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Your Ultimate Guide to Streaming App Development

Streaming App Development

VoD, or video on demand, has revolutionized the entertainment industry to the point that we can’t imagine going a day without viewing an episode of one of our favorite series on a video streaming app. It has offered new kinds of content that give us a taste of many cultures, ideas, circumstances, and eras.

Because of this, it not only succeeded in establishing a presence in 190 countries, earning 148M paid customers, and generating 26.6% of all video streaming traffic, but it also attracted a lot of interest from entrepreneurs who were considering entering this market.

To understand what it takes to produce a video streaming app and how much it costs, business enthusiasts, mobile app developers, and OTT app development businesses are examining its business models and technological components. In this post, we will go into great depth about it, beginning with presenting a clear image of the video streaming (SVoD) business.

The market for on-demand video streaming apps has developed at a rate never previously witnessed. It was valued at USD 376.06 billion in 2020 and is anticipated to grow at a CAGR of 12.1% to reach USD 932.39 billion by 2028.

Why People Are Inclined Towards Streaming Apps 

Without question, on-demand video streaming provides customers with a wealth of options and advantages over conventional TVs. Let’s quickly review the benefits of internet video streaming services now:

1. Greater comfort

Video streaming apps and similar services do not require any contractual commitments, in contrast to traditional TV operators. They allow customers to stream their preferred shows and movies regardless of where they are geographically while also giving them the ability to cancel their streaming subscriptions at any moment. You only need to enter your streaming service account to enjoy great levels of ease.

2. Continuity of Connectivity

Users only need a device, such as a TV, mobile phone, or PC, and a high-speed broadband connection to view streaming material on Video streaming apps and other applications. Currently, many gadgets, like iPads, tablets, and TVs, come with the video streaming app already loaded. Additionally, the software often updates its algorithm to function well even with limited network speed.

3. More Options

The ability to access thousands of movies and other forms of entertainment content from a single location is the main advantage of using video streaming apps and other VoD service providers over traditional TVs. Users may easily search for, access, and view TV series, movies, and other media from any decade.

4. Accessibility Across Various Devices

A characteristic of video streaming apps that enables customers to watch their favorite shows remotely on any device is the ability to log in with multiple devices. With a single login, you can access the same video and view it whenever it suits you on TVs, computers, iPads, and smartphones. 

5. Lower Price

Last, but not least, it is affordable to watch TV series, movies, and other material on demand on platforms for video streaming apps and other VoD services. 

Due to these advantages, not just video streaming apps but several other applications have seen significant growth in the entertainment industry.

Features to Introduce in Your Video Streaming Apps 

Due to its content algorithm, which repurposes content depending on user preferences, the video streaming service has had tremendous popularity. Additionally, the software emphasizes the significance of usability. So let’s first grasp what features you must have in your video streaming app before moving on to how to create a streaming service like one.

1. User Login and Profile Administration

User registration and profile management are key components when developing entertainment apps like video streaming apps.

Keeping the number of data required in the form as low as possible is insufficient for simple registration and profile maintenance. The capability of social media integration or SSO verification should be added since it increases the retention rate of app users.

2. Search 

A platform that offers hundreds of videos must take the search and filter features into account.

Users will be able to utilize this function to search for their preferred TV series and movies based on several parameters, including genre, language, and country of production.

3. Payment Gateway 

Looking ahead to payment gateway integration is a beneficial strategy since data security and privacy are gaining enormous momentum in the industry. It lowers the bounce rate on the app or website when consumers have the option to pay using many quick payment methods.

Read More: Effective Steps You Should Take to Enhance Mobile App Security

4. Watchlist

When deciding to create a video streaming application, a watchlist is another important feature to take into account. 

It is the area where people put the shows they want to view later. By reducing their need to repeatedly seek the same TV episode or series, it increases the retention rate of app users.

5. Social Attributes

Users today are passionate about sharing anything and everything on social networking sites. This time, it is beneficial to include a social component in your video streaming program. 

Including social media capabilities might aid in marketing freshly released or hot video material. Therefore, anticipate it.

