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The Best 25 Free Marketing Tools That You Should Definitely Consider in 2022

Free Marketing Tools

No matter how pro you are in the marketing vertical, there are always certain tools that have helped you in your journey.

Now, as the circumstances are changing in the arena of marketing, you cannot stick with the same set of marketing tools that were flawlessly delivering the best results a few years ago.

That means, it is important to keep on checking whether your tools need to be upgraded or replaced with something even better.

Today, there numerous marketing tools available in the market which can help you in everything starting from the phase of performing initial research and taking it deep down to analysing those results.

Among all such kind of effective tools, a few are social media management apps, however, the others are a lot easier-to-use, simple apps.

Now, you must be thinking that there will be no use of such an app in your list which can only perform a single type of task such as finding hashtags for you or suggesting the best titles for your next copy, take time to understand which one to prefer and which one not to.

You can also consider the fact that the tools or apps that we have mentioned in this list do not charge you a penny, so you can always give them a try to find out.

Best Free Marketing Tools for Brands

So, here is the list of free marketing tools that you can try out to better your marketing endeavours for your brand.

Check them out.

Research Tools

1. HubSpot’s Make My Persona

No matter what kind of product you deal in or your business niche, to make sure that you target the right set of audience through your marketing endeavours, it is important to have a robust buyer persona in place.

Now, if you are struggling to create the right buyer persona for your business, then this is the app that you should definitely give a try.

It is Make My Persona by HubSpot.

This tool is available absolutely free and works pretty fast.

Yes, it can deliver the most professional-looking visual overview which you can easily download or export to save a hardcopy. And, that too in just a matter of a couple of minutes.

2. Google Trends

This free tool, Google Trends, is a pretty versatile one.

From performing research to get fresh product ideas to finding out the best topic suggestions for you next blog, you can do it all using this tool.

And, all this information that you get from this app is directly from the search results of Google itself.

It takes in consideration all the factors such as percentage of trending keywords as well as trending topics and comes up with the best results.

Content Marketing Tools

3. Hemingway Editor

Now if you goal is to come up with the most readable blogs, then this is your go-to app.

Yes, Hemingway Editor can help you increase the readability of your content more than anything else.

Wondering how? Let us tell you.

Hemingway Editor highlights the sentences of your content that are hard-to-read and very-hard-to-read as well as the common errors that you are present.

In fact, it also suggests better word suggestions to get desired results with your content.

Not just that, it also makes sure that you also change your passive voice sentences into active voice.

4. Grammarly

This app here is extremely popular.

Yes, Grammarly has a high number of users all over the globe.

Yet, if you are new to this app, then let us give you a small brief about what it can do.

It not just marks the sentences that are basic typos, but also comes up with advanced suggestions, improving several aspects of your sentences enhancing your vocabulary as well as the sentence structure.

In fact, this free tool is so useful that it can also detect plagiarism successfully making sure that you come up with the best quality content.

5. CoSchedule’s Headline Analyzer

While crafting content, coming up with the best headline is the task that perhaps turns into the toughest job of all.

Also, depending on how effective your headline is, there are a good number of factors that can get affected.

So, it is quite important that you come up with the right one.

However, you can get rid of all this pressure just by trying out the Headline Analyzer tool from CoSchedule.

It can come up with the best suggestions for your content headline that can help you in the best way possible.

These titles are all backed by proper data and have proven very effective in driving more traffic and generating more shares.

SEO Tool

6. On-Page Optimisation Tool by Internet Marketing Ninjas

The On-Page Optimisation Tool is a free SEO tool offered by Internet Marketing Ninjas is quite an effective tool.

It is great in analysing the on-page SEO of your website as well as analysing the effectiveness of your on-page content, meta information, as well as the internal links present in your content.

In fact, the way it works, it helps users to visualise your website just the way search engine crawlers do.

And, if there is a section in your content that is keyword-dense, it will also show you the same.

Isn’t that amazing?

Video Editing Tools

7. YouTube Title Generator

Although this tool, YouTube Title Generator is not a video editor, but it is quite effective in coming up with the best titles for your YouTube videos.

This tool here is from Influencer Marketing Hub can is popular among marketers for its great titles ideas which are particularly specific for YouTube videos.

Using this tool, all you need to so is inputting the subject of your video, that’s all. Using that information, it will come up with the best results in the form of attention-grabbing titles.

8. Biteable

Now, as you already know how important videos are in digital marketing, it is quite important for digital marketers to make sure that they have such a video editing tool that can deliver the best results.

And, for the same, Biteable is your solution.

In this tool you can easily create videos using photographs, stock footage, as well as animations.

Moreover, this great tool also has a great collection of excellent templates which can also give your videos a great boost.

Design Tool

9. Canva

Canva has gained a lot of popularity lately when it comes to design.

In fact, it is one of most favourite tools of great marketing giants.

This tool has a great drag-and-drop feature which can help you come up with stunning designs.

And, no matter which platform you will be using your designs in, you will get template suggestions for them all in Canva.

The best part is that no matter what asset you create with this tool, you can always make sure that it is aligned with your branding endeavours.

Tools for Stock Images

10. Pexels

Pexels is one of the most popular tools where you can find a good lot of stock images.

And, not just images, but they also have a great collection of royalty-free videos which you can use.

11. Pixabay

Now, speaking of Pixabay, it is perhaps the best tool when it comes to stock images.

No matter what you creative you are creating, and be it for Facebook, or just for a blog post, you will find the most compatible image here no matter what.

Besides the same, you will also find a lot of great illustrations, vector images as well as videos that are absolutely royalty-free.

They also have a great collection of audios as well as sound effects.

And, the quality of all these is also pretty decent.

