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Reasons Why You Must Use AngularJS to Develop Your Next Web Application

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The initial impression people get of your company in this digital age is determined by your online presence. Here, front-end development is essential for delivering a dynamic design and simple app navigation. To put it another way, front-end development is in charge of creating web interactions and aesthetics that will draw users to your mobile applications or web pages.

The market offers a wide variety of platforms for web development. The goal is to select the best option from those that are offered. Here, AngularJS comes into play. Let’s examine this in more depth.

Introduction to AngularJS

Since its birth in 2009, AngularJS has been making some waves in the industry. HTML, CSS, and JS (JavaScript) are the foundational languages for the open-source online application framework known as AngularJS.

An open-source web development framework called AngularJS was created by Google and a small group of developers. When we require dynamic views in web applications, AngularJS comes in helpful. Adding features at runtime enables you to expand the vocabulary of HTML and makes the code more readable. It can also be created relatively quickly. Additionally, i1t promotes best practices through the usage of RESTFUL API, filters, dependency injection, and configurable directive tags.

JavaScript, one of the most popular and adaptable programming languages in the world, is the foundation of AngularJS. You can create fully featured front-end-based applications using AngularJS. By adding a framework to all the intricacies and simply exposing the capabilities that can be implemented quickly, it makes life easier for web developers.

Reasons to Choose AngularJS for Your Next Web Application Development

We’ve compiled 11 arguments for you to pick AngularJS for web development, taking into account its popularity and feature set.

1.  MVC Architecture

There are numerous frameworks where the developer is needed to create independent MVC components before writing the code to link them together. The timetables are pushed back, and the developers are given a laborious assignment. You are not asked to do any of this by Angular. We only need to design the components; Angular will handle the rest by tying them together. As a result, development adopts a far more flexible and effective nature.

For the development of web applications, AngularJS employs the MVC architecture. You only need to divide your project to use MVC; the rest is handled by AngularJS. Model View Controller architecture includes the following:

  • Data is maintained by the model.
  • Data display is handled by the view.
  • Between the View and the Model- the controller serves as a perfect link.
MVC Architecture

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2.  POJO

POJO or Plain Old JavaScript Objects. Because of the way Angular is built, data models may be modified without the need for extraneous getter and setter functions because they are POJOs. By using looping statements or direct manipulation, properties can be added or changed. Additionally, the code appears neater and is easier to grasp in this approach. Angular maps every property of the current object to the view; it then monitors for any changes to these properties and modifies the display as necessary.

3.  Directives

Angular allows us to build our own unique directives. By isolating the DOM manipulation code from the MVC code, these directives assist the developer in creating unique HTML elements that facilitate simple DOM manipulation.

4.  In-Built Filters Pipe Feature

Filters are one of Angular’s many noteworthy features. In Angular, filters are used to format the data necessarily without altering the data’s meaning. Let’s assume that you wish to show any date. Therefore, we can provide the date filter in the proper format, such as DD/MM/YYYY or MM/DD/YYYY, etc., to display a date in the desired format. Many of these predefined filters, such as currency, date, time, orderby, Uppercase, and Lowercase, are available in AngularJS and are very practical to use, hence encouraging the usage of Angular for web development.

It’s vital to keep in mind that filters have been renamed to “Pipes” as of Angular 2.0 to give developers access to more capabilities. Consequently, you might also run into certain sites where the word “Pipes” is referenced. Additionally, Angular allows us the option to build our own unique pipelines that can be applied to the data as needed for filtering.

5.  Secure Responsive Web Applications

Any firm has always placed a high priority on security. Every time a new technological advancement or installation is created, there is a great deal of concern, and measures are done to prevent pinholes at the infrastructure level. Since AngularJS is more concerned with presenting the data than it is with processing the data, this issue has been completely avoided. The server can be reached using secure HTTP calls. Web services and RESTful APIs facilitate this connection. Any business should choose a suitable and optimal security major to strengthen its security and secure the AngularJS applications.

When you wish to expose this data to thousands of users, AngularJS only displays the data on the application’s screen, therefore you must be extremely cautious about threats like cross-site scripting.

Since AngularJS is well known for being both versatile and reliable, you have an advantage when implementing third-party security libraries. With Angular’s capabilities that support tight expression evaluation and allow you to utilize stringent contextual escaping, client-side security problems are eliminated.

6.  Easy Integrations Available

Develop responsive web applications Using AngularJS makes teamwork with others simple. AngularJS is simple to understand and use for web developers who have experience with object-oriented MVC on the server side and are familiar with models.

The ability to incorporate AngularJS-developed modules has been made possible using dependency injection. AngularJS may be supplemented with a variety of libraries to create new functionality for projects.

7.  Quick and Fewer Errors

Due to AngularJS’s ability to make application development rapid and simple, developers are embracing the development of responsive web apps. The extensive MVC pipeline does not need to be written. With a few additional properties added to the HTML code, AngularJS uses HTML to create the view. Writing data to the server and binding data using AngularJS both need very little code and few lines. Using AngularJS, WE may quickly create small and straightforward applications. For the identical task with jQuery, we must build numerous objects and employ event handlers and listeners. These prolong the arduous process of development. AngularJS has proven to be a ground-breaking invention that allowed us to watch models instead of only events and elements.

8.  Manageable Access

The security of an organization’s industrial infrastructure is its top priority. When an organization upgrades its applications to support AngularJS, its primary concerns are the access allowed, each level of application access, and the constraints that must be in place at each level. AngularJS’s superhero framework, AngularJS, has made domain systems and application logins flexible enough to be integrated with the security flow established by security guidelines. This task is made possible by a variety of other libraries. The ability to enable Single Sign-On (SSO) for application access is made feasible by libraries like Idapjs.

9.  Improved Testability

With AngularJS, we can create websites that are free of errors, and testing is a fairly straightforward operation to carry out in this case. There is a need to update and solve problems with the software after a while. Bug fixes for the testable applications are simple. Testing enables us to identify areas that require improvement and aids in their correction during development. The testing tools offered with the development environments are Karma and Jasmine.

10. Leverage Your Existing Data

The fact that AngularJS has no limitations regarding the underlying data management system is one of its key advantages. RESTful APIs that enable user access to the underlying database is typically used to construct AngularJS apps. You can use an Angular application to replace existing frontend code if you use internal APIs that are already in place. This makes it simple and quick to reuse server-side security. The transition will also be as quick and simple as a front-end swap if the application you want to replace was created using a web application framework, such as Rails or Django. This will make using Angular’s directive-based implementation style to boost your website’s performance relatively simple.

11. Ensures Two Way Binding

One of AngularJS’s most exclusive features is two-way data binding. It serves to synchronize the model and its view, to put it another way. Technically speaking, one-way data binding had a severe drawback in that any changes made to the template (view) did not automatically update the component’s TypeScript code. To address this problem, AngularJS ensures two-way data binding. Due to the two components’ ability to update and reflect changes, the two-way binding helps developers. In other words, any changes you make to the Model will automatically appear in the View. Similar to how changes made in View are reflected in the Model.

This functionality is a blessing for developers because it streamlines the entire development process, saves a ton of time and work, and updates the app interface. This is the main factor behind AngularJS’s leadership among front-end development frameworks and its high technical demand.


Numerous well-known firms have very engaging and user-friendly user interfaces. However, the majority of these businesses employ AngularJS due to the technology’s broad Google backing and the additional advantages it offers. In addition, these significant players in their respective industries profit from server space, cloud storage, and cloud technologies. Some of these famous brands are Netflix, PayPal, The Guardian, Freelancer, iStock, and more.

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