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Don’t Miss Out Top Mobile App UI/UX Design Trends That Will Rule 2021

Every year we get new lists of design trends on the internet. The rise of such trends comes out when the majority of players start to follow this or that trend. It becomes crucial for designers to deeply check them from time to time so that they can offer something extraordinary to their clients.

Whether you are a B2B company wiling to strengthen the mechanism and upgrade service quality or a B2C company willing to lure more customers in a shorter span of time to increase the business revenue. If you are using mobile apps to market your brand or business, design is the part which you cannot take it lightly. Why?

No matter how well you marketize that your app is modern, if it doesn’t look modern at its first appearance, there is a high chance when most of the users will leave your app quickly in today’s fast-driven world.

Not believe so strongly.

Let us convince you through the below fresh data. 

88% of online shoppers don’t return to a website after having a bad user experience.

Data source:

91% of unsatisfied customers who don’t complain simply leave the website or app.

Data source:

Not only this, but the latest research also shows that the design of your app is the most influential factor affecting users’ positive first impression. This is true in today’s time, as people get easily attracted to the stunning visuals of mobile app or website.

That is why it is necessary to keep eyes on the hottest app design trends that can keep you ahead of the market for 2021. Now the question arises how can you predict tomorrow’s trending app designs today?

This is where eSearch Logix can help you enthusiastically. As we have more than a decade of experience in web and mobile app design, we know what UI/UX trends mostly influence users and bring effective business outcomes.

Our in-house design team at eSearch Logix has prepared a list of Top Mobile App UI/UX Design Trends That Will Rule 2021 that you should not miss out. Make the best of these UI/UX design best practices and build strong and visually appealing apps that can pay you off immensely in the coming year and beyond.

Let’s dive! 

“People ignore design that ignores people”- — Frank Chimero

Top Mobile App UI/UX Design Trends 2021

Table of Contents

1. 3D Elements
2. Typography
3. Glassmorphism
4. Realistic Textures
5. Creative Data Visualization
6. Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
7. Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning
8. Touchless UI/UX
9. Minimalistic UI/UX
10. Asymmetric Layout

3D Elements

3D designs have been luring users for years and now people find it a usual design for both web and mobile. But this upcoming year, designers’ interest in 3D elements and interface will go even higher.  

This is because of the World’s iconic brand, Apple. Apple incorporated 3D design in its recently released macOS update. macOS BugSur has a set of enhanced icons some of them look like 3D structure.

However, before Apple’s 3D update, icons and buttons have already become simplistic in the past few years. But developers are constantly aiming to make them more appealing.

UX and UI designers embed custom 3D components in UI to attract users’ interest and infuse brand identity. 3D animations, graphics, and illustrations make mobile app screens more irresistible that inspire users to engage with the app.

Another example of such an innovative experience is the 360-degree view. Many e-commerce companies are using 360-degree design to showcase products on their e-commerce website or m-commerce app.

In 2021, 3D will be one of the most popular UI/UX trends especially when it comes to using this with VR and AR technologies. Its cool abstractions, shadows, unusual angles, 360 degree-view, stunning graphics, and many more features that will give users a real-time experience on mobile app.

Furthermore, using 3D animations in UI/UX design for apps can be highly beneficial to automotive, real estate, m-commerce, and industries to provide a real-life experience of a product.

Audi Q-riosity, Apple WWDC Event, Nike Air Max Day, Lenskart, etc. are the brands that use 3D elements to engage their target audience. And this has been successful which is why they are consistently working on its advancement.

Developing 3D design requires complex graphics and elements. The more load they execute on UI, app’s load speed will tend to reduce accordingly. So, you need a robust framework for 3D rendering and UI interactions for mobile app. Otherwise, your users will face lags and freezing of app pages.


Want to create something unique that stands out from your competitors?

Typography design is an art of arranging type to making the words simply legible and attractive. It adds an analog experience to mobile app designs. Typography design includes collage layouts, paper, and cardboard textures, slightly yellow or simple color backgrounds instead of heavy mixed color.

This design trend is gaining popularity in e-learning and online education-based system. From LMS to e-learning mobile app, we are seeing app designs in the style of newspaper, magazines, school calculators, board games, and old school notebook giving a classic yet appealing app look to users.

The beauty of Typography app design is its warm and comfortable style that makes apps feel more homely and personalized. And it would also be interesting to see how app designers will incorporate this design trend when the demand for complex apps is on the rise.


Have you heard the buzz around this newest UI/UX trend called Glassmorphism? Well, this is something completely new trend in UI, which is mostly based on blur background effect. Glassmorphism in user interface basically means creating a mobile app design that gives glass-like look and feels transparent on mobile screen.

It was introduced in Windows Vista, then in iOS7.

Why say Hello to this new app design trend, Glassmorphism?

