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Progressive Web App Development: Why Startups & SMEs Should Use PWAs

Progressive Web App Development

In 2015 when Google announced the Progressive Web App (PWA) concept to the world, businesses got a new powerful hand to help them in providing a great user experience and enhance their online presence.

Therefore, we see why the world’s big brands such as Microsoft, Forbes, Starbucks, Debenhams, BMW, Uber, Pinterest, are enthusiastically using progressive web apps to expand their online business. Many companies have reported that PWA has enabled them to gain up to 12x more users with 300x less storage than native apps.

As there are already millions of mobile apps on Google Play Store and Apple Store, it is not easy for companies to make their app stand out among the millions of apps and bring into the limelight among the audience on the Internet.

And the most important benefit of a progressive web app is it not only helps large businesses but also provides immense benefits to startups and SMEs.

In this blog post, eSearch Logix will tell you about why startups and SMEs should use PWAs and how these web apps can help them in accelerating their business online.

What is a Progressive Web Application?

Progressive web application is a mix of regular websites and mobile apps that resemble an application installed on your smartphone, laptop, tablet, or desktop.

PWA development is a combination of optimal software development practices focused on building a web application function similarly to a mobile or desktop app. Similar to a mobile app, PWAs send push notifications and contain an icon on the home screen.

PWAs optimize web applications since they provide app-like navigation and appealing visual content. It is implemented with JavaScript files that enable offline execution of the app and offline information storage. Progressive web app development empowers developers and businesses to bridge the gap between web and native experiences.

Famous PWA examples:

  • Pinterest
  • Starbucks
  • Twitter
  • Forbes
  • The Washington Post
  • Trivago
  • Lancôme
  • Debenhams
  • BMW
  • Soundslice
  • Uber
  • Yummly
  • Spotify
  • Core Features of Progressive Web Apps 

Core Features of PWAs

1.  Faster Loading

Being progressive is the essence of PWAs. Modern technology enables web apps to load better on repeated visits to a page. Device level caching ensures users are not burdened with heavy data transmissions and their interactions are smoothly enhanced.

2.  Capability of offline work

PWAs are faster as well as they also work even when the user is offline or has a low internet connection. Service worker, the function which is responsible for that feature, enables the web app to store data offline and dynamically manage network requests to retrieve them from the local cache.

3.  Discoverability and easy installation

PWA is a website that resembles some additional features like a mobile app. These web apps are easy to be discovered through regular search engines on Google or Bing. So there is no requirement for searching through the piles of apps popping up every day in the oceanic app stores. PWA is easy to install which can be set in the desktop background.

4.  Usage of Phone Features

Progressive web apps have many possibilities to access device features on Android and a few less on iOS. The use of GPS, cameras, or fingerprint scanners is similar to a mobile app that improves the user experience.

5.  Automatic updates

Launching an Android app or iOS app can be a difficult task for publishers. But with PWAs, there is no need to wait for Apple’s or Google’s acceptance, or putting additional efforts on mobile app marketing to bring the app to the eyes of users. All you have to do is to upload new files to the server. PWA simply enables publishers to implement patches quickly.

6.  Ensure Safety

By using the HTTPS protocol, data transmitted in PWAs is encrypted and thus it is hard to interpret and change. In addition to this, users perceive HTTPS as a guarantee of safety and reliability of publishers, and Google provides extra points in search engine ranking for using it.

7.  App-like Feeling

The whole concept behind PWA development is to find a solution to connect the best possible experience- same as a mobile app, but with the open nature of the web.

Startups and SMEs lack funds in the initial stage to develop an application or software for their business goal and face hassle to get everything in the line is exhausting. Moreover, they need high expenditure to develop, deploy and maintain that application which demands huge resources.

Therefore, they need a solution that combines both features- a website and a compatible native app.

PWAs are here stand out as the simple and affordable solution which takes less time to develop and deploy. It not only saves a lot of development costs but also saves productive time which can be used in other highly important business operations in the success of the startup.

