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Mobile Cloud Computing: Be Ready for New Age of Mobile Applications

Mobile cloud computing is the new age of the digital revolution

Do you love watching YouTube? How many videos do you watch in a day? May be 4-5, but do you know YouTube offers over 5 billion videos to users worldwide every single day. How YouTube provides such a large amount of videos?

Okay, now answer this

How Amazon Web Services (AWS) got massive success in recent times that it is hosting world’s most popular sites Netflix and Instagram?

What made Google Cloud Platform rule over the internet and offering over 90 services to users across the world?

Not sure?

It is Mobile Cloud Computing (MCC).

The world is changing fast and technology is evolving higher than we can imagine. We all have surpassed the evolution of cloud technology, now a new age of mobile cloud computing is coming that will transform mobile industry impressively.

Here in this blog, I will tell you how mobile cloud computing has become a new standard of mobile applications and compelling IT companies to build cloud-based mobile apps for smartphone users.

What is Mobile Cloud Computing?

Mobile cloud computing (MCC) is the usage of cloud computing technology in combination with mobile devices.

Basically, it is used to deliver applications to mobile devices by cloud services. Mobile cloud applications can be developed or revised quickly using cloud technology. It offers apps to various different devices with different OS, data storage, and computing tasks.

Mobile cloud computing is believed a hot topic in the IT sector. However, this technology is in growing stage, but still impacting a lot on various industry verticals. 

The competition is high among smartphone manufacturers to attract more customers by offering them multiple features in the smartphones such as processing power, battery life, storage capacity, scalability, security and data privacy at low price. Despite this, users are not satisfied with the limited functionality. 

Fortunately, mobile cloud computing comes out as a boon for mobile devices. It provides multiple solutions and broadens smartphone limitations through the integration of cloud technology and mobile devices, and gives the ability to utilize advanced apps through mobiles. 

According to a research conducted by INTERNATIONAL JOURNAL OF SCIENTIFIC & TECHNOLOGY RESEARCH (IJSTR) on what is the main concern that attracts companies to use mobile cloud technology.

Mobile Cloud Computing

Data Source:

The data clearly shows security is the primary concern that makes mobile applications secure and advance. 

The cloud has become the next-generation supercomputer, and the smartphone has provided the revolution to spur its use. – Jerry Yang, founder of Yahoo!

Types of MCC Models


Infrastructure as a Service (IaaS): 

It contains outsourcing the equipment used to support operations including hardware, servers, and storage and networking components. Virtualization is highly used in the IaaS cloud to integrate or decompose physical resources. 

It enables company to deploy and run arbitrary software that can incorporate operating systems and mobile applications. 

In this MCC model, companies don’t need to handle the cloud infrastructure base but have control over the operating systems that include deployed applications, storage, and possible defined control of selected networking components. Examples of IaaS include Rack Space, IBM Computing on Demand, and Amazon Elastic Compute Cloud (EC2)

Platform as a Service (PaaS):

PaaS is a cloud-based development platform that allows companies to develop various cloud services and mobile applications directly on the PaaS cloud. This model offers a development platform which hosts both completed and in-progress cloud apps. Example of PaaS is Google AppEngine.

Software as a Service (SaaS): 

This platform offers companies a hosting platform to release their applications which can be accessed through mobile devices by users. Companies do not need to manage the underlying cloud infrastructure.                                                                                     

That is why it empowers businesses to host their mobile apps and make them available to all users across devices. Example of SaaS: Google Apps, YouTube, and Mircosoft Office 365.

What Features Make Mobile Cloud Computing Different ?

1. Accessibility: 

Users expect convenience in using companies’ websites or apps from anywhere and anytime. Mobile cloud computing fulfils such user needs. As users always want to stay connected to the applications no matter where they are, this technology can boost their productivity, even while travelling.

2. Enhanced Broadband Coverage: 

Current cellular networks such as 4G along with Wi-Fi, femtocells, provide better connectivity for mobile cloud applications. As 5G is here, it is highly expected that this will make strong network connectivity between mobile cloud platform and mobile device.

3. Advance Storage:

Today’s smartphones have enough storage space for normal usage such as photos, audios, and videos. But in case of business applications, mobile devices do not provide sufficient space for data.

In this context, mobile cloud computing gives major advantage by mobile cloud storage service. Many big companies such as Apple, Amazon, Google, and Microsoft are providing cloud storage as a SaaS platform.

4. Boost Mobile Processing Power:

Current smartphones are limited in processing despite that companies claim their mobile devices very smart with fast processing power that is why they call it ‘smartphone’.

However, we see sometimes even top brand smartphones struggle in processing during multitask state. Mobile cloud computing here provides unlimited processing power to smartphones by sending the input or user commands for processing through cloud servers hosted on the Internet and eventually giving faster results.

Mobile Cloud Application Examples


It is a cloud storage platform that offers file-sharing service. Dropbox allows users access their files from their Android devices, which can be synced to other computers or mobiles.

Amazon Cloud Player:

Amazon Cloud Player is among the most famous applications on Android platform. This cloud player is used to store and play MP3 files. Here the Cloud Drive works as a hard drive set in the cloud. It allows users to play their MP3 files via web or easily stream on their Android smartphones using Amazon Cloud MP3 application.

How Mobile Cloud Computing Will Change the Businesses?


1. Enhancing Processing Power:

Processing speed highly affects smartphone performance. MCC helps in reducing the operating cost of compute-intensive application which consumes much time and large amount of energy. 

Cloud-based mobile apps can efficiently support various tasks for managing and synchronizing multiple documents online, and data ware housing. 