6. Screen-Casting or Mirroring of the Screen

The ability to see the video on your app on other displays, such as a TV or laptop, with the aid of a Wi-fi connection, must be provided through a screen casting function. This functionality may be used in two different ways. Let’s understand both of them.

Google Cast SDK – The SDK is now a crucial component of the solution for how to make an Android streaming app that is created and built to support the Chromecast function.

The API functions enable developers to enhance their iOS, Android, or even Chrome apps to stream audio and video material onto a TV screen, enabling your app to operate as a remote control to control playback functionality like play, pause, seek, rewind, etc.

AirPlay – The second technique makes use of the AirPlay Protocol Stack to enable the screen mirroring feature. It enables the streaming of video, audio, displays from devices, photographs with Apple TV, and the iOS apps that are connected. 

For the time being, Apple Inc. has granted licenses to businesses that create items compatible with Apple devices and produce video streaming apps.

7. Support for Several Languages

Another essential component of streaming applications is app localization, or translating your material into a language other than English.

With the help of this functionality, your mobile streaming app may expand its customer base and grow its revenue outside of the region where it is now available.

The aforementioned video streaming app features contributed to the app’s popularity on a global scale. No one can dispute it. Users choose Video streaming apps above other top Video streaming apps due to the app’s user experience, nonetheless.

Client Retention Features for Streaming App Development

Therefore, before beginning to construct a video streaming app, it is wise to keep an eye on the design principles.

Read More: Top 15 Customer Retention Strategies You Need in 2023

1. Convenient Design (User-friendly Approach)

The VoD application is made to make it simple for users to start viewing any new show or pick up where they left off with an existing episode. The mobile app for the video streaming service is packed with features like “add to my list,” “auto play to next episode,” “skip the intro,” and many more that increase user convenience.

2. Support for Multiple Screens

Users of video streaming apps with multi-screen functionality can stream content to many displays or user profiles at once. The same material may play on two distinct displays while using a mobile app, web app, or TV to view your favorite shows.

3. Personalized Service

A list of TV series and movies relevant to the kind of material the user is watching or the genre it falls under is displayed on the user’s screen by a video streaming app using machine learning and other AI technologies. It provides users a cause to feel valued and encourages them to stay on the program longer.

4. The Search Bar

Users are sent to a new screen with a virtual keyboard on the right side when they tap the search button on the app’s main screen. The program starts to feed ideas as soon as users start typing something, which instantly makes it easier for them to find the material they want to view.

Monetization Strategy for Streaming Apps

Let\’s first have a look at how to make money, or more specifically, the Video streaming app business revenue model, before moving on to the main topic of this post, which is the discussion of the cost to construct an app similar to a video streaming service.

The mobile video streaming app’s business and revenue model

The subscription model is the solution to the question of how video streaming apps make money. Depending on factors like the video quality and the number of screens utilizing an account at once, the video streaming software program provides customers with a variety of subscription rates.

Streaming apps provide free memberships for the first month regardless of the revenue strategy they use to attract more users.

However, depending on where you are, different offers and price structures apply.


How to Create a Video streaming app?

You need development to make your video streaming app, but you also need to think about a lot of important factors and follow several processes through the process. Below are a few of the steps:

Developing a video streaming application 

1. Discover Your Niche

Finding the kind of material you want to stream on your video streaming app should be your priority. You can investigate different content categories and provide them to your audience. Here, we\’ve done a study on the various content genres and divided them into categories. 

Some of them are as follows:

  • Entertainment

The most popular kind of material is entertainment, which includes a variety of genres including humor, thriller, action, etc. Because they appeal to a wider audience and people want to watch new things, entertainment material is very profitable.

  • Fitness

Fitness is a potential industry to research and build a live-streaming app for. People enjoy designing routines that fit into their daily schedules and keeping active, so they don’t give membership fees to on-demand fitness video streaming services much thought. Try integrating different exercise aspects like Zumba, yoga, diet conditioning, etc. to increase app conversions.

  • Education

People are more inclined to watch “how to” videos than read lengthy articles in light of the present trend. For people of all ages eager to learn something new, you may create an educational live-streaming app. Long-term gains from developing a streaming app for the educational market will be significant.