  • Transparency (Give frosted-glass effect based on a background blur).
  • Multi-layered design approach with object floating in space.
  • Variety of vivid colors to highlight the blurred transparency.
  • A subtle and simple border on the translucent objects.
  • Enhances full-screen app experience.

Realistic Textures

Users find a mobile app more beautiful when it gives them personalized experience. Adding innovative interface with custom animations and 3D graphics can entice users significantly. But as humans are inclined to get attracted to real-life elements so it paves the way for bringing realistic textures. This is the UI/UX trend we are giving the hint.

This app design trend going to be popular in 2021 due to change in users’ demand. Visitors get long lasting impression when they touch the products with their hands. Thanks to realistic textures which create a feeling of connection between customers and products. This design adds realistic textures, contours, and grains in modern UI design.

Realistic design in user interface helps companies to give physical-like experience of a product through mobile app. But at the same time, embedding such design may distract app developers from their main goal as to make a design that converts visitors into paying customers.

This trend has great potential for further advancement in 2021. Especially in the e-commerce industry where customers like to view realistic pictures of products, realistic design will play a bigger role in the new year.

Creative Data Visualization

People don’t like to read long data but love to see in visual way. Creative data visualization is a way that can entice users with the attractive data visuals.

Whether you are creating an app around data presentation or have some stats that you want to communicate in a fun way, data visualization can bring enhanced creativity to your analytics and customer value.

Adding creative graphs, animations, and providing users with the helpful information in a more engaging way can bring amazing results. For example, wave patterns are used to give a stunning hypnotic effect on data- just to make appealing design.

Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality

AR and VR have already entered the education, healthcare, and art by leaps and bounds in the early 2020. And this coming year, AR and VR will still continue to impact the vision of people.

In the times of lockdown, when people were forced not to leave their home, AR and VR served as more than just entertainment.

This app design will give impressive UI/UX in mobile device in 2021.

The key to this UI/UX trend is that designers are developing app designs which can make you feel like you are inside the app through subtle yet interactive design elements, useful information at the right place, and gamification of the wholesome experience.

For example, IKEA’s AR app enables you to see how furniture looks in different places in your room. It indicates how AR and VR will play a huge role in UI/UX trends 2021.

Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning

Two emerging technologies- AI and ML are going to change the scenario of UI/UX trends 2021. Integrating AI and ML function is helping in the personalization of the service backed with automation features. Such a personalization enhances the conversion ratio with a better UI/UX.

By implementing AI in UI/UX will help app designers to save a lot of time in designing because they won’t have to fabricate hundreds of onboarding screens, just focus on providing smoother experience. 

Touchless UI/UX

Another amazing app design trend that has a high potential to change the future of UI/UX in 2021-Touchless UI/UX.

VUI (Voice user interfaces) and air gesture control are touchless trends that can offer stunning mobile app experience to users.

Iconic voice assistant apps such as Siri, Alexa, Cortana, and Google Assistant are offering voice-based assistance to users for ranging business and personal usage.

People are now highly dependent on their smartphones for their daily life activities and it is sure that Touchless UI/UX trend will impact tremendously on user experience by cutting their app usage time in their busy life.

Minimalistic UI/UX

App design shouldn’t be just beautiful, but it also gives a joyful experience to users. Today, many of us are bound to stare at mobile screen all day due to modern lifestyle. App designers are sensing users’ desire for a more comfortable viewing experience that decreases eye strain and make cool app screen.

Minimalism design comes here for offering an eye-soothing experience. Minimalistic UI paired with simple colors and visuals that are easy on your eyes will gain popularity in 2021. This UI/UX trend gives one job at a time and helps in avoiding distractions.

Asymmetric Layout

We all are surrounded by asymmetrical design and this coming year, asymmetric design is going to be an impactful trend. While most apps are designed on grid-based, asymmetry in mobile app interfaces can create a sense of confusion and randomness.

This well-designed asymmetric UI can arrange content into a distinct path for the visitors’ eye to experience something usual and help brand establish identity.

Users always pay attention to the larger elements on the app page before scrolling down to other elements. Hence, asymmetric app design can make engaging mobile app UI by adding more visible elements on app screens.

In the end

Mobile app UI/UX design trends 2021 will be engaging and interesting. With the evolution of technology, it will also create pressure on UI/UX designers to ensure the full success of app through designs that inspire users.

After all, the future of design solely driven by end-user choice. Users’ tastes, preferences, requirements, and expectations can change radically at any time.  

As famous tech tycoon Steve Jobs quotes

“Design is not just what it looks like and feels like. Design is how it works.”

So, if any design entices user and gives fun, it will be a trend at any time for sure. You should remember your mobile app design is a visual language that conveys your brand value. 

Want to create a design out-of-the-box? Let our professional designers create stunning for your app. At eSearch Logix, we bring out the solution that empowers your app with modern UI/UX and give great value to users.

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