For instance, MCC can be used for transcoding, broadcasting multimedia services which are already operational in some telecom companies like Jio. Therefore, mobile cloud applications can improve the overall performance and speed of application on mobile devices by cutting down technical gaps.

2. Large Data Storage:

MCC enables companies and businesses to store or access the large size of data on the cloud through wireless networks. One such example is Amazon S3 (Simple Storage Service) that provides file storage services to business houses and companies.

3. Reliability:

MCC helps companies to develop reliable mobile applications. It stores data or runs applications effectively and efficiently. This cuts down the chances of data and application loss possibility on mobile devices. Mobile cloud computing can be used to protect copyrighted digital content from unauthorized distribution and access.

4. Long Battery Life:

Smartphone battery life is one of the major concerns for users that affect their mobile purchase selection. Many solutions have come to improve the battery lifetime of mobile devices. 

Despite this, these solutions are not much effective due to the unavailability of required changes in the structure of mobile devices. In this aspect, mobile cloud application saves mobile battery life by using cloud technology.

5. Ensures Security:

Mobile cloud computing increases security for your data and its related services. Since the data is stored on the cloud, there is no chance of hacking or abuse from unrecognized access. Mobile cloud computing uses strong data encryption to keep the data completely safe. This makes companies and businesses worry-free from data loss.

6. Dynamic Provisioning:

Mobile cloud computing enables businesses to build mobile apps that can offer cloud-based services. Therefore, MCC offers dynamic on-demand provision of resources and self-service apps to run applications without advanced reservation of resources.

7. Scalability:

Mobile cloud applications can be easily deployed and scaled to meet untimely user demands. Service providers or businesses can smoothly add and expand any apps or services without a little constrain on resource usage.

8. Multi-Tenancy:

Amazon Web Service (AWS), Google Cloud, Microsoft Azure, and Apple Cloud are the big names in cloud technology. They have millions of users who constantly use their cloud perform.

Such platform supports multiuser usage of service that is why mobile cloud applications help branding company’s name and its service as it connects a large number of users to one single platform.

9. Easy Integration:

Mobile cloud computing allows multiple integrations from different service providers which can be integrated easily through the cloud to meet specific user demand.

10. No Installation Required:

Mobile cloud apps run directly from the cloud server that means users don’t have to install apps on their mobile phones. Mobile cloud apps work similar to web-based apps. They interact directly with the cloud to fetch the data, as a result, ensure seamless processing and better user experience.

11. Cost-Efficient:

The cost of mobile cloud app development is undoubtedly a salient reason that motivates businesses to go for mobile cloud apps. At present, companies start to develop native mobile app for iOS and Android.

At the same time, they spend twice as more on development for each OS platform. Mobile cloud computing can change the current market scenario by developing one mobile cloud application that works on both platforms. 

This largely saves a lot of money of businesses and companies who want to use app for their future prospects at low development cost.

12. Not Restricted to One Platform:

Unlike native apps, mobile cloud apps operate on both iOS and Android. This not only saves huge resources but also helps to reach maximum number of users. However, you will still need to follow the same practices in identifying your target audience.

Benefits of Mobile Cloud Applications in Different Industries


Mobile Commerce:

Mobile cloud application makes life easier for m-commerce by providing cloud-based apps that are safe and easy to use. Current apps also provide online shopping, ticket booking, recharging, mobile payment but these services face serious challenges due to low bandwidth, serious security risks, and complex mobile architecture.

Mobile cloud applications solve these issues flawlessly by integrating m-commerce apps into the cloud platform.

Mobile Gaming:

Gaming app is the most popular app category on Google Play Store. Mobile games generate high revenue than other category of app in the current market. Generally, most mobile games need great computing resources like 3D structuring, graphics rendering that requires sometimes heavy investment in mobile game development. 

Here, Mobile cloud computing can help to develop cloud-based mobile games which will off-load game engine that needs graphic rendering to the cloud server. 

In this way, mobile users can only interact with the mobile screen on their device while all other computation is being performed at the cloud server. This is how MCC can bring a great change in mobile game app development industry.

Small & Enterprise Business:

Big business companies are already using mobile cloud computing. However, it needs to be encouraged more to adopt at broader level. Mobile cloud applications are useful to small-scale business as well. It enables them to develop on-demand apps at low development cost with higher security and scalability.

Mobile Cloud Computing in E-learning:

Demand for e-learning apps has increased significantly in recent time. Especially during COVID-19 outbreak, situation forced both educators and learners to meet at a common online platform via Internet or mobile apps to continue their study programs. And market also witnessed a rapid growth in the usage of e-learning apps and development of LMS (Learning management system). 

Mobile cloud application can take it to the next level. It enables the learners to access all the features that are offered by the service provider or teaching platform. 

Users can access the learning platform anytime and anywhere, downloading and sharing study material or teaching resources seamlessly and reliably. Therefore, the MCC will play a big role in the education sector and e-learning app development.


Mobile cloud computing is among the top mobile app development trends as it combines the advantage of both cloud computing and mobile. Mobile cloud app is a great option for businesses which are looking for a secure and cost-efficient alternative to native mobile app development. 

Since cloud-based mobile apps don’t require to be installed on user devices to work, they provide better storage space and strong data & privacy protection at low cost. 

Now, over to you 

What do you think of the future of mobile cloud computing? Or are you looking for cloud-based mobile app development? 

eSearch Logix has over years of experience in cloud technology and mobile app development. We are using modern development technology to build unique solution for your specific business goal. 

Just send you query to us and Get Free Consultation on your Project. 

The cloud services companies of all sizes; the cloud is for everyone. The cloud is a democracy.


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