2. Select the Availability of your Material.

Your VoD app’s content should be your main focus because it serves as its foundation. Answer the following questions for yourself:

  • Would you utilize videos from other methods of distribution?
  • Would you create an app for live streaming?

If we had a suggestion, it would be to create partnerships and contracts with media companies for different types of content. You have the option of creating your own content media company or contacting other media houses to meet your demands for education and fitness.

3. Select the Monetization Strategy

The main goal of creating a live-streaming app is to make money. So pick your monetization strategy carefully. For guidance, have a look at the monetization schemes listed below.

  • Pay Per-View

Customers pay for each video they watch on the most well-known and tested price screen. You can choose this option if your ultimate objective is to get involved in broadcast live streaming, trade exhibitions, sporting events, and more.

  • Advertising 

The advertising business strategy is straightforward: you charge other businesses to display their ads on your platform. It’s comparable to giving media buyers space on your app to display advertisements. If you have a sizable following, this monetization technique yields favorable returns.

  • Subscription

As you may recall, the majority of entertainment-focused video streaming service providers use subscription-based business models. A monthly subscription is paid by subscribers in exchange for unrestricted access to a library of material. If your video streaming app often adds new material, you may utilize this strategy.

Read More: 5 Strategies to Increase your App User Retention to Achieve Your Business Goals

4. Recognize your Requirements

It’s time to go into the first stage of development now that you’ve finished the bulk of your planning. You must comprehend the needs of your video streaming application. You can take into account the following comparable aspects of your app:

  • Internet Speed

The ability of the app to stream on-demand video is impacted by internet speed. To stream standard-definition movies, your internet connection must have a minimum speed of more than 2MB per second.

You must be aware of the minimum internet speed needed for your app to broadcast high-quality content.

  • Architecture for Cloud Computing and Hosting

Since cloud hosting and computer architecture are adaptable and provide quick access to video material, we advise adopting them. Many processes, including search engines, AB testing, caching architecture, and more, may be performed using cloud computing.

  • Security

No user wants an unauthorized individual to access their data, thus security is a top issue. Security of content and information must be taken into account for all client devices. For the finest security precautions, we advise utilizing operations like network background, token security, domain limitation, and watermarking.

  • Payment Portal

You must choose which payment gateway to integrate to make payments that are simple, secure, and traceable. You may select from several well-known payment options, including Stripe, 2CheckOut, PayPal, and more.

  • Logs of Subscriptions

Monitoring and controlling your app’s subscription records is highly advised. The number of users of your video streaming software will grow with time, making it challenging to manually maintain each user’s data. Determining the video quality, viewing streaming data information, and the number of screens you are logged in will be made easier with the integration of the subscription logs function.

5. UI UX Design 

The UI UX design is what causes users to choose a video streaming service above others. The video streaming app’s UI/UX designers have created a novel method of content marketing. Users may decide whether or not to invest their time in a series or movie by watching brief excerpts in the preview area of the main page.

The UI UX, on the other hand, focuses on how to improve the user experience for regular users. To provide a value proposition, you must finish the arrangement of the various components and see the app as optimal, showcasing your USP and UI.

6. Develop an MVP

Your stage of growth is the final phase. The functional needs, such as deadlines, design, accessibility, user experience, etc., must continue to be your major concern. Pay close attention to the suggested platform’s design and make sure that the entire navigation cycle is fluid, bug-free, and user-friendly.

By using an MVP model, you can make sure that your streaming application has the bare minimum of functionality and settings.

7. Collect Feedback

Once your MVP has been produced, you must validate it using a variety of techniques. You must get opinions from a group of people who are essentially early adopters. Be sure you comprehend the app’s most necessary features as well as its pain areas. Real-time testing of your MVP can assist you comprehend users’ responses and determine the scope of improvement.


Features App Development Hours  
User Authorization 33
User Profile 35
Search 25
Notifications 25
Reviews and ratings 44
User Interface 100
Streaming channel management 80
Admin side 90
Framework integration mobile 45
Database 20
Total App Hours: 572

Now that you know how to make a video streaming app, let’s talk about how much it will cost to make a similar service for yourself.

