putting yourself in customer’s mind.

A website may have different goals, but psychology principles always work in one direction and this direction can be determined by your website; how many psychology elements it incorporates in the design and the site architecture. Hardly anyone would tell you these secret elements of psychology in web design.

And today in this article, we will tell you exactly. If you are a web designer or business owner and want to create a successful web design, you need to ensure your website includes these psychological elements.

1. Design a Simple Hierarchy

When a guest comes to your home would you ask them to cook their food at own if they want to eat? Ironically, you don’t. Your website is also your business house and users are certainly your guests. A user expects everything available and doesn’t want to spend a lot of time and effort in searching on your site.

Modern people are notoriously lazy and impatient. As a web designer or website developer, you should reduce the amount of work required to operate your site. Don’t leave a website visitor confused about where to go, what to click, etc.

Design a simple visual hierarchy to highlight the importance of different elements. Use a common typography that utilizes taglines, sub-headers, headings, blockquote, and other several groupings to show the importance of a given block text.

You can also implement the same technique on the elements of a website to lead the user along a defined path. For example,

  • Making a small caption under a large image to indicate the info to users
  • Creating popular option as the clickable button

These techniques will ensure users don’t need to interact with various elements and quickly understand what to click for what.

2. Summarize Long Text Body

In today’s growing educating world, it is an interesting reality that people lose interest in reading quickly and they just “scan” through brief and summarized bullet points to digest the full content.

Web designers here should keep this thing in mind that they provide long content or information in a summarized or brief body and allow them to further explore with a dedicated button or link.

In technical terms, it is known as Progressive disclosure which is designed to decrease clutter, confusion, and psychological workload.

Ensure your webpage elements such as content, long text info don’t have the same font, size, and color so that it instantly indicates the difference between headings, captions, and text blocks.

3. Use Negative Space Differently

Negative space is the visual area between different elements on a web page. It is also known as ‘white space’ (but not necessarily has to be in white color) it can be of any color and simply contain different patterns, gradients, or background on the web page.

Negative space in web design is one of the best options to attract user’s attention to a particular element such as blog post, CTA, or product link. Keep in mind the below aspects during the website development to take advantage of negative space:

  1. Avoid monotony in design
  2. Put elements as per the order of importance
  3. Must have micro negative space
  4. Negative space can be artistic or illustrative design
  5. Negative space can be any color, not only white

4. Implement Color Psychology in Web Design

The correct selection of color on your website can either own or lose a visitor. You might not believe but experts say, on average, product assessment takes only 90 seconds and between 60 and 90 percent of this judgment is made on the color alone.

Therefore, to ensure your web design successfully holds user’s attention; you need to understand the color psychology and how it affects web design. Color has a deep and strong connection with human mind.

If your eCommerce website sells cosmetic and boutique items, you must choose women-centric colors like pink, red, white.

Big brands realize the impact of color on consumer’s buying decision that is why they choose color keeping their audience in mind. Every color has its own meaning and sets a different mood in people. Most brands prefer to use this color scheme while designing their website or digital presence:

Capture 3

So, depending on your web page goals, you can use a certain color to set a specific mood or motive for a web page. For instance, you can

  • Apply contrast or bright colors to enhance user click-through rates.
  • Use color to influence certain CTA buttons or links by creating a visual path with contrary background. 

5. Be Unique and Simple in Typography

Typography is basically the art of arranging and presenting the written text in legible, readable, and attractive form. It is used as a visual element and gives more opportunities to evoke different sorts of emotions in visitors.

Most web design companies in India mostly opt for a serif or sans serif style for prioritizing the readability of the website. Here you need to make sure that your website typography does not primarily focus on readability but also on usability, accessibility, simplicity, and meaningful balance between font style and graphics.

Consider the below tips while choosing the right typography for your web design:

  1. Don’t choose too many different font styles.
  2. Use familiar and standard fonts that users are already aware.
  3. Don’t make the description or long content into capital size.
  4. Don’t use blinking text in website content.
  5. Choose a typeface that works well in multiple sizes.

6. Allow Website Visitors to Take Control

Dopamine is a chemical in the brain which makes a person feel confident and motivated. It flows in the brain as a reward for supporting the human body to indulge in different activities. This psychology works in web design as well. How?

By making the visitors feel in-control. Give options on your blog, or web page to users that allow them to control the page such as compressing a text block, clicking on other articles, hiding or extending the sections of content, etc. These features allow visitors to control your web page and make them feel motivated being controller.

7. Build Trust through Creative Design

No matter how attractive your website design is if it fails to win customers’ trust, your entire web development effort will go in vain.

With countless digital scams and identity theft issues on the Internet, trust has become the most secret and important factor that is open to all, but no one realizes it. Merely writing “Trust Us” won’t generate trustability on your website image.

You should not forget modern consumers are intelligent due to the digital revolution and smartphones. They spend huge time on the Internet and on average visit 5-7 websites every day.

And due to this, they are aware of the most web design trends on the Internet. If they find your website offers the same design patterns and site architecture, it won’t drive their interest.

People want to see creativity so the key to creating a web design that people trust is to design website creatively that stand out from your competitors.


Showing what your customers want to see on your website is the secret to creating a successful web design. When you implement the elements of how visitors naturally or psychologically perceive information and accordingly your website provides them with a user-friendly and compelling experience, you can win their minds and convert them into your customers.

And all of this can be achieved by simply implementing the psychology of user behavior in your website design.

These are the secrets.

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