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Top Mobile App Development Trends for 2024

Mobile App Development Trends

The market for creating mobile applications is constantly changing. Mobile app trends are directly influenced by customer desires, technological developments, and a broad range of other variables.

Keeping up with current trends is undoubtedly the most important factor in becoming successful in this field. I frequently look for trends and consult with other tech executives about obtaining an edge as a member of the Forbes Technology Council.

To effectively serve their customers, mobile app resellers must stay current with emerging developments. The same is true for content producers and creators who are prepared to use mobile development to advance their businesses.

Are you ready for the upcoming year’s improvements in mobile app development?

1. Internet of Things (IoT) App Integration

The idea of the IoT is not brand-new. However, the increased use of mobile devices across a wide range of industries and product categories has given the Internet of Things what seem to be limitless prospects.

People are used to utilizing technology to make their lives better daily. 

The Internet of Things (IoT) refers to the expanding network of gadgets that are linked to the Internet and provide users convenience and automated control. A prime illustration of the growth of IoT and mobile app development is smart home technologies.

Mobile applications may be used to connect to home security systems, lock or open a front door, and change a home’s temperature from a distance. Mobile apps may also be connected to refrigerators and other home appliances.

In 2023, it is anticipated that the global market for the Internet of Things would be $318 billion. That projection will include $226 billion for software, such as smartphone apps.

By 2025, the income generated by the Internet of Things-related technologies will surpass $1,6 trillion, predicts Statista.

2. Apps For Foldable Devices

One of my very first mobile phones was a flip phone, which seems like a lifetime ago now. The previous ten years have seen changes in mobile phones. The market has been dominated by touch displays with one or no buttons.

But in the last several years, foldable technology has started to resurface. Foldable gadgets including the Samsung Galaxy Fold, the Huawei Mate X, and the redesigned Motorola Razr were released in 2019.

Depending on the user’s wishes, these cell phones may fold to reduce or increase the screen size. By foldable the gadget, a user may, for instance, make a call while watching a movie on a smaller screen.

From the standpoint of app development, resellers, and content producers must consider these devices when creating or upgrading an app.

The goal is for an app’s display to change automatically as the screen folds or unfolds.

Currently, the market share of foldable smart phones is quite small. But in the upcoming years, this will alter. A 2019 poll by USA Today found that 19% of Android users and 17% of iPhone users are enthusiastic about purchasing a phone with a foldable design.

Around 3.2 million foldable smartphones were shipped in 2019, according to Statista. By 2023, this prediction is anticipated to reach 18 million units with an expected growth of 38% by 2024. Foldables will undoubtedly have a huge year in 2018, therefore app developers need to make the necessary preparations.

3. 5G Technology

The introduction of 5G will significantly affect app patterns in 2023. This technology has the potential to transform the way mobile apps are used and produced for developers, resellers, and creators.

Examine the anticipated expansion of 5G smartphone connectivity during the following four years.

5G connections were nearly 3.5 times higher in 2021 than in 2020. Between 2022 and 2023, these connections will nearly quadruple once more.

Significant gains will be made in efficiency and speed. 5G is predicted to reduce latency by a factor of 10 while increasing network effectiveness and traffic capacity. Based on the mobile network provider, 5G will be up to 100 times faster than 4G.

Mobile app functionality will finally improve with the adoption of 5G. As a result, developers will be able to update apps with new features without hurting the app’s functionality.

When testing and developing an app, developers and mobile app resellers should also employ 5G network speed.

4. Development For Wearable Devices

Wearable technology has also been on the rise for some time. This isn’t always a market innovation. Fitness bands, trackers, and smart watches have been around for a while.

But the potential of wearable technology hasn’t yet been fully realized. 

The growth is still consistent even if there hasn’t been a startling increase in the past year. The development of mobile apps has changed and will continue to evolve as a result of the wearables movement.

More mobile apps will be developed in 2023 with wearables in mind. Tens of thousands of apps will be available for users to download just from their wrist.

The integration of wearables and mobile apps is still in its infancy. In this regard, the upcoming years will be extraordinarily progressive.

5. Beacon Technology

A variety of sectors have embraced beacon technology. Beacons may enhance the usefulness of almost any mobile app, from retail to healthcare and hospitality.

Back in 2013, the first mobile app beacons were created. But this technology has undergone tremendous advances in recent years.

Here is an illustration of how mobile applications and beacons interact. Consider that you create applications for merchants as mobile app resellers. If an app is available on the user’s device, your clients can put beacons in their stores that communicate with smartphones through Bluetooth. A user can receive immediate notification about a discount or special on goods in that store as they pass by a beacon.