Cost of Developing a Streaming App

As we noted in our mobile app development cost guide, there is no set cost for developing a program that functions similarly to a video streaming app. The price to construct a mobile streaming app is affected by several factors, including 

1. Platform

As you switch from one platform, such as Android or iOS, or both, the cost of video streaming apps would increase in descending order. They would also be more expensive if you included the web.

2. Features and Technology Stack

The price of developing a video streaming app varies depending on the features that you include in your app.

User registration functionality, a payment gateway, components for a video gallery, social network integration, a video player, a search tool, and a settings profile are all straightforward.

The medium edition includes enhanced Video player integration, app translation, and subtitles capability.

User profiles, the ability to look up friends, push alerts, chat, reviews, and comments are some additional elements that make the system complex.

3. The Location of the App Developers that were employed

East and West have different average hourly rates for developing video streaming apps. While the average hourly wages in Western countries like the US or Australia ranges from $80 to $200, it is often between $25 and $80 in Eastern countries like India.

Therefore, the proper technique to determine the precise cost to construct a video streaming app is to speak with an on-demand app developer and ask them.

The next portion of the article provides an overview of the various frontend and backend technologies that support on-demand video streaming apps.

Tech Stack for Creating Video Streaming 

Before beginning development, it is essential to comprehend the technological stack required for creating video streaming apps like Video streaming app. 

Technologies that will improve the success of your video streaming application 

5G Technology

To alter the audio and video streaming quality based on the viewer’s internet connection speed and current network circumstances, video streaming apps now use adaptive bitrate streaming technology. However, you must guarantee quicker and better outcomes if you want to surpass Disney+ and other leading video streaming apps. 


Blockchain is a different technology that may be used to get better results.You may get several advantages by integrating the capabilities of Blockchain into a business strategy similar to a video streaming service, including: 

Users can be allowed to make payments using bitcoins or any other cryptocurrency. This will expedite the payment procedure and get rid of the fees that third-party middlemen demand.

Users can choose whether or not to view some advertising while watching a film. In exchange for their cooperation, you may offer those gifts or concessions on the subscription price. By doing so, you may entice customers to stay on your video streaming platform and increase your revenue through ad monetization.

Additionally, you may allow users to create their video content and share it with other viewers inside your blockchain ecosystem while still granting production credit to software that functions similarly to a video streaming app.

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence is a great tool for video streaming app optimization and has a wide range of applications. AI integration will help you manage bandwidth use while keeping a consistent level of streaming quality by helping you calculate the bitrate. Additionally, AI may assist you in several areas like content augmentation, content moderation, discovery, and video indexing.

Delivering content that is relevant to your client’s interests is possible with AI-enabled video streaming apps. 

Making the most accurate projections for upcoming engagements is as easy as analyzing, learning, and drawing conclusions.


Machine Learning

Another technology that is helping the video streaming market grow is machine learning, which is a branch of artificial intelligence. It offers several features that improve the user experience. With ML in use, worries about safety and security have significantly decreased, and it is now simple to stream new material.

Machine learning adds new capabilities including object identification, indexing, copyright infringement prevention, filtering, and automation. 

All of this data serves as the starting point for machine learning to evaluate and study behavioral patterns in individuals. If you are considering developing a video streaming service, you should be on the lookout for machine learning as it is not new to VoD streaming apps.

Final Words

Making a streaming app may be an excellent method to provide people access to their preferred material while they are on the road. But because it’s a complicated procedure, meticulous preparation, and execution are needed.

The user experience must always be your top priority when creating streaming applications. This entails not just offering high-quality information but also making it simple for users to browse the app and locate what they’re searching for. 

The security of your app and the data it gathers is a crucial additional element. Strong security measures must be put into place due to the increase in cyber threats and data breaches in order to safeguard user data and stop unauthorized access.

In general, creating a streaming app may be gratifying and give consumers a fun and quick method to view their favorite material. You may develop a successful streaming app that satisfies user demands and stands out in a crowded market.

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