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Do You Know What Features Make A Dating App 100% Safe?

Dating App

Dating app gives a better platform for couples to meet online and search easily for their perfect match. As the dating world is transforming with the rapid penetration of smartphones and mobile applications, every individual is looking for the best dating app to find the right partner.

Famous dating apps give such a platform to increase your social circle and look for your like-minded people, either for casual hook up or serious relationships. But at the same time, safety concern in dating apps has also become a hot topic of discussion.

There have been many incidents of people who have faced serious problems in online dating such as assault, kidnapping for sex trafficking or being robbed by people they met through dating apps.

These incidents have forced companies to ensure more safety features in their dating app so that users can enjoy online dating without compromising their privacy and security.

From Tinder to Facebook, big brands have already implemented high-security features in their app for users which are improving the credibility and usage of dating apps.

But do you know what features ultimately make a dating app fully secure? Today in this post, we will discuss the features that make a dating app 100% safe for users. This blog is for both dating app users and mobile app development companies who want to know about the security features of a dating app.

How Much There is the Demand for Dating Apps?

Online dating has given huge growth to dating app development. These apps give better options to people to get easily connect with other people as per their interests and choices. By simply swiping, people can pick up their date and meet face-to-face at their desired location.

According to the PEW Research Center Report 2019, 30 percent of adults in the USA use a dating app or online dating website, and 12 percent have found a serious relationship with them.


Only in the USA, the most famous dating apps have over a million of audience and Tinder is the top dating app with a large audience of 7.86 million users.

Top Android app developers suggest that accurate and convenient matching algorithms of dating apps help people make an informed decision to date only those people who meet as per their requirements. Through dating apps, people get access to personal and essential information to better understand the other person’s intentions and interests. 

How Do Dating Apps Work?

Tinder is the most popular dating app and its popularity is so huge businesses mostly want to create a dating app like Tinder. This app connects users based on their location. It connects to Facebook to verify the user’s age and other possible source information regarding their profession or education.

Tinder works on the principle of a simple user interface that allows users to get easily connect with each other according to their personal requirements.

Here is how a dating app works:

  1. Picking up by Swiping: First, users see a person whom they may like or meet. This person is displayed as per the criteria selected in the settings (gender, age, distance, etc.). Swiping right is a like, and swiping left is a pass. User’s profiles include information about age, interests, job, education, favorite movie, etc. – all this helps in taking a better match-making decision.
  2. It’s a match: If two users like each other, they receive a notification about a new match, and then they both can start messaging.
  3. Messaging: It is a simple chat with basic features (no photos, no links) is permitted within the app to avoid any inappropriate content.
  4. Unmatching: It allows users to unmatch or report a person if communication is not going well. It means the chat will be deleted and messaging between both parties will be disabled. 

What Do Users Expect from a Dating App?

The main purpose of using a dating app is to find the perfect match. And many dating apps want to help people find the right partner for them, be it a one-time partner or a long-term relationship marriage. But there is also a dark side to dating apps. Online dating has a big drawback in the form of security or privacy threat.

People want to meet a reliable person, not a suspicious person who possesses some wrong intentions behind match-making. Users expect their information to be kept private and fully secured. People don’t wish to showcase their personal life and not share their personal info easily with anyone online.

This is because of the fear of suspicious people. Users want to ensure that the person they meet online is not a criminal and won’t physically assault them on the first date. Hence, users expect dating app development company to enable the best security features that comes with verified information and keep it safe at the same time.

What Features Make A Dating App 100% Safe?

1. Notifying Friends of Your Destination

This is the feature of Facebook Dating which highly focuses on the safety of its users. When a user chooses to accept a date from the app, he or she can automatically open messenger right from the mobile app and let any his or her friend know the date, time, and place of your date.

This app sends a notification to the selected friend to notify fifteen minutes before your date begins. This feature allows users to share the location for up to an hour. So this simple safety feature automates the process of ensuring that someone knows where you are and who you are with when you accept a date with someone new-making your online dating much safer.

2. Limit the Number of Matches

A person who is already in your social network has better reliability than a new person. Hinge, one of the most popular dating apps, pay attention to finding potential matches who are already somewhere within a user’s social network, for example; Facebook friends.

This makes dating app more secure by ensuring the people user is choosing to get connected with. Mobile app users have the capability to access personal information about potential dates before they decide to meet their matches.

Hinge’s free version of the app allows people to like profiles only 10 times a day. To match with more profiles, the user has to upgrade to a premium or paid account. It supports people to really value the matches they are able to make and increases the likelihood that users will choose matches that have more chances to be a perfect match. This dating app feature encourages security because it reduces the chances of predators will choose this app.

3. Providing Warnings To LGBTQ Users 

LGBTQ individuals have to face discrimination in most social networking places. To make sure it doesn’t happen, dating app development company can implement a Travel Alert pop-up feature.

It will especially warn LGBTQ users whenever they face any danger or inappropriate situation in online dating through the app. This feature is aimed particularly at ensuring the security of LGBTQ users who usually struggle to get connect with people for dating.

4. Preventing Teenagers and Recognizing Sex Trafficking

Prevention is better than cure applies here also. A dating app must identify potential dangers and stop things from becoming more serious. And this can be possible when there is a dedicated feature in the app that analyzes the content of messages and other communication between users.

AI in mobile app development has made it easier than ever with predictive analysis functionality that enables the dating app to identify the sexual grooming or the prospect of human trafficking, preventing users from falling into those traps. This safety feature can pick up the patterns which might recognize underage or teenage users and look these users out of the app and restrict it to adults.

5. Enable a Strong Verification System

Dating apps can be a source of the cheating platform if users find frauds and fake profiles there. Tinder especially has a strong verification system that makes sure the person who is registering into the app is authentic and provides the right details. There are many verification methods to make a strong verification system such as:

  1. Social media profiles
  2. Phone numbers with OTP authentication
  3. Real photograph
  4. Valid email address verification

Top iOS application development company highly pay attention to the user verification process because it showcase to users that company is enforcing the best practices of mobile app security. When users see users have to go through a robust verification process it gains trust and reliability in the market.

6. Right Matching Algorithm

The primary feature of any dating app is its capability to match people based on different metrics and criteria. The best method to ensure people find their right match is to implement the right matching algorithm.

And to make it happen, you should use a complex algorithm to analyze user information and find similar matching profiles based on common interests and preferences. Mobile app development agencies in India mostly use AI & ML techniques to enable this feature into their dating app for better profile suggestions and improving quality and accuracy.

7. Create Robust Admin Panel

Every app has an admin panel. It is like a captain’s cabin for any web or mobile app. Here dating app developers manage the app according to their specific roles. Whatever happens within the app can be easily monitored and reviewed for security purposes.

That is why dating app developers should create a robust admin panel that allows them to track the user’s behavior in the app by analyzing whether they are doing any suspicious activity or abusive language. This will also ensure users that there is a dedicated team behind the app that is closely working to ensure the full safety of users. 


So when there is the right matching algorithm, strong verification process, and consistent monitoring it makes your dating app 100% safe. And security is also the key to making your dating app successful in the market.

As online dating is growing with the increasing usage of dating apps, it becomes more critical than ever to ensure your dating app with strong security features that protect users from suspicious people and fully secure their privacy.

And above features can help you take advantage of safe dating apps and provide a great online dating experience to users.

eSearch Logix is a reputed mobile app development company in India who build an advanced dating mobile app with top security and engaging features. We have certified developers who use artificial intelligence, machine learning, and the latest technology to make a dating app that only provides a fun and engaging feature to enjoy online dating but also a strong app security to make sure no suspicious or fake person enters the genuine platform.

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