Beacons may be used to monitor customer activity inside establishments. They can determine if a user is spending a lot of time in a specific aisle. The software can initiate a push notification automatically to encourage the sale of such goods at a later time.

Proximity marketing is the key advantage of beacon technology. In the end, it enhances the user experience of a mobile app.

The market for beacon technology is expanding at a compound annual growth rate of 59.8%, according to Statista. By 2026, the market value is anticipated to be $56.6 billion. That’s 10 times as much as the $519.6 million in sales from 2016.

6. Mobile Commerce

Without discussing mobile commerce, my list of 2023 app trends would be incomplete. The years 2021, 2022, and 2023 will all be dominated by this trend.

Everyone appears to be using mobile apps to boost income. There is a lot of money to be earned in this industry, from major merchants to independent content producers and personal branding.

One of the top features that mobile app resellers highlight for clients during client pitches is mobile e-commerce capabilities. Every day, it seems, a new company releases an app to increase sales.

Although we haven’t quite arrived there yet, the day has almost come when having a mobile commerce app is essential to being competitive. Every single person and company that sells products online compete with industry giants like Amazon.

An app is the most effective way to imitate what makes those firms successful if you want to stay up.

Read More: Why Develop Shopping Assistant Apps Powered by Data Science?

7. Artificial Intelligence (AI)

Mobile app development was impacted by artificial intelligence and machine learning years ago. But the potential applications for these cutting-edge technologies are still barely scratched.

Virtual assistants like Siri or Alexa spring to mind when we first consider AI. The use cases for developing apps, however, go far beyond this.

Apple announced Core ML 3 last year. The most recent iteration of the iOS machine learning framework was created to aid developers in incorporating AI into their applications.

A mobile app might have the following AI features:

  • Image identification
  • Face recognition
  • Classification of text and images
  • Recognition and categorization of emotions
  • Speech synthesis
  • Preventing future problems

Apps can get wiser thanks to artificial intelligence, which will eventually improve their overall functionality. In 2023, AI will alter every aspect of app development, from the backend code to the user interface.

8. Mobile Wallets and Mobile Payments

The significance of mobile commerce for the creation of apps in 2023 has previously been covered. But mobile payments are also changing in terms of how individuals make purchases.

The popularity of mobile wallets like Apple Pay, Google Pay, and Samsung Pay is growing.

In 2019, mobile wallet transactions totaled $6.1 billion, according to recent research. By 2023, this is projected to grow to $13.98 billion.

In two years, the market for mobile wallets should, in essence, double. 

Mobile payments are slowly but being embraced by smartphone users. On linked wearable gadgets, they’re even using app functions for payments. All currently available mobile apps will need to support mobile payment in the future.

App development in 2023 has to take mobile wallets into account. Every program that handles transactions ought to have wallet integration as a default feature. That’s not the situation right now. However, over the next several years, mobile money adoption in applications will increase considerably.

9. Augmented Reality (AR) and Virtual Reality (VR)

In 2024, augmented reality will keep growing. AR features may be used in mobile apps for a variety of purposes.

AR in mobile app games gained popularity because of Pokemon Go. Today, however, there are more useful AR applications for other apps as well.

The app employs augmented reality (AR) technology to display several hair colors and styles on the user. L’Oreal has also developed a virtual cosmetics app that uses augmented reality to show users how the makeup would appear on their faces.

Even Google Maps launched a function called “Live View” that allows users to view turn-by-turn directions on actual-world photos in real time. The software can pinpoint a user’s location by using the camera on the device to take pictures of buildings and street signs.

There are many alternative methods to include augmented reality (AR) into smartphone applications, even if these examples might not apply to the bulk of those created in 2023.

For content producers, AR adaptation is a top app development trend. By utilizing facial filters, as Snapchat and Instagram do, you may express your creativity.

Virtual reality is also upending the field of developing mobile applications. In particular, this is true with gaming applications. Phones, applications, and wearables may all communicate with VR technology to improve the gaming experience. If you work in one of the above-mentioned sectors, you cannot ignore the mobile application development trends of virtual reality and augmented reality.

10. Chat bots

For more than ten years, chat bots have been in use. I recall my first encounters with these bots on AOL Instant Messenger in the late 1990s.

Chat bots have improved significantly over time and are now considerably more sophisticated. The popularity of chat bots on websites has grown as a result of customer demand. It’s becoming the new benchmark for customer care.

However, just a small percentage of the millions of apps accessible on the Apple App Store and Google Play Store make use of chat bots. In 2024, this will change.