Leading PWA development companies have proved that PWAs provide huge benefits to businesses, such as:

  • 52% average conversion increase
  • 68% increase in mobile traffic
  • 15 times improvement in load and installation speed
  • 78% average session increase
  • 86% lower bounce rate as compared to mobile websites
  • 25x reduced usage of device storage
  • Increased time on the site by 137% as compared to mobile websites

So, now you have understood what PWA is and how it works. Let us discuss: 

Why Startups and SMEs Should Use PWAs?

1. Get Huge Audience reach

PWAs are compatible with all platforms. No matter whether the user is an Android or iOS, this platform is independent which allows any user to view your web application from virtually anywhere.

2. PWA is a Boon for eCommerce Startups

Progressive web applications can be a boon for eCommerce startups. If you consider report from the top website development company India, they suggest the linkable feature of PWA helps eCommerce websites to capitalize on conversions.

There are various advantageous features such as offline capability, push notifications, faster-loading pages, and home screen icon that have been proved to be a game-changing factor in enhancing startup growth.

3. Create More Brand Awareness

PWAs increase your SEO performance. After all, PWAs are the web pages which can be easily indexed as compared to the native apps by the search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing, that are only available on app stores.

4. Use the Combined Power of Mobile Apps and Websites

PWA has the ability to integrate the best of both mobile apps and websites. The PWA technology utilizes the most out of from websites and mobile applications to give an efficient solution for SMEs to start their business. 

From websites, PWA takes the features:

  • Indexing from Google and Link redirection
  • Loading in real-time
  • Quick Browser access

From mobile apps, PWA takes the features:

  • Full-screen feature
  • Offline mode
  • Push notifications

5. Low Cost Development

PWAs don’t require different versions for several devices; a single progressive web app solves all the requirements of all endpoints wherever it operates.

It significantly reduces the number of efforts that developers provide, and eventually, the PWA development cost gets decreases. PWA development is generally 3-4times lower than native mobile app development.

6. No Updating Issues

PWAs have certain functionalities to let developers update automatically without the need for notifying users and troubling them with prior permissions. These apps update themselves whenever users visit them. Hence, these web apps eliminate the need to download batch changes and installation; they just give a fresh look with no human involvement. 

Many PWA developers send push notifications to users to update them about the arrival of a new update. So the owner of PWS has full control of the information and content, to which users have access.

7. No Dependency on App Stores

In the case of native apps, mobile app developers have to follow the guidelines of the App store where the app is to be uploaded. Which takes some time in approval and requires additional mobile app marketing plans to further promote on the Internet?

But in PWA, you don’t need to rely on any of the app stores. You can simply publish it as soon as it is ready to be published. Users can search for your PWA like a website and use it at their convenience.

8. Faster Performance

PWAs cache and treat text, images, and other content in a certain manner to operate them like websites, and thus improve the running speed. In addition to this, it also provides rapid operation, flawless performance to leave a good impact on user experience and conversion rates.

9. Get More Leads

PWAs allow you to derive valuable insight from customer’s requirements. From the moment when users install your web app, you can send them push notifications on the latest products and services.

So when users use your application, you can store essential data like the number of visits, interest page visits, and their location to make convenient for your sales and marketing team to target specific points.

10. Keep Content Updated

PWAs empower startups and SMEs to provide real-time updated content to end-users. It is convenient for eCommerce businesses and others that heavily rely on constant updating information in real-time.


PWA is the boon for Startups and SMEs. It enables you to increase user.

Enhanced security, cross-platform engagement, sales, and brand visibility at low cost which is highly beneficial for small-scale businesses functionality, and low development costs are the features which make PWA the best choice of businesses.

Want to develop a PWA for your business?

eSearch Logix is a premier software development company in India that uses modern tools and technology to develop highly performing progressive web apps.

Just Book a Free Consultation and discuss your project with our experts.

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