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Top SEO Trends to Start Your 2022 Journey with a BANG!

SEO Trends

SEO is an evergreen way to attract customers without investing a penny in advertisements.

However, this organic way of increasing your conversion is itself an ever-evolving arena.

So, it is quite imperative to keep up with the changes to make sure you never fall short of your organic leads.

How to Do That?

There are numerous SEO experts who are still stuck to old ways and having been beating around the bush in order to find out why their strategies are not paying them back.

It is high time for them to understand that there are certain SEO tactics which used to be quite useful in the early days however, today they are going to cost you more than benefitting.

One such tactic is keyword stuffing.

It not just brings down your SEO ranks, but it might get Google to ban your website for a good long time.

Top SEO Trends for 2022

Hence, keeping up with the ever-emerging SEO trends is a mandate in order to make sure that things are going in your way.

So, if you are looking forward to the same, then stick to this blog as here we will be discussing the best SEO trends that will turn your 2022 journey into a cakewalk.

1. Long-Form Content Is the Future

To make sure that you have complete control over your website visitors and readers, you need to craft and deliver comprehensive and engaging long-form content.

Long-form content is a proven way for digital marketers when it is about getting a higher deal of traffic to their website.

Not only such kind of enriching content gets more audience, but it has been also quite successful in generating higher number of shares when compared to short-form content.

Although, the only catch is, you need to keep on engaging your audience throughout the content so that they can easily understand what point you are trying to establish.

For the same what you can do is breaking your content using H2, H3, etc., creating sub-sections. This helps tremendously in making your content more scannable and helps in decreasing the bounce rates.

So, as your target is to keep your audience engaged to your long-form content, make sure that your content is high on a readability scale.

Also, make sure it is plenty of white spaces as chunks of content can drive away a lot of readers as they might find it tiring to read.

Lastly, ensure that you have an easy way to share your content on several other platforms.

2. Artificial Intelligence

AI has become a huge game changer throughout the horizon of technological advancement.

It plays a massive role in how people interact with online content; hence, it is supposed to make a great deal of impact on SEO as well.

As a matter of fact, Google’s lately released algorithm update MUM is also AI-based and is focused on providing the best quality answers to all its searchers.

Google claims it to be their best algorithm update so far and it is supposed to eradicate the language barrier as it is likely to understand 75 different languages.

Another important thing about this algorithm is that it is also takes multimedia content into consideration, and not just textual.

Hence, it is quite clear that SEO in 2022 will not be the same with AI.

To keep up with it, SEO people need to make sure that they are working on increasing their skills and knowledge.

And, most importantly, focus on user intent, as Google’s MUM is clearly following the same route.

3. Be Mobile Friendly

Since turning into a ranking factor back in 2015, mobile friendliness has been one of the most talked about items when it comes to SEO.

But, today with Google’s mobile-first indexing roll out in 2019, the importance of mobile-friendliness is on a whole new level.

This roll out says that Google is likely to consider those websites to get a higher rank in the SERPs which have been optimized in order to fit perfectly in mobile devices. So, mobile version of a website has clearly become the more important one compared to the desktop version.

And you can clearly get a good hold of this when we tell you that around 75% of the entire population of internet users are likely to access internet entirely from their smartphones.

To help you with this Google has made it easy for SEO people find out how effectively mobile friendly has their design become with their mobile friendly test which is entirely free.

This is a great tool when it is about finding out and fixing issues with your website design in terms of usability.

So, it is quite clear that with time more and more users will convert into mobile users, hence, going mobile friendly is the key to success.

4. Include Videos Too

As we mentioned in our trend no. 2, Google’s MUM takes multimedia content into consideration when it is about finding the best answers for its searchers.

And, as we already know that people, today, consider YouTube more as a search engine rather than a video platform, video especially among other multimedia content should get a lot more importance.

Moreover, if you notice the upsurge in the number of platforms catering video content, you should understand how much people rely on videos today.

Utilizing the same, more and more businesses are coming forward with their YouTube channels and Tiktok accounts in order to make sure that they can reach out to the majority of their niche audience.

So, it is quite clear that having video as a key part of your SEO strategy is quite important.

But how can you optimize it?

Well, what you can do here is creating a user-friendly overview for your channel, so that people can easily get hold of what your channel caters and what it is all about.

You can also opt for optimizing your channel and video description with keywords in order to make them appear in the search engine result pages.

Lastly, don’t forget to use hashtags. 

5. E-A-T Your Competitors

We all know or at least have heard of the fact that high-quality content is important for getting a high rank in the SERPs of Google.

But how can you figure out what is the right way to create content that is of high-quality?

Well, for that you can just refer to the E-A-T principle of Google.

Just to let you know, E-A-T stands for expertise, authoritativeness, and lastly, trustworthiness.

These are the factors that helps Google determine whether a given website has quality content and can be helpful enough for users to solve their queries.

So, first of all, get started with a buyer persona. It will help you understand what content you should serve to your potential buyers.

Next, always make sure that your claims are backed up with enough statistics and data.

Lastly, gain expertise, create authoritativeness, and become trustworthy or just simply E-A-T.

2022, We Are Coming!

SEO has a very crucial role in placing your content in the top ranks of all relevant SERPs.

However, the only keys to succeed in SEO is by keeping on learning, growing, nurturing your skills, and keeping up with the latest trends.

We are quite sure that you can handle the previous three, so, here we attempted to help you with the fourth key!

Although, if you still have any queries left, you can just get in touch with eSearch Logix for a free consultation session with our SEO experts and Digital Marketing experts!

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