Because chat bots are powered by AI, their replies are evolving to seem more human. This is one of the factors that will contribute to the growing trend in AI, which we have addressed.

The worldwide market for chat bots is expanding at a 24% annual rate. Virtual assistants are anticipated to be used in 25% of all customer support tech engagements by 2020. Chat bots must break into the mobile app development industry for this to happen.

11. Superior App Security

Cybercrime is a threat to everyone. Nobody is immune, not even lone content producers or multibillion-dollar businesses.

Attacks by malware intended to damage mobile devices surged by 54%. More than 60% of fraud starts with mobile technology. Eighty percent of that total comes from smartphone applications.

When it comes to app security, you cannot afford to cut any corners throughout the development process. If you offer apps, your customers should place high importance on security.

Users of apps are familiar with security threats. People will now be more cautious about giving personal information to app developers or revealing passwords in the future.

Mobile app developers will begin integrating features like Sign in With Apple.

Instead of being required to enter their name, email address, and password in form fields, app users may just establish an account and sign in using their Apple ID. Apple won’t monitor the activities of these accounts since they use two-factor authentication to safeguard them.

12. Predictive Analytics

Here’s another development trend for mobile apps that will upend the mobile app market. Predictive analytics uses technologies such as machine learning, AI, data mining, and modeling to forecast occurrences using data.

Predictive analytics has been used by IT companies for many years. Netflix is a clear illustration. Based on what users have already viewed, the site provides suggestions for TV shows and movies.

Predictive analytics will be used more often starting in 2023 across a variety of mobile apps. The main goal of the app will be to improve the UI/UX.

Take a look at how companies employ AI technology throughout the world.

The rationale behind this is that no two users will use an app in the same way. Based on each user\’s behaviours and past behaviour patterns, different product recommendations and preferences will be offered.

13. On-Demand Apps

The creation of mobile apps for demand is expected to increase in 2024. Uber and Airbnb have demonstrated how effective this type of service can be.

Each year, consumers spend $57.6 billion on on-demand services. Here are a few instances of how apps might change the on-demand sector:

  • Dry cleaning
  • 24/7 medical staff
  • Virtual coaches and tutors
  • Food shipping
  • Cleaning the home
  • Services for maintenance
  • On-demand fitness
  • Beauty parlor and barbershop

On-demand app prospects seem to be limitless. This is a tremendous chance for you to grow your customer base as a mobile app reseller. Your clients may enhance earnings for everyone by incorporating cutting-edge functionality into their apps by utilizing on-demand capabilities.

Read More: How Mobile Apps are Transforming the Travel and Tourism Industry?

14. Cloud Computing Integration

Although cloud computing is not a new concept, it hasn’t yet really impacted the mobile app market. But you should keep an eye on this trend in mobile app development. In 2024, a wide variety of cloud computing’s potential applications for mobile development will be used.

The usage of cloud storage technologies can enhance the functionality of mobile apps. Instead of keeping data on the user’s device, apps can store data and perform complicated activities in the cloud.

This not only makes development operations more efficient but also provides an affordable development solution.

83% of business workloads will be cloud-based by 2023. You should be aware of cloud computing developments in 2023 if your organization develops enterprise applications or internal worker apps.

Read More: Understanding Serverless Architecture in Detail!

15. Instant Apps

Android Instant Apps launched a few years ago. But we’re going to see a rise in usage and development in 2024.

Android Studio allows developers to build instant app experiences to improve their app discovery. Users can try the app without installing it. They just need to click on the “try now” button.

It won’t always be the complete version of the software because instant applications are limited in size. However, these restrictions can be altered in the upcoming years.

Users of apps want a better user experience. Giving customers access to an app without requiring them to download it is a fantastic way to achieve it.

By introducing an immediate app, Hollar, a mobile commerce app, was able to improve conversions by 20%. The quick app accounts for 30% of all Android visitors on their website.

You must also have an immediate version if you plan to create apps for the Google Play Store in 2024.


The creation of mobile apps is evolving continually. You won’t be able to maintain competition if you continue to develop apps utilizing knowledge from two or three years ago. Industry trends for mobile apps can make or break your project’s success.

You can use the 2024 mobile app trends as your holy book whether you’re a reseller or a mobile app development firm. You can have an advantage in your field by doing this. Your team’s mobile app developers must all be aware of current developments in mobile app development and incorporate them into their work.

Every trend does not always need to be incorporated into every app you create. But to make the necessary adjustments, you must have a broad awareness of how the market is changing.

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