Email Marketing Tools

12. Sumo

Sumo is an email capture tool and is available absolutely for free.

A lot of marketers out there get confused about if BuzzSumo and Sumo the same, so, let us make it very clear that Sumo and BuzzSumo are absolutely different.

However, Sumo is an effective email marketing tool that takes away the pain of collecting email addresses with its special feature with is called list builder.

This can help increasing your traffic manifolds when used properly.

13. Sendinblue

In Sendinblue you will come across numerous features that are extremely useful.

Moreover, there are also a lot of email templates available which are fully responsive.

The best part of Sendinblue is that to create such splendid-looking professional emails you do not even need to work with HTML or CSS.

All you need to do is choosing a template and dragging and dropping tools that can be used to customise the necessary elements.

Landing Page Tool

14. Hello Bar

Hello Bar is perhaps the best tool that marketers use for collecting leads.

Not just that, it also helps you convert leads who visit your landing page into customers.

The Hello Bar banner floats on your browser, and that you can use as a lead magnet, grow your list of email contacts, or for sharing promos.

It looks like a pop-up; however, it does not work like a pop-up as it remains on the screen while your visitors are browsing through the landing page.

Tools for Facebook

15. LikeAlyzer

LikeAlyzer helps boosting your overall performance on Facebook, nothing else.

In this tool, all you need to do is entering your Facebook page. Once you do the same, you will get a LikeScore as it analyses your page.

Next, you will also get a detailed information about the issues regarding your Facebook page and will share suggestions accordingly.

It can also be used to understand how better your Facebook page is doing than your competitors.

16. Wolfram | Alpha

Wolfram | Alpha is a tool that can help you analyse your own Facebook page’s activity.

Not just that with Wolfram | Alpha you also get a chance to gather information about your reach all over the globe, your activity timings, your most popular photos, your most discussed topics, etc.

Tools for Twitter

17. TweetDeck

With TweetDeck you can simply manage your account on Twitter and stay informed about the latest trends, mentions as well as the latest hashtags.

It also helps scheduling tweets for future usage.

In short, it is one of the best and most popular tools to manage your Twitter account specifically.

18. Tweriod

Similar to TweetDeck, Tweriod is also a great tool to manage your account on the social media platform Twitter.

It can help you optimise your tweets like no other so that you can reach out with them to a greater audience segment.

Not just that, by analysing your previous tweets, it will also come up with the most suitable tweeting time for your account.

It might seem very dull, but in reality, it can give you a major advantage by helping you tweet at the time when most of your target audience is online.

Tools for LinkedIn

19. Crowdfire

For its exceptional performance, CrowdFire is considered one of the most robust social media management platforms used for scheduling.

In fact, with this tool, you can also create content, customise your reporting, as well as get hold on the analytics.

Not just that, the content curation feature of this tool is extraordinary. To use this, all you need to do is entering a topic and finding relevant articles as well as images that you can post.

And, the best part of working on CrowdFire is its great user interface which is absolutely clean and very easy to use.

20. Later

This social media marketing platform named Later comes with a wide range of services such as analytics, content management, reporting, scheduling posts, managing multiple accounts, automating your publishing, etc.

And, not just for LinkedIn, it can also be used for other social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, and Pinterest. 

Social Media Management Tools

21. Buffer

When it comes to social media management, nothing can beat Buffer. It is tool that can help you manage all your accounts on Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Instagram, and Twitter.

Not just it can help scheduling your content, but it can also publish the same on a scheduled time.

Moreover, you also have access to the social media analytics with this highly efficient tool.

In fact, Buffer helps working with a vast number of clients on their social media accounts too.

And, when it is about working with your team, you can also do it seamlessly using this platform.

22. Hootsuite

Besides Buffer, there is another amazing social media management tool that you can make use of. It is nothing but Hootsuite.

With this tool you can easily take care of your accounts on Facebook, YouTube, Instagram, twitter, LinkedIn, and Pinterest.

It also comes with a large number of services such as analytics, contact management, conversion tracking, keyword filtering, automated publishing, content management, post scheduling, customer targeting, brand tracking, reporting, customer engagement, as well as social media monitoring. 

Tools for Website Analysis and Optimisation

23. Hotjar

Hotjar is a heatmap tool that can help you understand and get a better hold on the activity if your website visitors.

Such information contains, all the data related to their clicks, scrolls, elements that they found interesting on your website etc.

There is another amazing feature which helps you get your hands on the real-time recordings of their activity on your website.

With such valuable information, you can not just understand their issues, but you will also be able to deliver a much better experience.

Not just that, you can also perform surveys about their experience on your website.

24. HubSpot’s Website Grader

Website Grader from HubSpot has been around for over 10 years now.

And, till today, they have grader over a million different websites to upgrade their SEO, security, design as well as the overall performance.

Now, if you have any queries or confusions about how to handle this tool, you can utilise their free video course that can help you the same.

Not just that, today they also house a new system and technology to deliver more accurate results.

25. Siteliner

Just like a few websites mentioned earlier, Siteliner is also such a tool that can provide you with information regarding duplicate content as well as the broken links present in your website, just after you provide them with the URL of the same.

It works very simply. It will just highlight the broken link from your website to help you fix it in order to improve the user experience that your website delivers.


The above-mentioned tools are perhaps the best of all the digital marketing tools that are currently available in the market.

And, to get a kickstart with your digital marketing endeavours in the upcoming year of 2022, you can make use of these apps, without any hesitation.

All you need to do is pick the apps that fit in the best with your requirements.

However, besides picking the best tools for your digital marketing endeavours, make sure that you emphasise enough on enhancing your skills too, as tools are just there to support you, but they will do no good if you do not have the adequate skills to get the best out of them. 

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